At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

066 Crazy scavenging and preparing for war, the more the better! [610, please order first]

"Ding! Congratulations on getting 2,000 corrections!

"Ding! Congratulations on your whole body attribute value +2!"5

Another beautiful morning!

Ji Han got busy early in the morning!

After knowing that Ying Zheng wanted to start the war last night, he started to work overnight, and searched and placed a lot of orders on the Internet!

"War communication is very important, first give Lao Zhao five hundred ultra-high-power walkie-talkies, and give Lao Zhu five hundred!"

"Potatoes, corn, pumpkins, watermelons, etc. are not uncommon. You can find grain dealers. Buy as many as you can, the more the better! 35

"Alcohol can only be found in large pharmaceutical companies, and if you look for a few more, you must buy at least 50 tons!

"There are also Yunnan Baiyao, anti-inflammatory drugs and other things, you can buy as much as you can!"

Ji Han started to contact the manufacturer while thinking about it!

The walkie-talkie food and the like are not very easy to buy. If you are willing to spend money, someone will deliver it to your door immediately, as much as you want.

However, this large amount of alcohol and drugs is very troublesome, and people without medical qualifications are not allowed to buy and sell.

Ji Han had no choice but to use his hacking skills to find several people who work as medical intermediaries, and then he quickly got this big order!

Of course, the price he paid for it was also very high!

The price of these things is more than three times more expensive than the market price.

Fortunately, it is Ji Han who is not short of money, otherwise he would have to die of distress.

After all this was done, it was nine o'clock in the morning. Ji Han took time out of the room to take a look, but found that the small farm was unusually lively today.

Except for the villagers from Ji Fugen who came to help,

There are also a lot of fashionable men, women and children, and the parking lot is full of all kinds of luxury cars!

"Third brother, third brother, you are finally here!" Ji Yuting said excitedly: "Hurry up, come to a big customer, do you know that our farm is on fire?"

"what's up?"

Ji Han frowned slightly and walked over with Xiao Hei.

Ji Yuting explained the matter in a few words.

It turns out that yesterday's incident made Ji Han's small farm a fire, and its popularity in Dongshan City has skyrocketed, so it has attracted many netizens to come to check in spontaneously.

That's not all, everyone from the Xu family is here too!

Su Xiaoxiao also came with her live broadcast team!

Many dignitaries, gourmets, noblewomen, and big bosses in Dongshan City have come here too!

Therefore, it also attracted interviews from several media reporters.

So that's what created this lively scene.

Ji Han recognized him as soon as he appeared, and everyone's eyes were bright.

"Is that Boss Ji?" Xu Huihuang stretched out his hand first and said, "Hello, I am Xu Huihuang from the Huihuang Group. I want to cover all the fruits and vegetables in your family. You can set the price as you like, can you?

"I said, no!

Ji Han decisively shook his head and refused.

In front of so many reporters and Su Xiaoxiao's live broadcast, Ji Han shrugged and said seriously: "My fruit can be sold, but it must not be sold at a low price, and it cannot be used by anyone as a tool for profit and monopoly!"

"So no matter how high anyone's price is, our fruit will only be sold in bulk, and will not be contracted to a single person!"

"If you want to buy, you can queue up to make an appointment, and each person can only buy one kilogram at a time, on a first-come, first-served basis, no exceptions.

Ji Han's answer immediately caused an uproar in the audience!

Many rich and powerful people in the crowd suddenly became dissatisfied!

Especially a few rich sons who wanted to chase after Xu Yanran, they were even more angry and scolded!

"Fuck! What are you doing, I have money, you still won't let me buy it?

"Hehe, you're playing the trick of rare goods, boss, is your brain right?

"This set is good, aren't you afraid of smashing your hands?"

"I'm afraid you don't know what a customer is God? Old man, let's teach this little brother a lesson!

"Yes, yes, give us gods a laugh, or we won't buy one!

Facing everyone's dissatisfaction and ridicule, Ji Han didn't even bother to explain!

"Buy it if you like it, or leave if you don't. Do you think I'll be short of money?" Ji Han said impatiently: "Where is the door, no one is stopping you."


Many people were stunned on the spot!

"Hahaha, 666, this boss has a personality, I like it!

"You still have to make an appointment to buy such an expensive melon, it's awesome!"

"In this way, his melon must be famous all over the world! 35

"Yeah, I'm not afraid that your products are good these days, but I'm afraid that you will promote it, this old man is too good at playing hard-to-play routines!

In Su Xiaoxiao's live broadcast room, many netizens watching the lively swiped the screen one after another!

Many people at the scene were so popular that they wanted to leave on the spot!

"Fuck! When I have never eaten melon, I can't buy anything with money. I'll come to you to get angry, eat shit! 99

"Let's go, this boss has a sick mind, and his melon is completely hyping!""

"If his melons could be sold, I would have diarrhea.

"Let's go everyone and let him perform alone."

Many jealous people in the crowd began to make noise.

Ji Han didn't mind this either, and after pouting his lips in disdain, he fed a few melons left over from last night to the wild boars.

His attitude made everyone dumbfounded!

This guy is really tough enough, is he really not afraid of everyone leaving?

Such an expensive watermelon, it would be good if someone bought it, but he is still so dragging and feeding the wild boar with watermelon in public. Is this insulting?

"Boss Ji, I'll buy it! 35

Xu Huihuang couldn't hold on at first, although he was also angry, but he didn't dare to be hard-hearted.

Ji Han would lose a little money if he didn't sell melons. If he couldn't buy melons, Xu Yanran would have to infuse them every day. The thought of the needle being stuck in his precious daughter's blood vessel made him shiver with pain.

buy, must buy!

What an expensive price to buy!

No matter how arrogant Ji Han is, he has to humbly buy the melon back!

"It's limited to 1,000 jin, right? Well, I want 1,000 jin!" Xu Huihuang said with a smile on his face: "Boss Ji, can you see it? Give me the money right away!"5

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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