At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

629 Ji Han, Taoist friend, don't deceive me! 【Subscription】


Mount Emei, Luofu Cave.

In Luofu Cave, where Zhao Gongming practiced, a door of light suddenly appeared out of thin air, emitting a bright light.


The bright light rippling like water waves!

Afterwards, Zhao Gongming's figure appeared in the door of light. Without hesitation, he stepped directly over the door of light and returned to his dojo.

As soon as Zhao Gongming's feet landed, he hurriedly glanced around and saw a scene he was familiar with, and he was relieved.

"It's really back, it seems that Ji Han is not deceiving me!!" Zhao Gongming said to himself.

When he returned to his dojo, Zhao Gongming was completely relaxed.

He didn't seem to go out. Everything before was like a dream. If it wasn't for the light door that was slowly dissipating behind him, Zhao Gongming couldn't believe it was true.

It is precisely because he returned to Luofu Cave that Zhao Gongming really let go of his last doubts about Ji Han and completely believed what Ji Han said.

Zhao Gongming believed that it was impossible to deceive him by using Ji Han's magical means to instantly teleport it back from billions of light-years away without warning.

Thinking of 610, Zhao Gongming's calm heart suddenly became anxious again.

"No, we can't delay any longer, we must report to the master immediately and make a decision as soon as possible!!"

Zhao Gongming stood there for a while, with countless thoughts running through his mind, and finally felt that the safety of the interceptor was the most important thing.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming didn't want to delay for a moment. After he made a decision, he immediately turned around and left the secret room, then turned into a long rainbow, and swept away in the direction of Biyou Palace.

East China Sea.

Zizhi Cliff, Biyou Palace.

Soon, Zhao Gongming's figure appeared outside the Biyou Palace, heading straight for the Biyou Palace.

The reason why Zhao Gongming came to Biyou Palace for the first time was because Biyou Palace was his master and the Taoist place of Tongtian Sect Master.

Generally speaking, Tongtian Sect Master will stay in Biyou Palace to cultivate, unless there is an extremely important matter, or he will never go out.

In addition, the important personnel who intercepted the sect, such as several important disciples under the master of Tongtian sect, including Daoist Duobao, Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, Sanxiao and others, would stay in the Biyou Palace.

Therefore, if Zhao Gongming wants to report what he knows to the Tongtian Sect Master at the first time (bbed), and discuss with the important backbone of the interception, he can only come to Biyou Palace.

At this time, getting closer and closer to Biyou Palace, Zhao Gongming's mood became more and more surging.

He thought of the tragic ending of the interception, the tragic end of his fellow disciple, and the great benefits brought by Ji Han's suggestions, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional for a while.

However, Zhao Gongming was a great power at the Daluo Jinxian level, and he instantly suppressed all thoughts in his heart.

Sure enough, after entering the Biyou Palace, Zhao Gongming swept his consciousness and found that the Tongtian Sect Master and Daoist Duobao were all staying in the Biyou Palace and did not go out, and it seemed that the Tongtian Sect Master was waiting with the Daoist Duobao. people talk.

"Exactly, save the poor road to another notice!"

Zhao Gongming couldn't help being overjoyed, his figure didn't stop at all, and he stepped straight into the Biyou Palace.

Just after entering the Biyou Palace, Zhao Gongming's voice resounded throughout the Biyou Palace:

"Master is on top, my disciple has something to report, I beg to see Master, and I urge Master to answer!!

Originally, Zhao Gongming had just appeared in the Biyou Palace, and his voice was not concealed in the slightest, so that the entire Biyou Palace immediately knew of his appearance.

"Oh? Is the elder brother back?"

"Huh? It's Gongming? He asked to see Shizun?

"What's the matter? Why is there such a commotion?"

Hearing Zhao Gongming's loud voice, Daoist Duobao in Biyou Palace reacted differently from Sanxiao and others.

Inside the Biyou Palace, Sanxiao seemed quite surprised, while Daoist Duobao and others were more indifferent.

Zhao Gongming stood still and waited respectfully.

After a while, a slightly thick voice sounded:

"Oh? It's Gongming, come in!

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Gongming bowed and saluted, then got up to take orders, and walked towards the place where the Tongtian sect master was meditating.

Soon, in the large palace in the center of the Biyou Palace, Zhao Gongming met his master, Tongtian Sect Master!

The palace looks large, but the interior is unadorned and extremely simple.

At this time, the sect master of Tongtian was slightly closing his eyes and sitting quietly on a futon.

On both sides of the lower head, there are more than a dozen futons, and the Taoist Duobao and Sanxiao are sitting on both sides.

After Zhao Gongming came in and saw the Tongtian sect master, he immediately fell to the ground and said loudly: "My disciple Zhao Gongming pays respect to the master and respectfully asks the master to be holy!!""

Tongtian Sect Master looked up at Zhao Gongming, and said gently: "Get up, come and talk!"

"Yes, Master!!"

Zhao Gongming obeyed the order respectfully, then walked to the right side of Sanxiao and sat down with his legs crossed.

At this time, Daoist Duobao said to Zhao Gongming: "Junior Brother, I haven't seen you for a while, how about coming in?

Daoist Duobao is the eldest disciple of the sect of Tongtian Sect Master, and he stays in Biyou Palace all year round, accompanied by Tongtian Sect Master.

And although Zhao Gongming is a big disciple of the outer sect, but in terms of title, he has to be called Daoren Duobao as a brother.

Zhao Gongming hurriedly handed over his hands to answer: "Thank you, brother, for your concern, Gongming is all right!! 35

"That's good!"

Daoist Duobao nodded and stopped talking.

Afterwards, Zhao Gongming greeted the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, the Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit respectively.

After waiting for a few people to greet each other, Tongtian Sect Master asked: "Gongming, you are back this time, but you have something to report?

Speaking of business, Zhao Gongming immediately became serious.

He immediately stood up from the futon, walked in front of the Tongtian Sect Master, cupped his hands and pleaded: "Yes, Master, this matter is very important, and please shield the heavenly secrets!!

"Shield the sky?

Duobao and the others were suddenly startled and looked at Zhao Gongming with puzzled expressions on their faces.

They didn't understand what was going on, so Zhao Gongming asked the saint to shield the secret as soon as he came back.

Tongtian sect master was also slightly stunned, but seeing Zhao Gongming's solemn face and sincere expression, he sighed, then waved his sleeves and said, "Okay, according to your wishes, this seat has blocked the secrets of heaven, what's the matter with you? You can say it with confidence! 99

It is also fortunate that this is Zhao Gongming. After all, Zhao Gongming's work has always made Tongtian sect master very at ease, and he is also very stable, so Tongtian sect master did not ask more, and directly followed Zhao Gongming's intention and blocked the secret.

"Thank you Master!

Zhao Gongming immediately bowed to greet him, and then, in the eyes of Tongtian Cult Master and others, who were either expecting or curious, Zhao Gongming said bluntly with a face full of awe:

"Master, and all of you fellow students, Gongming came here this time to tell you that Gongming is preparing to go to heaven and seek the position of a righteous god!!

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