At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

614 Make every effort to completely solve the problem of combat power! 【Subscription】

Ji Han's second plan directly scared Ying Zheng and others.

"Hey... Time Treasure Project?? It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this...

"My God, why didn't I think of it?"

"No wonder you want to choose a magic weapon of time, God, what kind of power will a magic weapon of time that has been stored for hundreds of millions of years? I can't imagine it!!

"Haha, that's true, as expected of Mr., the idea is brilliant!!"

The four Ying Zheng were stunned and stunned. Only now did they finally understand Ji Han's plan for the Time Treasure Treasure, and also understand why Ji Han said that the Time Magic Treasure was the most suitable choice.

Because only the magic weapon of time will not become rotten due to the passage of time, but will become more and more terrifying.

While Chongzhen was shocked, his face was full of joy, because he had already guessed what Ji Han was thinking, which made him very excited.

After Ying Zheng and others understood Ji Han's specific thoughts, they all became very excited and could not wait to implement the Time Treasure Plan immediately.

It is hard for them to imagine how terrifying the power of time magic treasures that have been stored for hundreds of millions of years!

Although it is difficult to imagine, they at least understand that once they have such a magic weapon, the combat power will not be increased by several times, even a dozen times or 610 is impossible, because the time magic weapon is special, and among the magic weapons of the same rank The power is also the greatest, not to mention the time magic treasure that has been stored for hundreds of millions of years!

Such an improvement is absolutely huge for Ying Zheng and others!

At that time, not to mention that the high-level combat power is weak, they will directly become the strongest below the Great Luo Jinxian, and it is impossible to compete with them until the Great Luo Jinxian.

Thinking of this, the four of Ying Zheng couldn't be more excited.

"Sir is right, this time magic weapon is definitely the most suitable choice, haha, it makes people excited to think about it, the time magic weapon of billions of years!!"

Li Shimin was so excited that he almost danced, and at this time there was no sign of an emperor at all.

However, Ji Han corrected: "No, after hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, it is no longer a magic weapon, but should be called the treasure of time, which is also the origin of the name of this plan! 99

"Even, there may be a few of them that will be promoted to the top acquired merit and virtue treasures, if they do, then our harvest will be huge!


The four Ying Zheng suddenly stood up excitedly.

Although they did not understand the concept of a top-notch meritorious treasure, but Ji Han said so, they naturally believed it.

"Sir, what should we do? Please show me, sir, that our four immortal dynasties will make every effort to implement these two plans for you!!""

Ying Zheng had a solemn expression on his face and handed over to Ji Han for instructions.

The same is true for the three of Cao Cao!

They all understand that this plan is even more important than the Heaven and Earth Spirit Medicine Plan, and is the key to their ability to defend against powerful enemies in the future.

Once they all have the treasure of time, or even the treasure of top merit, then they no longer need to develop carefully.

What's more, the plan this time is to create a large number of time magic weapons, not a small amount, so the remaining time magic weapons can be used to arm Lu Bu and others. Encountering Da Luo Jinxian can also contend with one or two.

Therefore, they all urgently asked Ji Han to quickly implement this time treasure plan, and at the same time made a guarantee that the four immortal dynasties would make every effort to implement the two plans proposed by Ji Han.

They know that this time treasure plan can bring them endless benefits, but at the same time, they also know clearly that it is not so easy to implement this plan, and it can't be done just by talking, and there are many things involved.

For example, the material for forging the magic weapon of time, how to forge, etc., these are all problems that need to be solved.

Therefore, the four talents of Ying Zheng will make a promise to Ji Han that no matter how difficult it is, they will try their best to do it.

When Ji Han saw Ying Zheng's four people react like this, he couldn't help but laugh with satisfaction, then squeezed his hands, motioned Ying Zheng four people to sit down, and said at the same time:

"Sit down first, don't worry, since it has been proposed, it must be implemented. This is to solve the problem of the weak combat power of your four immortal dynasties, so you don't need to worry.

"It's just that this second plan has some issues to fix!!"

"Sir, do you mean the material for forging the magic weapon of time?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded, "This is one of the problems. We need to forge a lot of time magic weapons, so we need a lot of materials to forge them. If this problem cannot be solved, the second time treasure plan can be implemented. Can't go down! 99

After all, to forge magic weapons, you need to use materials. This is the most basic thing. Without materials, there is no way to proceed. Ying Zheng and the others also know this.

So Cao Cao immediately asked: "Sir, how do we obtain the materials for forging the magic weapon of time? Or should we collect them in the Tianyu Realm?"

"For now, that's the only way to do it, and now only the Heavenly Feather Realm can meet our needs, so while you are fighting the Heavenly Feather Realm, you should also let the soldiers in Tiantiancheng collect all kinds of elixir and materials by the way, especially It's time-related materials, you can take as much as you have, you don't need to be polite to the Tianyu clan, you know?" Ji Han asked.

"Yes, I understand!

The four Ying Zheng responded in unison!

They all know what Ji Han means, and for now, only Tianyujie can provide them with materials, and they can't find what they need anywhere else.

At this time, Li Shimin couldn't help but ask: "Sir, what if we can't collect enough materials? What should we do?

This is indeed a problem!

Because the materials for forging time magic weapons are generally more precious, and the quantity may not be many, even if they collect the entire Tianyu Realm, they may not be able to find enough materials!

Ji Han apparently thought about this too, he comforted: "It's okay, don't worry about this first, you send someone to collect it first, in addition, not only to collect materials, but also to collect time-related finished magic weapons, try not to damage them. , which also allows us to forge less!

"Also, if I really don't have enough materials to collect, I'll think of another way!"

Since Ji Han has come up with such a plan, he naturally has to take into account the possible problems that may arise, so if he really can't collect enough materials by then, he must find another way.

And Ji Han's backup option is Honghuang!

It is much easier to collect those materials in the Great Desolation than in the Tianyu Realm!

It's just that it's too early to say this, so Ji Han didn't say it out of the blue, but let Ying Zheng and the others do their best to collect it first!

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