At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

637 Frustration and crisis, this is the one to escape! 【Subscription】

Said to wait together, in fact, Zhao Gongming was full of surprise at this time.

He didn't speak out before, because he respected the Jade Emperor, but he was actually very surprised by the arrival of Sanxiao, which was beyond his expectations.

Originally in Zhao Gongming's vision, it was enough for the Intercept to have him serve in the Heavenly Court alone in the early stage. In this way, he not only followed Ji Han's advice to ensure that he could avoid the catastrophe, but also paved the way for the Intercept in advance. Then you can draw it slowly.

But what Zhao Gongming didn't expect was that Sanxiao had a deep and righteous relationship with him. As Zhao Gongming's sisters, although they were slightly tangled, they quickly made up their minds and followed Zhao Gongming.

Although Zhao Gongming hasn't seen San Xiao and the others, he can already be sure that San Xiao wants to follow in his footsteps in this heaven, which makes Zhao Gongming sigh in his heart.

Soon, under the leadership of the boy, San Xiao came to Lingxiao Palace.

"Yunxiao (Qiongxiao, Bixia) greets His Majesty! 35

After Sanxiao entered the Lingxiao Palace, he first glanced at Zhao Gongming, and then immediately gave a respectful salute to the Jade Emperor.

Although they despised Heavenly Court, it did not mean that they dared to despise the Jade Emperor.

Look 11 can't go to Heaven because San Xiao still doesn't know the future status of Heaven, and the current situation of Heaven is not very good, so they didn't take Heaven in their eyes before.

But the Jade Emperor is still the Lord of the Heavenly Court no matter what, or the junior brother in name of their master, so Sanxiao does not dare to take care of him, nor does he dare to have any negligence, instead he respectfully greets him.

It's just that they don't have the face of Zhao Gongming, and they didn't directly call the Jade Emperor Shishu, but called him Your Majesty.

As a result, the Jade Emperor was even more delighted.

The Jade Emperor smiled all over his face, and supported his hands with empty hands: "Haha, it turns out that the three fairies have arrived, don't need to be more polite, please get up quickly!!"

"Thank you Your Majesty!!

San Xiao got up and turned to look at Zhao Gongming: "Brother!!

Only then did Zhao Gongming ask, "Why did the three younger sisters come to Heavenly Court?

Zhao Gongming wouldn't think that Sanxiao went to heaven to talk to him!

Hearing this question, the Jade Emperor also stroked his long beard and looked at San Xiao with a smile.

As the eldest sister, Yunxiao in Sanxiao took a small step forward, bowed to the Jade Emperor, and said:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, San Xiao is here today, just like his elder brother, he wants to take a position as the mastermind of the Heavenly Court, and please ask Your Majesty's permission!

Yunxiao did not pretend to be a gesture, but directly explained his intention!

The Jade Emperor, who had always been looking forward to it, was instantly overjoyed, and he secretly shouted in his heart that it was indeed the case!

On the other hand, Zhao Gongming had expected it long ago, but instead gave San Xiao a faint glance, but did not stop it.

Because this is not a bad thing, Sanxiao can also avoid the catastrophe by going to the heaven in advance, which is a good thing no matter what.

Overjoyed, the Jade Emperor immediately laughed and said, "Haha, okay, since the three fairies are following your brothers, they must have already thought about it clearly, and since this is the case, then I will seal the three of you as the three fairies who follow the world. , The specific canonization matters, as well as the affairs in charge, will let Tai Jinxing explain to you in person later, are you willing?

For the Jade Emperor, today is definitely a great day for the joy and happiness.

In the past, the Jade Emperor tried every means to pull people, but to no avail.

Today, two great gifts were sent one after another, and the disciples Zhao Gongming and San Xiao both went to heaven to ask for their posts. This is a good thing that the Jade Emperor could never dream of!

In this way, why is there no manpower in Heaven in the future?

Once these two news come out, it will definitely have a huge impact!

Therefore, the Jade Emperor was not stingy, and decided to seal Sanxiao as the Three Immortals of Induction.

After San Xiao finished listening, he immediately bowed down and shouted in unison: "San Xiao would like to take it, thank you, Your Majesty!!"

"Haha, please get up quickly!!"

The four disciples of the Intercepting Cult were accepted at once, and the Jade Emperor was extremely happy!

Zhao Gongming and San Xiao looked at each other, suddenly felt a sense of it, and inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief.

This proves that they made the right choice!

Since then, Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao have completely disappeared from the hidden danger of conferring gods and calamities. They can not only gain part of the authority of the heavens, but also enjoy a large amount of merits and virtues of the heavens. They can even pave the way for the interception in advance. For them, it's definitely a perfect situation.

Zhao Gongming even secretly sighed in his heart that compared with what Ji Han said, they are much better now!

The Jade Emperor was overjoyed, and he seemed to have no air. He talked a lot with Zhao Gongming and San Xiao, and made a lot of promises to them in response to their actions.

After half a day, Zhao Gongming and San Xiao left the heavenly court with the canonical documents!

At the same time, thirty-three days away, inside the Zixiao Palace!

In a small, dilapidated, very simple-looking, and full of Taoist palace, the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, wearing a gray linen robe, with a thin body and a kind and indifferent face, was sitting silently on the futon.

Hongjun's eyes were tightly closed, as if he hadn't opened them for a long time.

Beside Hongjun, there is a fortune-telling Jade Butterfly. At this time, a picture of Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao going to heaven to seek a position appears to be very clear.

After sensing the change of the Jade Butterfly, Hongjun's closed eyes slowly opened!

Taking a casual glance at the image on the Fortune Jade Butterfly, Hong Jun frowned slightly.

For Hongjun, at this time he has joined the road, and anything in the flood can escape 623's monitoring.

Originally, the conferring of the gods should have been pushed forward hundreds of years later, but now Zhao Gongming and San Xiao have already made arrangements in advance. It can be said that it has become another variable, which greatly messed up Hongjun's arrangement.

"who is it?"

"Why did Intercept take such a move all of a sudden?

"Tongtian? No, or the one who escaped?"

Hongjun frowned slightly, looking both depressed and shocked.

He didn't understand why Zhao Gongming and San Xiao suddenly made such a move. He believed that this was definitely not the decision of the Tongtian Sect Master. In this case, it could only be an unknown existence that was deployed in advance.

This time, Hongjun really felt the crisis!

At that moment just now, Hongjun had already deduced it countless times, but to no avail!

Obviously, although Hongjun knew that there was an unknown existence in the layout, he couldn't detect who it was, so he couldn't start a counterattack.

Even he wanted to find the other party, but no matter how he deduced it, he couldn't find it.

"Who is it?

"Hope you can stay invisible!!

After deduction for a long time, the fruitless Hong Jun could only slowly close his eyes, sigh slightly, and the unwilling color flashed across his face.

For the first time, Hongjun felt a sense of frustration!

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