At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

069 Ten billion, this is crazy. 【910, please order first】

Ji Han's melon is not unexpectedly popular again!

Many wealthy and big bosses in Dongshan City heard the news, and they continued to join the frenzy of panic buying. They sold 40,000 catties of melons in just half a day!

At the same time, thousands of catties of longan, tens of thousands of catties of lychees, and tens of thousands of catties of nectarines were also ordered out, but they were short-staffed and had not been picked yet.

With so many fruits sold, Ji Han earned more than 70 million yuan, a number that immediately shocked countless people~.

This unprecedented rush to buy luxury goods in the fruit industry also quickly became popular on the Internet, attracting more and more netizens to pay attention.

Ji Han's melon also has a new name - Dongshangua!

Other fruit netizens also called it - Dongshan lychee, Dongshan longan!

Unconsciously, the brand of Dongshan Fruits has been quietly resounding throughout the country, and it has begun to be shaped into a luxury product in the fruit industry.

In the afternoon, the alcohol, grain and other things he ordered were also delivered continuously!

Trucks came one after another, and a large amount of goods piled up inside and outside the farmyard, which attracted the curious onlookers of the villagers.

"Ji Han, why are you buying so many of these things?" Ji Fugen asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's all a friend's stuff!" Ji Han explained casually: "Let me here for the time being.

"Oh!" Ji Fugen didn't go into it, but glanced at his expression carefully, and then asked embarrassedly in the encouraging eyes of other villagers: "What, Ji Han, our village is poor, so are you. The Ji family who grew up here, you see that you have made a lot of money today, why don't you help the big guys get out of poverty and become rich?"

"Yeah, Hanwazi, do we want to learn how to grow melons from you?"

"We don't learn from you for nothing, we can pay tuition."

"Hanwazi, just teach us, this village is too poor, everyone's life is tight, we also want to get rid of poverty and become rich!""

The surrounding villagers began to help.

Facing the hopeful eyes of everyone, Ji Han was not surprised.

Because today he made tens of millions in one fell swoop, which really shocked everyone!

And in the future, the fruit trees in his mountain will be full of gold, and he will earn at least 10 billion a year!

This is incredibly attractive to anyone.

The villagers who are afraid of poverty naturally want to grow trees and melons together to get rid of poverty and become rich.

Everyone thought it was because of Ji Han's good melon planting skills, but they didn't know that it was all because of the effect of the spirit gathering array.

Even if they planted it for a lifetime, it is impossible for them to grow such a good melon.

"Uncle Fugen, how many households are there in our village?" Ji Han asked suddenly.

"132 households!" Ji Fugen quickly replied: "A total of 288 heads!

"Yeah!" Ji Han nodded and said, "My melons can be grown four times a year, I can produce melons all year round, and other fruits are also very productive, and after I harvest my radishes and potatoes, I will still Expand fruit!

"I made a rough calculation. My more than 100 acres of land and hundreds of acres of mountain farms can produce a minimum of 10 million fruits every year!"

"That is to say, the annual fruit sales of this small farm will reach 10 billion, and the sales will be very stable, and countless rich people will rush to buy it!

Ji Han's words made everyone drool!

Ten billion, damn it, this is crazy.

Is this money so good?

Which of the people present has no land, and which has no mountain field?

But you can't make hundreds of thousands of dollars after working hard for a year, and sometimes you have to pay for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This gap is too big.

All the fruit farmers in the entire Dongshan City combined are not worthy of Ji Han shoes!

"And!" Ji Han continued: "The cost of my watermelon tree is the same as when you planted it, and it even saves money on pesticides, because I don't need to spray pesticides, and the cost is lower! 35

"This? What's going on here?"

"Damn, isn't this a dead end?"

Everyone is hot again!

But Ji Han shook his head and said, "Uncles, you must be thinking, learn to grow melons with me and make a fortune, right? To tell you the truth, if you can't do it, this melon and fruit can only be grown on my acre of land. It can be so sweet that no one can grow it outside here! 95

・・For flowers...  

Ji Han's explanation immediately caused an uproar in the audience!

Everyone thought he didn't want to teach, and they all complained.

"Han Wazi, everyone watched you grow up, you can't lie.

"That's right, you've already made 10 billion this year, so it's nothing to teach everyone, and we won't grab the market with you."9

Ji Fugen is smarter!

He asked tentatively, "Ji Han, do you mean that the reason why your melons are so good is that the land is good?

"Yes!" Ji Han nodded and said, "I have specially treated this land, so the melons grow well, but your land is not good, understand?"


Everyone was speechless now.

However, the thought of not being able to grow this melon together and make a fortune together made everyone feel a little lost.

"But don't worry, uncles!" Ji Han continued: "I made a little money myself, and I can't watch the people in the village suffer. I plan to sell this fruit to everyone from today!

"Our village can set up an agricultural development cooperative, and in the future, it will be able to represent my fruit with full authority, and can have a 10% share!

"This 10% is more than 1 billion profits. Let's divide it by household, and each household can share more than 7.5 million per year!"

"Of course, this is just an idea. How to implement it will have to be discussed at a meeting. Uncle Fugan, you call and ask everyone to come back. In two days, we will hold a village-wide clan meeting to discuss and discuss! 99

As soon as Ji Han finished speaking, everyone was already dumbfounded!

"Fuck, this, isn't this deceitful? 7.5 million?"

"This is divided among us? This is too arrogant, isn't it? 35

"Hahaha, great, great, Han Wazi didn't forget the people in our village!

Everyone's excited eyes lit up, and everyone couldn't help being ecstatic! Beg.

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