At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

656 This is absolutely intolerable! 【Subscription】

21st century, Blue Star.

Just when Ji Han and Ying Zheng and others began to implement the three major plans, the changes of Blue Star still did not stop.

Since two months ago, Blue Star has undergone great changes.

At the beginning, the scientists of Blue Star only detected that the size of the Blue Star seemed to have increased a little, and as time went by, this change was slowly expanding, and the size of the Blue Star was also slowly increasing.

This change quickly caught the attention of all scientists on the Blue Star, and countless people were shocked.

Because everyone has always believed that the size of the blue star is constant, since the size of the blue star can be detected, the size of the blue star has never changed until two months ago.

However, no matter how those scientists researched and investigated, they couldn't find the original "six two three" cause of the growth of Blue Star's volume, and there was no way to stop this change.

In addition, as the size of the Blue Star continued to grow, not only did the Blue Star begin to become richer in spiritual energy, but even all kinds of flowers, plants, trees, snakes, insects, birds, beasts, and all other animals began to undergo great changes.

But all the creatures on the blue star, whether it is animals or plants, began to slowly increase in size, just like the changes in the blue star.

Such changes quickly caused panic among human beings around the world. They were afraid, and also worried that those animals that had become huge would riot and hurt people.

After all, after the size of those animals and plants became huge, the threat also began to increase a lot.

It’s just that these fears have not come true. Although the size of animals and plants has increased a lot, it still poses no threat to humans. It is like a dog raised at home. Even if it has grown two or three times, it is still a loyal dog. dog.

In addition, countries around the world have responded quickly to the dramatic changes on a global scale, minimizing the threat posed by those animals and plants.

However, this kind of change has never stopped. With the growth of Blue Star's size, the territorial area of ​​various countries in the world has also expanded a lot, and this trend is still going on.

Half a year has passed, and in this short period of half a year, the size of the entire planet of Blue Star has expanded several times!

In this way, even the people who have been appeased by various countries can see that something is wrong!

The fishing reel that had calmed down became a sensation again. Humans all over the world already knew that Blue Star had ushered in unprecedented changes.

These changes seem to be related to supernatural phenomena and supernatural powers. Therefore, there is a rapid upsurge in the study of supernatural powers in countries around the world.

Among countless countries, Kyushu Huaxia is undoubtedly the one that has gone the furthest and the most successful in the study of supernatural power.

After all, Ji Han had asked the senior officials of Kyushu to start researching it long after the Kunlun Fairy Slaves appeared, and also spread the basic qi training techniques all over the territory of Kyushu a long time ago, basically achieving the goal of national cultivation.

In addition, Ji Han also passed down many secret techniques and exercises, and Kunlun Xiannu participated in it, which made the people of Kyushu quickly embark on the road of cultivation, and many people with good talent also quickly emerged and gained key points. After cultivation, the cultivation base will skyrocket more rapidly.

Therefore, in the research of supernatural power, Kyushu can definitely be regarded as the world leader.

Although most Western countries have already started to study supernatural powers, they may not even be able to cross the threshold, because they don't know what it means to cultivate immortals, they don't understand what the cultivation system is, and there is no one to help them, so they so-called research. No results at all.

The most important thing is that even if Western countries have deciphered the contents of the jade slips, they cannot cultivate at all, and they can't even practice qi and kung fu. How can they be successful?

It is precisely because of this that many countries, after realizing the importance of supernatural power, decided to turn to Kyushu for help, or even curry favor with Kyushu.

Because those high-level Western countries usually look down on Kyushu, but they are not fools. Everyone knows that Blue Star has now ushered in an unprecedented huge change.

In the face of such a change, although no one knows whether it is good or bad, and what impact it will bring, everyone knows that, no matter whether it is good or bad, they must seize this golden opportunity, otherwise, one step behind may lead to It's about to fall behind.

At that time, countries around the world may usher in a major reshuffle. If your own country lags behind other countries by several steps, it will be equivalent to handing over the initiative, and maybe it will be suppressed into what it will look like!

This is absolutely intolerable in every country!

However, on the road of supernatural power research, Kyushu can be determined to be the best in the world, and it is something that all countries cannot catch up with at present.

Therefore, since it is no longer possible to compete with Kyushu for the first position, the second position can never be let go!

Based on these circumstances, Kyushu has instantly become a sweet treat in the eyes of countries around the world. Many countries have begun to ask for help in Kyushu, and even lowered their stature to curry favor with Kyushu, in order to get support and help from Kyushu, so that they can cross the study. The door to supernatural powers!

At the current stage, the status of Kyushu can be said to have skyrocketed on a global scale, reaching a very high position.

In the face of so many countries asking for help, Yanjing did not immediately make up their minds, but held an important meeting.

Almost all the participants in this important meeting were the high-level officials of Kyushu and the leaders of major families, as well as members of the Institute of Supernatural Powers.

Such a major matter, even the high-level officials of Kyushu cannot make the decision, and a decision must be made through the negotiation of the meeting.

This important meeting lasted for more than half a day, and outsiders were not enough to know the content of the meeting, but all the participants knew that the debate on 4.3 was very intense.

Finally, after the negotiation of the meeting, as well as the votes and suggestions of all the participants, after careful consideration by Yanjing, in order to show the background of Kyushu, in order to let all countries in the world understand the current strength of Kyushu, Kyushu decided that it will be held in Kyushu one month later. Yanjing is hosting an Olympic Games ahead of schedule.

Then Kyushu quickly announced the news.

When the whole world learned of the news, countless people were instantly shocked by it.

Many countries simply cannot understand Kyushu's actions, but they have no way to change Kyushu's decision.

Therefore, under such circumstances, all countries around the world have begun to select the top athletes to prepare for the Yanjing Olympic Games!

Immediately, athletes from all over the world began to gather in Kyushu!

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