At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

679 If you dare to provoke us, you have to pay the price! 【Subscription】

As the ruler of Zhonghai Dragon Palace, Ao Lie naturally received Beihai Dragon Palace's request for help immediately.

Moreover, in the face of Beihai Dragon King Ao Run's suggestion to put the meeting place in Zhonghai Dragon Palace, Ao Lie also decided to agree.

But before that, Ao Lie explained to the four dragon kings of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, that is, they can put the meeting place in the Zhonghai Dragon Palace, but the Zhonghai Dragon Palace has now become independent and has nothing to do with the dragon clan in name, so I don't want to be involved in the Dragon Race, and I have no reason to.

Therefore, Ao Lie can provide them with a meeting place, and can also participate in the negotiation together to provide some suggestions for the Dragon Clan, but Zhonghai Dragon Palace will not take action for the Dragon Clan on the bright side, at least not for the time being, unless the Dragon Clan encounters a huge crisis.

Facing Ao Lie's attitude, although the Dragon King of the Four Seas was a little angry and puzzled, he had no choice but to agree.

After all, Ao Lie went out independently with their consent, and now Ao Lie has no reason to interfere in their Dragon Clan affairs in name.

The most important thing is that if Zhonghai Dragon Palace does not intervene, it can be regarded as retaining some strength and vitality for the Dragon Clan, which is acceptable to the Dragon Clan. Therefore, after thinking about it, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas still agree with Ao Lie's statement.

Of course, they never imagined that the reason why Ao Lie would have such an attitude, he didn't want to make 640 moves immediately but agreed to put the meeting place in the Zhonghai Dragon Palace, was because he wanted to know the results of the discussions in the Four Seas Dragon Palace so that he could follow up on the matter in real time. ; Second, because he wants to speak in it, to provide some strategies for the Four Seas Dragon Palace, so that things can go according to his plan with Ji Han; third, he has to strictly implement the strategy Ji Han proposed for him, that is, first clean up a batch of The dragon clan is stubborn, so it is convenient for him to follow up.

Therefore, Ao Lie was very happy that the Four Seas Dragon Palace put the meeting place in his Zhonghai Dragon Palace, but he was reluctant to take action too early.

If the old stubborn people in the Four Seas Dragon Palace cannot be cleaned up, then even if the trouble of Western religion is solved, Ao Lie will not get much benefit, so Ao Lie will not be soft-hearted at this time.

Soon, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas came to the Zhonghai Dragon Palace with their confidants, and Ao Lie welcomed them with great enthusiasm.

"Ao Lie has seen his father and his uncles. I wonder how his father and uncles are doing recently??"

When Ao Guang and others came together, Ao Lie immediately went out to greet them, and at the same time did not forget to say hello to Ao Guang and others as a junior.

Although Ao Lie is now the Lord of the Middle (bbed) Sea Dragon Palace, and his cultivation is definitely not inferior to that of Ao Guang and others, he is a junior no matter what, and his etiquette cannot be abandoned.

As for Ao Lie's attitude, Ao Guang and the others naturally couldn't fault them, they could only nod their heads in satisfaction, and then went to the Dragon Palace Hall under the greeting of Ao Lie.

After everyone took their seats and the dragon girls served the fairy tea spirit fruit and stepped back, Ao Lie said with a smile, "Father, uncles, please drink tea!!

"This king is not in the mood to drink tea!!

Ao Run seemed to have endured it for a long time, but at this time, he didn't care about Ao Lie's hospitality, he immediately waved his big hand impatiently, and anxiously said to Ao Guang and others: "Big brother, second brother, third brother, those Hai clan rebels and The despicable Jiaolong bullied our dragon clan, provoked our clan, and caused heavy casualties in the King's Beihai Dragon Palace. If this revenge is not repaid, how can our clan stand in the wild and the four seas?

"Also ask the three older brothers to take action to jointly annihilate the great enemy of our clan and defend the face of our clan!! 35

The Dragon King of the North Sea, Ao Run, was full of anxiety and misery at this time, and his demeanor was quite exhausted. He naturally did not hide anything from Ao Guang and the others, and he would not force it. .

Ao Guang and others felt the same way about what happened to Beihai Dragon Palace, but when they heard Ao Run's cry again, they were instantly filled with righteous indignation.

"How unreasonable is it, is it true that my clan is easy to deceive?"

"Really daring and arrogant!!"

"Blood debt, only blood can pay for it, this revenge must be reported now, fourth brother, rest assured, we will never sit idly by!

The three dragon kings scolded and denounced the Hai tribe rebels and the Jiaolong rebels, and at the same time assured Ao Run that the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas would definitely advance and retreat together.

When Ao Run heard this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked him.

As long as the other three Dragon Palaces can make a move together, Ao Run believes that no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will definitely retreat in embarrassment.

However, Ao Lie asked: "Father, the three uncles, do you know who is behind these Hai Clan rebels?

"Instructor? Lie'er, what do you mean?

Hearing Ao Lie's words, Ao Lie's father, Ao Shun, was shocked and hurriedly asked.

The other three dragon kings were also full of shock, because Ao Lie's words had a huge impact on them. If there were people behind these Sea Clan rebels, it would represent something incredible. It's definitely not as simple as they thought.

But think about it carefully, if no one really instructed, those Sea Race rebels would appear so coincidentally at this time?

Therefore, at this time, Ao Guang and others, who did not know that the Western Rebels were behind the rebellion, looked at Ao Lie one after another, wanting to see what Ao Lie knew.

Ao Lie looked at Ao Shun and the other four, and understood their thoughts and feelings at this time, he immediately said: "Think about it, if there is no one behind the instructions and support, how would those Sea Clan rebels dare to compete with our Dragon Clan? They are nothing more than a handshake."5

"And if there is no one behind them to support them, how can they still support them now, and even force their uncle to ask for help, isn't it obvious?"

As soon as these words came out, Ao Guang and the others looked at each other in shock, and then nodded silently.

Because they were not stupid, after Ao Lie's reminder, they naturally immediately saw the problem and knew that what Ao Lie said must be true.

Therefore, Ao Run immediately looked at Ao Lie with a murderous face, and asked fiercely: "My nephew, do you know who is behind this? Whoever dares to offend the Wulong clan must pay the price they deserve."35

Beihai Dragon Palace suffered heavy losses, and Ao Run had nowhere to vent his anger. Hearing that there was someone behind the enemy's orders, all the anger and hatred immediately transferred to the person behind him.

"That's right, no matter who is behind this, our clan is not at odds with it, and we must pay with blood and blood!!"

"That's right, our dragon clan will never allow people to be bullied like this, and those who dare to offend our dragon clan will kill!!"

Ao Guang and others also responded directly. Their attitude was the same as Ao Run's. No matter who was behind them, they had to make him pay the price in blood, otherwise everyone would dare to plot against their dragon clan and offend their dragon clan. , what is the majesty of their dragon clan?

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