At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

590 People are panicking, shocking all mankind! 【Subscription】

When the blue star's mutation was gradually discovered by the public, and after each overseas laboratory announced the same discovery, the human beings all over the world suddenly burst into an uproar.

"Fuck, if you don't tell me, I haven't found out yet. My chickens, ducks, and piglets have become more than half their normal size. I thought I raised them well! 99

"My God, it seems true that you are saying this, I didn't pay attention to it before, but now I see that the plants around our house have grown a lot bigger.

"It's more than just plants, the changes in animals are even more obvious. Don't you know that a large group of mosquitoes the size of chopsticks appeared in my house last night, scaring me to death!"

"Fuck, I thought it was just an isolated phenomenon, how could this be? What the hell is going on?"

"There must be a change in Blue Star that we don't know about. Even scientists from those overseas laboratories have come out to announce it. This is absolutely true!"

"What about the official? Why didn't the official come out to explain? Are they going to continue to hide?"

People all over the world began to realize it later, and they were extremely shocked and full of doubts, not knowing what was going on.

After being reminded by the news on the Internet, as well as the official announcement of some overseas laboratory scientists, people who had not yet noticed those changes began to observe the things around them, and soon they found that it was indeed as stated on the Internet , The things around them, whether it's animals or plants, have changed a lot, but they didn't care about it before, so they didn't find it.

In this way, the news that Blue Star has undergone abnormal changes is directly confirmed.

People all over the world already know about this, and it is impossible for countries to hide it any longer.

However, this time, the responses of all countries in the world have been very tacit and consistent, and various officials have not come forward to explain, as if they were left to their own devices.

In the next month, people all over the world paid great attention to this matter.

Because no one knows whether this change in Blue Star is good or bad, nor what kind of impact it will have on them in the future.

From a normal point of view, animals and plants grow relatively large, which should be a good thing for human beings, and it will not have any bad impact on human daily life.

But this kind of change is unknown and continuous, no one knows when the mutation will stop, nor how much the animals and plants can grow.

Now it seems that there are only benefits and no bad effects, but if the mutation continues, and huge animals appear in the future, will those animals still hurt people? What will the people of the world do?

These are not alarmists, but issues that people around the world have to consider.

And in the past month, under the continuous attention of the people around the world, they found that on a global scale, all kinds of flowers, plants, trees, as well as flying insects, birds and beasts, without exception, have undergone considerable changes. In comparison, their volume has increased a lot. Generally, they have doubled in size, and many have increased their volume by two or three times, which is terrifying!

However, ordinary people simply do not know that the most important thing is that the size of Blue Star's planet has more than doubled in the past month and a half.

In the face of such abnormal changes, human beings all over the world are a little overwhelmed.

They wanted to wait for an official explanation, but couldn't.

During this period, reporters from major newspapers and TV stations around the world began to broadcast various broadcasts in the wild and in major zoos like sharks smelling blood.

Almost every day, the content on the TV channel is a report of various news about the Blue Star mutation.

"Hello, viewers, what you see now are the animals in our Qinzhou Zoo. You can see that their size has increased significantly, which is incredible!"

"Friends, have you seen it? What is this? This is an ant, God, it's the size of a thumb. Will I die if I bite it?"

"All kinds of viewers and friends, this is Baijiang TV. You read it right. This is a park outside the suburbs. Do you think it's incredible when you look at the lawn here?"

Reports like this are one after another. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for any country to hide it any longer.

Therefore, due to the change of the situation and the full spread of the news of the mutation, well-known scientists from various countries have begun to explain it.

Some scientists choose to explain from the front, some scientists justify and try to guide the public, and some scientists are half-concealed and dare not tell the truth.

In short, the responses and explanations of scientists from different countries are different.

Such a move would have a greater impact.

The people who were just a little worried saw that the rhetoric of each scientist was different, and there was no official reply from the official. For a time, people everywhere began to become anxious.

"Damn it, every scientist's explanation is different. Who do I believe?"

"Nima, some people say that Blue Star's mutation is normal, some people say it's unknown, what exactly is true?"

"I think those scientists are just fooling us. I'm suddenly a little scared. Think about it, if those animals grow to the point where they can threaten us, what should we humans do? 95

"I'm rubbing it, don't scare me, it makes me panic!

"This is not alarmist. You didn't see that a chicken is now half a meter tall. If it grows longer, it will not be me eating chickens, but chickens eating me!"

"Come on, I'm not afraid if you don't tell me, I can't stand it if you tell me, what should I do?"

All over the world, human beings became panic, and all kinds of worries began to appear.

And at this time, due to the lack of an official official explanation, all kinds of rumors began to spread. Some people said that this was a change brought about by the miracle of Kyushu, some said that it was caused by abnormal radiation, and some people said that it was caused by abnormal radiation. This is the ancient times to be reproduced, so the animals and plants can become so big.

In short, there is nothing to say, all kinds of rumors are simply exaggerated to outrageous!

For a time, people all over the world were panicking!

By this time, no matter who they are, they have gradually understood that a new era is slowly coming with an unstoppable trend.

What they can do is not to change something, but to adapt.

If you can't adapt, the result will be eliminated by the times, which no one wants to see! Beg.

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