At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Dongshan City, in a small manor.

After returning from Daqin Xianchao, Ji Han has been with the small manor and never went out again.

This is because he needs to refine medicine pills for the four immortal dynasties. Before the four immortal dynasties have yet to cultivate a truly capable alchemist, Ji Han has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of alchemy.

However, this is not such a troublesome problem for Ji Han, after all, considering his cultivation base, it is not difficult to refine medicine pills in large quantities.

In order to let the four immortal dynasties cultivate real alchemists as soon as possible, and those who can refine high-level medicinal pills, he ordered the four Ying Zheng to select a group of talented people to focus on training. The second is to let them choose all the alchemy methods among the three thousand avenues of secret techniques. At the same time, Ji Han also found them a large number of alchemists' notes and various jade slips that record alchemy experience, in order to allow those alchemists to Grow up as soon as possible.

In addition, they have no shortage of elixir now, which can completely allow those alchemists who practice the way of alchemy to achieve the fastest growth in practice.

In addition, Ji Han also prepares to guide them in alchemy from time to time, so Ji Han believes that it will not be long before the alchemists trained by the four immortal dynasties will be able to take charge of their own.

Of course, this is not the most important reason why Ji Han has been staying in the small manor.

The most important thing is that Ji Han enjoys his leisurely life. Every day is very happy, leisurely, and very comfortable.

And while he was enjoying life, he was secretly digesting the laws of heaven absorbed and swallowed from the Heavenly Feather Realm.

For Ji Han, he is constantly digesting the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Feather Realm, and he is improving his cultivation every moment.

In the past few months, Ji Han has absorbed a large amount of the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm, because the armies of the four immortal dynasties are always in the Tianyu Realm, not only rapidly expanding their territory, plundering countless resources, but also for Ji Han It brought the unbelievable power of the law of heaven.

Therefore, as Ji Han continues to absorb the laws of heaven in the world of feathers, Ji Han's own strength and cultivation become more and more terrifying and terrifying!

For this kind of life, Ji Han actually enjoys it very much.

In a flash, another three or four months passed. During this period, Ji Han, as always, enjoyed life and slowly digested the laws of heaven.

But Blue Star's half year is equivalent to a few years of the four great immortal dynasties. During this period, the four great immortal dynasties not only greatly enhanced their strength, but also won half of the Tianyu Realm. I believe it will not be long before they can completely rule the Tianyu Realm. .

At this moment, Ao Lie, who had not appeared for a long time, sent a communication request to Ji Han by trading the ring.

"Huh? Who is it? Ao Lie?"

Looking at the communication request from the trading ring, Ji Han was slightly surprised.

However, Ji Han immediately connected to the video, and the next moment, Ao Lie appeared in front of Ji Han.

"Ao Lie has seen Mr., it's been a long time, Mr.'s demeanor is still the same!!"

As soon as Ao Lie appeared, he bowed his hands to Ji Han with respect.

Although they have never really met, and they are still separated by a projection, Ao Lie can clearly sense that Ji Han has become more and more terrifying. Even though Ao Lie is also a great golden immortal, he cannot stand in front of Ji Han. Heart.

Therefore, Ao Lie did not dare to have any other thoughts at all, and was still respectful.

"Hehe, there is no need to say more polite words, you came to me today, but what is the matter?

Ji Han waved his hand slightly, indicating that Ao Lie did not need to be more polite.

Although Ao Lie was the fifth person to appear in the small manor, after many encounters, Ao Lie also brought a lot of help to the four immortal dynasties at the request of Ji Han, so the relationship between Ji Han and Ao Lie is also very harmonious and familiar. , Ao Lie does not have to be seen outside as he first appeared.

Ao Lie also knew Ji Han's temperament, so he smiled and said directly to Ji Han:

"Sir, I came to you today because I have a few things to report to Mr. Yu, which can be considered as a summary of this period of time. I would like to ask Mr. to correct me.

"Oh?" Ji Han raised his eyebrows curiously, and then smiled: "Alright, I also want to know how you guys are doing in Honghuang! 35

All along, Ji Han has never interfered with Ao Lie's development, but only made some suggestions.

Therefore, Ji Han also wanted to know how Ao Lie developed in the flood.

After all, Ji Han also placed high hopes on Ao Lie. The better Ao Lie's development, the greater his power and strength, the more helpful it will be to him.

Ao Lie was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "That's right, according to your instructions, sir, we have developed quite well recently. After we separated from the Dragon Palace and became independent, the Zhonghai Dragon Palace that I created is rapidly improving and expanding step by step. It already has more than ten million troops, and it also occupies a large area of ​​the sea. At present, it has become the other giant of the dragon clan, and it is also highly respected by the dragon and the sea clan. All these are thanks to the guidance of Mr.

··For flowers...

"It's just a trivial matter!" Ji Han waved his hand, "It's mainly because of your identity and strength, otherwise, no matter how much I advise you, it will be difficult for you to reach your current height, so don't thank me, it's all your own efforts. !55

Ao Lie just smiled slightly, but did not answer.

Because Ao Lie knew that this was Ji Han's modest words, and Ao Lie knew even more that without Ji Han's guidance and help, Ao Lie would not be able to have the cultivation level he is today, nor would he have developed to the level of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. powerful force.


More importantly, if they hadn't met Ji Han, the fate of their dragon clan would not have been changed, and this was what Ao Lie was most grateful for.

Ji Han motioned to Ao Lie to continue, and Ao Lie nodded and said: "The second thing is that since this time, the relationship between me and the Heavenly Court is rapidly warming up. After my arrangement and operation, and the grace of the Jade Emperor Accurately, many dragon races under my command have been designated as river gods and water gods in various places. They also enjoy the merits of the heavenly way bestowed on them by the priesthood, and with this, they have washed away the deep sins of the ancient dragon race, and their strength has been greatly improved. "

Before this, due to the sins of the ancient dragon clan, the strength of the dragon clan was greatly affected by the sins, and this time Ao Lie helped those dragon clan to obtain the divine position, and was able to wash away the sins with the merits of heaven. Therefore, Those dragon races have all benefited a lot, and their strength has been greatly improved.

It is precisely because of this that Ao Lie's Zhonghai Dragon Palace has made other dragon clans jealous, and other dragon clans want to wash away their sins, also want to go to heaven to obtain imperial seal, and even more want to improve their strength.

Under such circumstances, more and more dragons began to take refuge in Ao Lie and chose to join the Zhonghai Dragon Palace, in the hope that one day they could wash away the sins of the dragons and no longer be affected by sins! Beg.

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