At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

692 Confused, and unbelievable! 【Subscription】

"Run away!!

With this sound, Daoist Mosquito shouted in despair, and shouted terribly!

Because after seeing the faces of Zhao Gongming and the others, Daoist Mosquito already understood that the matter must be exposed. Now they don't talk about destroying the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, they may even be left behind.

At this moment, Daoist mosquito's heart was full of confusion and disbelief, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

At the last moment, its heart was still full of passion, and the whole person was immersed in the turmoil that was about to hit the dragon, but the next moment was like a blow to the head, causing it to see a despairing scene.

The sudden change of the situation is really unpredictable!

Just talking about Zhao Gongming alone is enough to scare off Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, not to mention Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao are still here. Seeing such a lineup, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi instantly exploded their scalps. .

At the same time of horror in his heart, Daoist Mosquito didn't even have time to think about why this was and why their plans were exposed. At this moment, Daoist Mosquito's reaction was also extremely fast, and he directly raised a warning to let the ancient beasts behind him. run away.

Even the moment Mosquito Road 11 and Jin Chanzi saw Zhao Gongming and the others, their bodies collapsed to the extreme, and immediately fled wildly in different directions, trying to escape before they were encircled, and then Mosquito Daoist's body collapsed. The warning sound just sounded.

So vigilant and so decisive, even Zhao Gongming couldn't help but sigh when he saw it.

But since Zhao Gongming and the others have already appeared, how could they let Daoist Mosquito escape easily!

"Hehe, come when you want, and leave when you want? How can it be so easy, give it to me!!"

Daoist Duobao just sneered when he saw this, and with a wave of his long sleeves, a golden bowl and a dark circle flew towards Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi respectively.

The golden bowl and the ring immediately rose against the wind, and the speed was as fast as lightning. The golden bowl flew to the top of Daoist Mosquito in one fell swoop, and then fell suddenly, golden light flashed out, as if to take Daoist Mosquito into it, while the black The ring suddenly flashed in the void, and then instantly appeared around Jin Chanzi's body, and slammed into the middle, it seemed that it was going to severely imprison Jin Chanzi.

Obviously, these are two rather miraculous confinement magic weapons.

Daoist Duobao's shot is really extraordinary. He knows that Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi are extremely fast, and they must not be allowed to escape.

Hearing the movement behind them, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi turned pale with fright. Although they are not superficial, they are still ancient beasts, but compared with Daoist Duobao, they are more than inferior. It is absolutely impossible to compete. possible.

Therefore, the terrified Daoist Mosquito transformed into his body in an instant. It was a mosquito with a size of 10 feet. It was pitch-black all over. Only its four sharp wings were blood red, and it looked extremely evil at first glance.

The most striking thing is the sharp mouthparts that are more than three feet long.

After transforming into the main body, Daoist Mosquito's four blood wings vibrated slightly, and the speed increased sharply, instantly getting rid of the influence of the golden bowl, and then continued to flee frantically forward.

And Jin Chanzi is not far behind, and even transforms its body faster than Mosquito Taoist. It is a one-meter-sized Jin Chan, with six golden wings on its back, it looks extremely hard, and there are six growing under its abdomen. Grimly pointed feet.

Seeing the black ring imprisoned, Jin Chanzi screamed, and the two pointed feet in front of him slammed down, and two golden light brushes flew out, directly slashing on the black ring.

bang bang!!

The black ring actually let out a whimper and was chopped down slightly, and Jin Chanzi took advantage of this slight pause, and her six wings fluttered together, instantly breaking away from the black ring's control.

Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi used different means, but Daoist Duobao returned without success in the first attack.

This process is very long, but it only happened between the lights and flints. It can be said that the rabbits rise and fall. Except for Ao Lie and other Da Luo Jinxian, the rest of them have not yet reacted to what happened.

Only at this moment did the hundreds of ancient beasts react when they saw Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi fleeing madly, knowing that they had encountered an ambush and were an irresistible enemy.

Thinking of Daoist Mosquito's warning, and seeing the backs of Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi fleeing in embarrassment, those ancient beasts had already reacted no matter how slow they were. Prepare to escape.

However, Ao Lie and the others had been preparing for so long, how could they have escaped.

Before the beasts could escape, Ao Lie and San Xiao, who were already prepared, took action.

With a cold expression on his face, Ao Lie clenched his hands together, and countless sharp swords instantly condensed in the sea water, stabbing towards hundreds of ancient beasts.

At the same time, a white long spear appeared in his hand, holding the long spear in his hand, Ao Lie jumped out violently, and attacked the beasts.

As for Sanxiao, he flipped his palm, and a magic weapon appeared in each of his hands. They were Hunyuan Jindou, Jinjiao Scissors, and Bielong Cable, all of which were magic weapons of Sanxiao's fame.

San Xiao waved their hands in unison, and the three amazingly powerful magic weapons galloped towards hundreds of beasts with bursts of divine light.

Puff puff!!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of ancient beasts were penetrated by the sharp swords condensed by the sea water, and then Ao Lie rushed forward, the spear in his hand was as unstoppable as a peerless dragon. Both are dead.

The magic weapon that Sanxiao sacrificed is equally terrifying. The Hunyuan Jindou sucks a quasi, but any beast that is sucked into the Hunyuan Jindou will be consumed by the Yellow River Great Array in the next moment, leaving no trace.

The golden Jiaojiao scissors shone with golden light, and transformed into two phantoms of Jiaolong.

The Binding Dragon Rope is like a life-threatening phantom, with extremely fast speed. The entangled beast will be completely killed with only one stroke, and there is no way to escape.

In addition, the surrounding Sea Clan soldiers and Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals shot together, and the hundreds of ancient beasts were actually powerless to fight back.

With the cultivation base of Ao Lie and San Xiao, it would be almost no pressure to kill hundreds of beasts that were only Jinxian or Heavenly Immortal.

Hundreds of ancient beasts here were killed without any resistance, and Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi over there were also in a desperate situation.

Because when they blocked Daoist Duobao's first blow, they were overjoyed and wanted to flee immediately, but at this time, Zhao Gongming held a black whip and stood in front of Daoist Mosquito with a sneer on his face.

In addition, in front of Jin Chanzi, Daoist Duobao's figure as deep as a prison also blocked Jin Chanzi's way to escape!!

The two sect masters confronted two ancient beasts with illustrious names!

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