At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

675 The war is imminent, ambush in secret! 【Subscription】

North Sea waters.

The sea is calm, the sky is blue, and there are various birds flying in the air from time to time.

However, under the calm sea, there are dark tides.

At this time, in a ravine on the bottom of the sea, the surface looks normal, but this is because of the cover of the formation. In fact, there are hundreds of sea clans and more than a dozen leaders ~ Longjiao figures hidden in the ravine. .

Obviously, it should be more than ten-head Jiaolong!

At this time, they restrained their own breath, and took advantage of the cover of the formation, so they quietly ambush in the bottom of the sea.

It's just that their eyes revealed bloodthirsty edges, just like hunters waiting for their prey to arrive.

The North Sea Sea area is the jurisdiction of the North Sea Dragon Palace. In this huge sea area, the North Sea Dragon Palace is in charge. Therefore, it can be said that this sea area is filled with people from both the sea clan and the dragon clan.

In order to control this sea area, and to keep the daily life safe from accidents, the North Sea Dragon Palace naturally dispatched a large number of sea clan patrols.

Generally speaking, each patrol team is composed of dozens of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but this is a peripheral configuration. The closer you get to the Dragon Palace, the stronger the patrol team is. Basically, the elite sea clan is in charge. Each of these patrols will be paired with a dragon to ensure the safety of the Dragon Palace.

Of course, this is just a routine patrol, and it is not very strict, because the people of the dragon family don't think there will be any bold people who dare to come to the dragon palace.

Generally, people who do this can't bear the monstrous anger of the Dragon Clan.

However, the mentality of the dragon race may be broken today!

At this moment, the hundreds of figures in the ravines were motionless, waiting quietly, not even letting out their divine senses. If it wasn't for those with a level one or two higher cultivation, they would not have been able to detect them with their divine senses. human existence.

At this time, the front dragon stared at the front with a slight movement of eyes, and immediately reminded in a low voice: "Come on, get ready!

When everyone heard this, they immediately cheered up and looked forward.

I saw dozens of shrimp soldiers and crab generals appearing in front. The leader was a sea clan with a huge clam shell on its back. It seems that the body should be a clam shell essence.

Under the leadership of the clam shell spirit, the dozens of shrimp soldiers and crab generals walked towards the gully with neat and funny steps.

These sea clans and shrimp soldiers and crab generals are born water creatures, they are naturally incomparable in water, and they are much faster than normal people walking on land.

Soon, this patrol team came to the top of the ambush.

"Hands on!!

A Flood Dragon let out a low cry, took the lead, and fired a spell, heading straight for those shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The rest of the group did not all act, but according to the plan, depending on the size of the target, only a few dozen people followed the Flood Dragon.

Some of them sacrificed various magic weapons, some pinched tricks to cast spells, and some cast spells to lock the surrounding sea area.


Gollum․ ..

With the bombardment of various magic weapons and spells, a large number of blisters immediately appeared in the sea and rose toward the sea.

The leading clam shell essence and dozens of shrimp soldiers and crabs will suddenly turn pale with shock, but they have no time to react, and the violent spells and magic weapons exploded on them.

bang bang bang!!

A loud noise rippled wildly in the sea, instantly making the sea within a radius of 100 meters like boiling.

The leading clam shell spirit and dozens of shrimp soldiers and crab generals didn't even have time to let out their screams, and they disappeared in an instant.

However, such a huge movement was because a Flood Dragon had already cast a spell to lock this area, so no matter how violent the battle area was, it never leaked out at all.

As a result, the Dragon Clan naturally couldn't find out what happened here.

From the attack to the end, the whole process only took five breaths of time, almost in the blink of an eye, the patrol team of the North Sea Dragon Palace was completely destroyed, and it was silent.


Seeing that the battle was over, the leader of the Flood Dragon let out a low voice again, waved his right hand, and an invisible wave flashed past. The spell that originally locked the 100-meter space was instantly put away, and all traces and fluctuations of the battle were wiped out. Let this sea area return to calm again.

Then the sea clan rebels lay in ambush again, waiting for the arrival of other training teams.

The disappearance of a mere training team may attract the attention of Beihai Dragon Palace, but it is not enough to attract them attention. Therefore, this group of Sea Clan rebels can still conduct several ambushes.

・・For flowers.......

And when they ambush and wiped out the three training teams again, they resolutely evacuated from here.

Although the elimination of several Beihai Dragon Palace's training teams seems to have no effect on Beihai Dragon Palace, it is enough to make Beihai Dragon Palace's troops stretched.

Because there are not only one such ambush soldiers, but dozens of them are scattered together in the North Sea waters.

The dozens of ambush soldiers secretly attacked Beihai Dragon Palace according to the strategy formulated by Daoist Mosquito.

Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi hide behind the scenes and are responsible for commanding the battle.


As for the hundreds of ancient beasts, they were hidden in the dark and kept attacking.

North Sea waters, northwest.

Just like other ambush soldiers, at this time in the sea, with the help of the concealment formation, dozens of ancient beasts were hiding in the dark, as if they were integrated into the sea, motionless.

According to the cultivation base of these ancient beasts, it is impossible to find them unless they are above Jinxian, and they must be carefully probed with divine sense to detect the trace.

This ambush is all composed of ancient beasts, because the target they have to deal with this time is not the ordinary sea clan, but the high-level of the North Sea Dragon Palace, an elder of the dragon clan.

"Old Bi, are you sure that Ao Ming will return from here?" A beast with a bird's head and a human body frowned and asked with his divine sense.

The beast next to him was Bi Fang and immediately replied: "Absolutely right, Beihai Dragon Palace never imagined that their interiors had already been infiltrated by saints, and this time Ao Ming's whereabouts were also revealed by them, don't worry, be patient. wait.

With Bi Fang's words, the other beasts naturally didn't ask any more questions, after all, they could still afford to wait for this time.

After a while, Bi Fang's eyes moved slightly, raised his head and glanced up, and immediately reminded him through voice transmission: "Come on, get ready!"5

The rest of the beasts froze, then showed a bloodthirsty color, and looked at the figure begging that was flying down from the sky with a grinning smile.

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