At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

608 A major discovery, the secret in the jade slip! 【Subscription】

"How about it?"

"what's the situation?"

"Did it work? Can you see it?

"Edissey, hurry up and say it!!

Seeing Edith's reaction like this, Kate and the others suddenly started to ask questions like a cat's claws.

Edith took a deep breath, suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and then replied excitedly: "It's really possible, I really read the content, haha!! 95

Edison didn't expect that, by mistake, he really found the correct way to read.

"I just bought it, it turns out that this is the correct research direction!

"Haha, Eddie, it's really yours!"

"It seems that we are about to crack the secret of cultivation in Kyushu, haha!! 99

"Quick, Eddie, let's see what's in there!!

Kate and others were also excited to hear the good news, and urged Edith to continue watching.

Aidixi nodded and re-immersed his consciousness into the jade slip.

Soon, when the spiritual power entered the jade slip again, Aidisi saw a practice method written in the ancient Kyushu script floating on the jade slip.

Every word of this immortal cultivation technique is extremely clear, but Aidixi was instantly stunned because he couldn't understand it.

"Ancient Kyushu? All of them are ancient Kyushu? What's going on here?"

Edith cried out in frustration!

But the fact was in front of him, and Edison had absolutely no choice, so he could only withdraw from the jade slip with a depressed face.

"How about it?"

Kate and the others asked in unison with anticipation.

However, seeing the depressed look on Addisi's face, they couldn't help but feel a sudden shock in their hearts.

Edith took a deep breath, suppressed the depression in his heart, and then replied: "I see, it proves that our thinking is right, the jade slips of the Kyushu people can indeed be read using mental power, but... ..but the contents of the jade slip are all written in ancient Kyushu script, I can't understand any of them!~々!'35

"What? Kyushu ancient script?

For a time, Kate and the others all looked at each other in dismay!

They didn't expect that the idea was right, and the content was seen, but the content in the jade slip was written in ancient Kyushu script. Isn't this a nuisance?

They are not experts in ancient script, how can they understand the ancient script of Kyushu, except for scholars who specialize in the ancient script of Kyushu, basically very few people can understand the ancient script of Kyushu.

But among this group of scientists, there is no such scholar.

After a while, Kate took a breath and said: "Don't worry, it's a good thing to be able to see the content, so, Edison, you first copy the content in the jade slip, and we'll look at the other jade slips. content."

"Good! 99

Edith and the other scientists nodded.

This is indeed the best way to deal with it at the moment. It's okay if you can't understand it now. They can find someone to translate it. The most important thing now is to copy the contents of each jade slip first.

Soon, Kate and others checked all the dozens of jade slips, and then copied the contents as authentic as possible.

However, seeing the dozens of copies of the mysterious exercises, Kate and the others were all confused, not knowing what to do.

Because the contents of the dozens of jade slips were all written in the ancient script of Kyushu, they were like reading a book from heaven, their eyes were black, and they couldn't understand it.

Moreover, Kate and the others have only now realized that even if these mysterious exercises are translated by them, they are unique products of Kyushu.

Who would have thought that after studying for a long time, such a result has been obtained.

Kate and other dozens of scientists were so depressed they almost wanted to vomit blood after they figured out the key!

Not only the Great Eagle Empire, but other Western countries are also facing the same problem.

They tried their best to read the contents of the jade slips, but they were all written in the ancient script of Kyushu.

As a result, those unconvinced scientists had no choice but to give up.

Kyushu, Yanjing, the first laboratory.

In Yanjing, the laboratories here are not like foreign countries, they are all named after numbers, and the place that can be called the first laboratory, its status and importance can be imagined.

Just when Western countries want to study jade slips and find a way to step into the realm of supernatural power, Kyushu will naturally not lag behind, and has already started research even earlier.

Not only the senior officials of Kyushu, but also various scientists attach great importance to the large number of jade slips left by their ancestors, and it can even be said that they are very curious.

Because this is not only an extremely valuable property, but also an important thing that can make Kyushu go further.

So they all wanted to know what was in the jade slip.

Compared with Westerners who don't know anything, all Kyushu people know that jade slips must be used by cultivators to store the secrets of cultivation techniques. This is the most basic common sense.

It is precisely because of this understanding that the research direction of Kyushu has always been on the most correct path.

Compared with laboratories in Western countries, scientists in Yanjing No. 1 laboratory have obtained research results earlier.

The Kyushu official attaches great importance to the jade slips unearthed, and directly summoned the top scientists in Kyushu to conduct a summary study.

Soon, after a series of studies, they achieved surprising results.

Haha, there are results, there are results!!""

Qi Guohua used his consciousness to enter the jade slip, and when he saw the ancient writings of Kyushu floating in it, he immediately opened his eyes and laughed.

"Really? Lao Qi, show me quickly!

"Haha, it seems that these (Li Nuohao) jade slips really have extremely important things!

"Old Qi, what's the result, tell me now!"

"Elder Qi, don't sell your shit, let's talk about it!"

Seeing this, the surrounding scientists immediately gathered around excitedly and asked questions one after another.

Qi Guohua quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and said with a smile: "It's very simple, these jade slips can indeed be checked with mental power, you will find out when you try them later!

"In addition, the jade slip in my hand stores a practice method called Body Forging Gong. The whole chapter is written in small seal script. Fortunately, I can understand it.

Not only Qi Guohua, but many of the scientists present had actually studied the ancient script of Kyushu, or had dabbled in one or two, and the simpler ancient script of Kyushu was still a village that could be understood.

Therefore, Qi Guohua and others are not troubled by Kate and others at all, and it is a great surprise to be able to discover the harvest from the jade slip.

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