At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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For Ji Han, Yang Jian is grateful from the bottom of his heart.

As a result, Ji Han informed Yang Jian's life and origins, so that he understood his own situation and the situation of his parents, which is also what Yang Jian has been pursuing.

Secondly, Ji Han can be said to have the grace of re-creating Yang Jian, giving him the blood of Pangu, allowing him to advance to the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian and become the top handful of people in the prehistoric world. He can change his fate and change His own trajectory changed his mother's situation so that he would no longer be a pawn in the hands of others.

Therefore, Ji Han's help to Yang Jian is enormous.

And Yang Jian is also a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He has been thinking of Ji Han's help in his heart, and is naturally grateful to Ji Han.

So just now when he saw Ji Han, Yang Jian showed great enthusiasm and a smile from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing this, Ji Han naturally smiled slightly and said, "Hehe, thank you for worrying, I'm pretty good, not only Yang Jian, how's your recent situation?

Although Ji Han has always been concerned about Yang Jian's development and experience, but speaking out may cause Yang Jian's embarrassment, so Ji Han pretended not to know, and wanted Yang Jian to talk about it himself.

A confident smile appeared on Yang Jian's face, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, thanks to Mr.'s help, Yang Jian has had a good time this time, and is currently traveling around."

Next, Yang Jian told Ji Han about his experience one by one. Basically, he didn't hide anything.

For Yang Jian, without Ji Han, he would not be what he is today, and Ji Han is his noble person and is worthy of Yang Jian's trust, so Yang Jian will naturally not hide anything from him.

Ji Han nodded slightly while listening carefully, and seemed very satisfied with Yang Jian's development.

After half an hour, Yang Jian slowly stopped.

"Hehe, very good, it seems that you have developed well, not only has your cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, but you have also conquered a large number of good subordinates, not bad!~々!"

Ji Han smiled and affirmed Yang Jian's development during this period.

And Yang Jian is naturally very happy, because getting Ji Han's affirmation is a trace of expectation in his heart.

Yang Jian responded to Ji Han's compliment with a smile, and then asked: "By the way, I don't know why Mr. Yang is looking for Yang Jian this time? Even if you say it, Mr. Yang Jian will definitely do his best to relieve his worries!

Yang Jian's arrogance and dry cloud also looked like he was extremely confident.

Because with his current cultivation base and the scale of his generals, he is completely confident to say such a thing.

Besides, being able to do something for Ji Han, Yang Jian not only didn't feel anything wrong, but was very happy.

When Ji Han heard the words, he smiled and said, "There is really one thing you need to do, Dragon Clan, you know? 39

"Dragon Clan? Four Seas Dragon Palace?" Yang Jian asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's the Dragon Clan!" Ji Han nodded, "Right now there is a problem within the Dragon Clan, it should be a ghost from the Western religion, so Ao Lie of the Dragon Clan begged me, oh, Ao Lie and Like you, you are a newly promoted Daluo Jinxian, who met me earlier than you.

"Therefore, under my matchmaking, the Dragon Clan and Intercept Cult have reached an agreement and are ready to unite against Western Cult."

"However, Western Religion is not a small force after all, I am a little uneasy, so I hope you can take action to ensure that there will be no accidents. 99

Then, Ji Han informed Yang Jian of the strategies and plans they discussed, as well as the relationship between Ao Lie and Zhao Gongming, so that he knew everything.

Yang Jian listened quietly, although his face did not change, but his heart was extremely shocked.

Yang Jian really didn't expect that Ji Han not only met him, but also met Ao Lie of the Dragon Clan and Zhao Gongming of the Jiaojiao.

Ao Lie of the Dragon Clan didn't say anything. He was the same as him. He had grown to where he is now after Ji Han's guidance and help. Although Yang Jian was surprised, he would not be too shocked.

What really shocked Yang Jian was Zhao Gongming, Zhao Gongming, a well-known interceptor, how could Yang Jian have never heard of it.

You must know that among the three Taoist religions, all the masters who have reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian are well known to the world, and it is impossible to keep a low profile. Yang Jian's master Yuding Zhenren is one of them.

However, compared with Zhao Gongming, Yu Ding Zhenren is far worse than Zhao Gongming. Not only is his cultivation base and combat power far inferior, but his identity is also much worse.

However, Yang Jian was still a disciple of Immortal Yuding. In terms of identity, Yang Jian had to address Zhao Gongming as a teacher.

Therefore, knowing that Ji Han actually knew such a powerful person as Zhao Gongming, Yang Jian's shock can be imagined.

But after the shock, Yang Jian instantly became excited.

Because Ji Han and the others are planning to attack the Western religion, let alone the relationship between Yang Jian and the Dragon Clan and the Intercepting Church, just saying that the target is the Western religion is enough to excite Yang Jian.

Yang Jian couldn't have imagined that the opportunity he had always wanted to deal with the Western Sect was so easily placed in front of him.

66. Haha, sir, this is not asking me to help, this is giving Yang Jian an opportunity to take action!!"

"Sir, you can rest assured that Yang Jian will definitely live up to his high expectations. This time, Yang Jian will lead the people under his command to take action together, which will definitely make the Western Church suffer a big loss!!

Yang Jian was overjoyed and immediately patted his chest and assured Ji Han.

For nothing else, just because Yang Jian had a great hatred with Western religions.

He has a hatred of killing his father with Western Religion, and in the original history, Western Religion has always regarded Yang Jian as a pawn. Therefore, Yang Jian hates Western Religion to the extreme, wishing to destroy Western Religion.

This time, it was the best thing for Yang Jian to be able to unite the Dragon Clan and the Intercept Cult together, and deal a heavy blow to the Western Cult. In any case, Yang Jian could not refuse, so he immediately agreed, Prepare to go to war in secret.

The masters under his command (Wang's) also have a role to play, and they just come in handy!

"Hehe, well, with your participation, this matter will definitely be successful, so I will be relieved!"

Ji Han smiled happily, not surprised by Yang Jian's decision.

It is precisely because of Yang Jian's strength that Ji Han also knows his grievances with the Western Church, and knows that Yang Jian will not refuse, so he chose Yang Jian to add the last insurance for this matter.

Then, Ji Han and Yang Jian explained the key points and various points that need attention in detail.

Naturally, Yang Jian didn't dare to neglect, and after understanding everything, he resolutely bid farewell to Ji Han.

After Yang Jian and Ji Han ended the video communication, they immediately issued an order according to Ji Han's arrangement.

Following Yang Jian's order, he quickly mobilized his troops and horses, and the masters under his command responded immediately and went straight to the sea following Yang Jian.

A plan to launch a Western religion is about to begin!

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