At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

654 Mr. kindness, we will never forget it! 【Subscription】

The so-called treasure of time does not appear between the heavens and the earth innately, but through various coincidences the day after tomorrow, or because of man-made creation.

However, although the Treasure of Time may not sound as good as the Treasure of Innate Time, don't forget that even in the prehistoric times, there is only one Treasure of Innate Time, and that is the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, the treasure of time is also an extremely rare treasure!

The most important thing is that the longer the time treasure exists, the stronger it is!

However, such a rare, so important, and so hard to find treasure of time, there are as many as five pieces here.

Even though Ji Han had expected it, he still couldn't help showing a hint of shock.

And just entering the first floor of the Treasure Pavilion of Time, Ji Han and the others seem to have come to a stagnant space. The time and space here seem to be in a stagnant state. Any creature that enters here will be assimilated, and Just like the state of Ying Zheng's four people at the moment, they seem to have stopped even thinking, the whole person maintains a motionless posture, their hearts are horrified, but their faces are not visible at all, because they can't even turn their eyes.

Obviously, the aura emanating from the dozens of time treasures and the five time treasures here is extremely terrifying. In addition, the time array here has undergone hundreds of millions of years of evolution, and the combination of the two has become such a horror. The realm of time, anyone who enters here will be affected by the realm of time.

It can be said that if only Ying Zheng and a few people came to open the Treasure Pavilion this time, they would be 100% planted here!

For Ji Han, however, it wasn't a big deal!

I saw Ji Han waved his sleeves, and an invisible wave rippling through, the time domain condensed by the time treasure was instantly broken, and the time and space here returned to their normal state.

Until this moment, Ying Zheng and the others, who had been motionless before, suddenly appeared horrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

"This....what's the situation?"

"Hi... If there is no sir, wouldn't we have to explain it here?"

"Sir, why is this? Why does my body and mind seem to have completely stopped?"

"Terror, it's really scary, with our cultivation base, we were attacked without any response, and we couldn't break free at all!!"9

The four Ying Zheng looked at the treasures of time with horror, and they were still a little stunned.

Without Ji Han, they'd probably stay that way forever until their Shouyuan runs out!

Ji Han knew Ying Zheng and the others' horrified mood, so he smiled and reassured: "Don't panic, it's all right, this is just the realm of time condensed from the treasures of time, people with insufficient cultivation will indeed be greatly affected, but I You have already broken this layer, and you will not be recruited again!"

"The realm of time??"

The expressions of Ying Zheng and the others who were still a little horrified suddenly turned their eyes into light, as if they had seen a peerless treasure.

Although they still don't know what the time domain is, but the word is very high-end, and it can make them have no resistance, it must be a very amazing thing.

Therefore, Ying Zheng and the others looked at those treasures of time like hungry wolves, their eyes glowing green.

It's just because of the previous events in the time domain that Ying Zheng and the others became jealous. They didn't know if these treasures of time, which had been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, would explode and hurt people, so they didn't move.

But Ji Han didn't have the slightest scruples, only to see his right hand make a sudden move, five streams of light rushed straight to him with a swoosh, then suddenly stopped, and hovered quietly in front of Ji Han.

Those are five magic weapons of different forms, all of them exude an indescribable splendid light, the breath is restrained and not public, but it is extremely eye-catching, making people want to have them involuntarily.

The five magical treasures are a nine-story pagoda, a jade Ruyi, a three-legged square tripod, a purple-gold red gourd, and a flag embroidered with a golden lotus.

These five magic treasures are the treasures of time that have evolved after being cultivated for hundreds of millions of years!

Ying Zheng and the others didn't know the details of these five treasures of time, but seeing Ji Han's seriousness, and seeing the divine light emanating from the five treasures of time, Ying Zheng and the others couldn't help but breathe quickly. .

Sure enough, the next moment Ji Han introduced: "These five magic weapons have been cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, and their quality is excellent, so they have successfully evolved into treasures of time, which is also unique to this treasure pavilion. Five Time Treasures!

"You... Blessed!!"

After saying that, Ji Han flicked his fingers, and the four treasures of time rushed straight towards the four Ying Zheng, suspended in their expressions before they could react.

Standing in front of Ying Zheng was the three-legged and square ding, in front of Cao Cao was Yu Ruyi, in front of Li Shimin was a nine-story pagoda, and in front of Chongzhen was the golden lotus flag!

When the four treasures of time appeared in front of them, Ying Zheng and the others reacted.

"Sir, this??"

The four Ying Zheng were hesitant.

Ji Han smiled and nodded: "Take it all, it was originally to prepare a treasure for you to take advantage of, but this time I just got five treasures of time, one for each of you!"

As for the remaining purple, gold and red gourd, it goes without saying that Ji Han must handle it himself.

After Ji Han finished speaking, Ying Zheng and the four showed ecstasy.

"Haha, so thank you sir!"

"Sir, I won't be polite to you, sir!"

"Haha, great, I finally have a treasure that I can get my hands on!""

"Thank you sir, sir for your kindness, we will never repay it!!""

The excited Ying Zheng four said grateful words to Ji Han, but their hands were not slow at all, they immediately reached out and grabbed it, and immediately put away the treasure of time in front of them, as if they were afraid of taking a step too slow It will be like being robbed!

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