At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

603 Immortal corpse, incredible aroma! 【Subscription】

In less than half an hour, the four armed police were ready, and all the equipment was ready.

Seeing this, Professor Yan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Open the coffin!! 35


The four armed policemen began to exert force one after another, and the steel claws and cables on the four corners of the bronze coffin were tightened one after another, making bursts of sore sounds.

Professor Yan and the others stepped aside, their eyes fixed on the coffin, both nervous and expectant.

The four armed police officers and soldiers slowly pulled up the bronze coffin lid together, then slowly moved the coffin lid aside, and then slowly lowered it.

This process took about five minutes to complete.

When the bronze coffin was completely opened, Professor Yan and the others flashed excitement on their faces, and there was no abnormality in the tomb. Therefore, Professor Yan immediately came to the side of the bronze coffin.

"Quick, the searchlight is on, the light is sufficient, and bring me a cushion!

Professor Yan couldn't care less, while giving instructions, he wanted to be the first to check the contents of the coffin with excitement.

He is an archaeologist, and he has opened the coffin many times. He has long been aware of this kind of thing, where is there any fear and fear, he just wonders if there will be a bigger discovery in the coffin.

The young assistants next to them were already ready, and the searchlights were directly put on, and the coffin was clearly illuminated. Then they found a wooden cushion more than half a meter high and placed it next to the coffin.

Because the bronze coffin was not only huge, it was almost two meters high, so Professor Yan had to stand on the solid wood cushion to see the inside of the coffin.

With the help of two young assistants, Professor Yan stood on the half-meter-high solid wood cushion, and then cautiously peered into the coffin.

Then a look of disappointment flashed on Professor Yan's face, because there was still a coffin in the coffin, the coffin had not been opened, and the body of the owner of the tomb was immediately loaded, but between the coffin and the coffin, there was no funerary goods. , completely beyond Professor Yan's expectations.

"Professor, how are you~々?"

After waiting for a while, the young assistants below asked curiously.

Professor Yan shook his head and said, "There is no funerary item in the coffin, it seems that we have to continue to open the coffin!

"No funeral items?"

Those young assistants seemed very puzzled. This was a scene they had never seen before. Normally, the larger the tomb, the more honorable the owner of the tomb, and the more funerary objects in the coffin. It has always been a practice that there has never been a coffin without a funeral, so they are so puzzled.

"Perhaps in the power of the coffin, open it and see, and continue to open the coffin! 35

Professor Yan first put down the solid wood cushion, and then ordered the four armed police to continue to open the coffin.

The four armed police were naturally ordered to act, and soon, according to the previous model, they directly opened the coffin cover inside the coffin!

After opening the lid of the coffin, Professor Yan did not approach immediately, but took two steps back.

Generally speaking, the corpses in the coffin are basically in a state of decay. After the coffin is opened, there will be a foul smell coming out, so Professor Yan did not approach immediately, just wanted to wait for the foul smell to dissipate first.

However, the expected fishy smell not only did not dissipate, but a faint aroma appeared.

"What kind of smell is this? Could it be poisonous gas? Hurry up, everyone, cover your nose and step back!! 39

The moment Professor Yan smelled the aroma, his face changed greatly, thinking it was poisonous gas, and immediately asked everyone to cover their noses and back away.

The expressions of everyone present also changed slightly. Wherever they dared to continue to approach, they covered their breaths and stepped back for a long distance.

However, the fragrance not only did not dissipate, but instead became more and more intense, and Professor Yan and the others did not feel the slightest discomfort in their bodies, and their minds were also extremely clear.

"Isn't it poisonous?

Professor Yan was a little puzzled, but slowly put down the hand covering his nose.

Others naturally followed suit. After all, if it was really poisonous, it would be useless for them to cover their noses, because the aroma had already permeated the entire main tomb, and they didn’t feel any discomfort, so they simply let it go. hand.

"The aroma is emanating from the coffin, quickly, help me up to see!!"

Professor Yan seemed to have thought of something, and instantly became extremely excited, and actually trotted close to the coffin.

The two young assistants hurriedly helped Professor Yan to stand on the solid wood cushion, and after Professor Yan stood firm, he couldn't wait to probe into the coffin.


Professor Yan sucked in a breath of cold air instantly, his face suddenly paled for a moment, and then his face became full of ecstasy.

"Really, it's true, haha, this time our harvest is incredible, haha!! 35

Professor Yan's eyes lit up, staring at the things inside the coffin, holding the edge of the bronze coffin with both hands, and laughing excitedly.

The young assistants below, including the four armed police officers, were very curious as to what could make Professor Yan so complacent.

Professor Jingjing, what's in the coffin?"

"Have you found an extremely precious funerary item? 35

"Professor, hurry up, we are so anxious!

"That's right, what's in there, professor?"

After everyone saw Professor Yan's reaction, they couldn't help but ask questions.

Professor Yan laughed for a while before answering excitedly: "It's a corpse, but it's a complete corpse that hasn't decayed, it's lifelike, it's lifelike!! 35

At this time, in Professor Yan's sight, there was a "person" lying in the coffin.

That's right, a person, not a corpse.

Because the corpse was a male, and he was not wearing a coffin, but a luxurious daily robe, lying in the coffin with his eyes closed.

The most important thing is that the male corpse did not show any signs of decay after the coffin was opened, but continued to emit aroma (Li Nuohao), and the whole person looked lifelike, as if he had just fallen asleep.

It is precisely because of this that Professor Yan was almost frightened at the first sight of this corpse, but he quickly reacted.

When the young assistants below heard that the coffin contained an immortal corpse, their eyes lit up with excitement.

"What? Is it true? Professor!"

"Fuck, don't rot the body? Is it true or false?

"Does such a magical thing really exist? Professor, you read it right?"

"No wonder it is not the smell of corpse, but the aroma! 99

"Posted, haha, this discovery will definitely shock the whole world, we can show our faces, haha!!

Professor Yan's more than ten young assistants were all too excited, because the archaeological results this time were so important, it was hard for them not to be excited! Village.

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