At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

700 Take advantage of the chaos, how about this plan? 【Subscription】

Zhao Gongming's cold words made Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao stunned.

They didn't expect that Zhao Gongming's plan was so important this time, not only to cut off the wings of Chan Jiao, but also to beat Chan Jiao.

"Brother, how can you be annoyed by the uncle in this way?"

Qiong Xiao couldn't help but worry at this time.

After all, the relationship between the three Taoist sects is still good at this time, and on the surface, they are connected with each other. If Zhao Gongming really does this, it will break the current relationship, and Yuanshi Tianzun will be furious.

You must know, that is a saint, and it is their uncle, the wrath of a saint, who can bear it?

However, Zhao Gongming comforted: "Little sister, don't panic, we are not breaking our face with Chan Jiao, this is an accident of the conflict between the two sects, even if the teacher is angry, he will not be able to end in person, not to mention we have the top of the teacher. It's on!""

As long as all the results are attributed to accidents at that time, the interception and interpretation of the teaching will not be completely ripped apart.

This point Zhao Gongming thought very clearly, otherwise there would be no ~ this plan.

And even if you really tear your face, don’t be afraid. Anyway, there will definitely be a war between the teaching and the teaching in the future. At this time, the wings of the teaching will be cut off and the strength of the teaching will be weakened, but the teaching will reduce a lot of losses. , This is only for interception - good and no harm.

When San Xiao heard the words, he felt a little relieved.

Then, Zhao Gongming explained his plan to them: "This time, the poor Taoist will take the opportunity to kill the Puxian Zhenren of Chanjiao, which can weaken the strength of Chanjiao and curb Western religion. Under the situation of changing and growing, I am naturally not afraid of joining forces with Western teachings! 95

"At that time, Yang Jian will be the key. I will set up a game to mobilize the people of the two sects to take action, and I can only make the conflict bigger. Say it again.

This is Zhao Gongming's plan. He wants to take the opportunity to engage in a wave of teaching, and finally fights, taking advantage of their interception and destroying more people to deal with a wave of people.

In this way, it is a three-pronged approach.

After listening to Zhao Gongming's real plan, Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao also immediately became interested.

"According to what the younger brother said, this matter can be done, just because the killing a few days ago is not cool enough, then use the spies of Chan Jiao to kill it!! 35

Duobao Daoist stroked his long beard with a look of deep approval.

At present, the Taoists of Duobao have also changed their mentality. Since there is destined to be a war between Chanjiao and Intercept, it is natural to weaken Chanjiao in advance. Therefore, Daoist Duobao has no psychological pressure at all to kill the members of Chanjiao.

"Yes, yes, if that's the case, then kill one kill!"

"That's right, kill it first and then talk!!

"Listen to my brother!

San Xiao was also interested and agreed.

A few of them have a very deep sense of belonging to the Intercepting Religion. Thinking that they may be hostile to the Interpretation Religion, or even fight, what is the point of killing some Interceptors for the sake of Intercepting Religion?

Zhao Gongming was also overjoyed to get the approval of Daoist Duobao and Sanxiao, which proved that they had the same interests that needed to be maintained.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming and others began to conspire.

Daoist Duobao asked, "Junior brother, how should this plan be implemented?"

Zhao Gongming pondered for a while and replied: "As I said before, first find a candidate in the teaching, let him have a conflict with Yang Jian, and then make the conflict bigger."

"Pin Dao hid in advance, and when the conflict broke out, Pin Dao would stand up and accuse Yang Jian at the right time, and Yang Jian would naturally not give up. We can play a scene, first scolding each other, and finally summoning people. 35

"I have a lot of people to intercept and teach, so I prepare in advance, and I will come immediately after receiving the message. At that time, brother, you can find a reason to take the lead. As long as the fight starts, you can't stop, and then we will not take advantage of the chaos. Kill those people!"

"Of course, it's not impossible to kill more people in the sects!

Zhao Gongming said the detailed plan that he thought of!

Daoist Duobao and San Xiao nodded straight after hearing this, and then they discussed some details and matters to be paid attention to.

In the end, Daoist Duobao seemed to remember something, and suddenly asked: "Junior Brother, you said... Should Master know about this matter?"


Both Zhao Gongming and San Xiao fell silent, and then looked at each other silently.

They almost forgot to inform their master, and almost made a big mistake.

Moreover, if their master didn't know about this, he would be furious afterwards. This was no joke.

··For flowers......

The most important thing is that according to Zhao Gongming's plan, they will definitely provoke their master Yuanshi Tianzun.

This is a major event that the two sects are about to tear their faces away. No matter what, it is impossible to hide it from the Tongtian Sect Master, and it is impossible to hide it if you want to.

After thinking about the key points, Zhao Gongming said decisively: "It goes without saying that we must report to the Master, let the Master know about this, and we also need to obtain the Master's approval!!"

Without the approval of Tongtian Cult Master, they would not be able to withstand Yuanshi Tianzun's anger, nor would they be able to mobilize a large number of sect masters.

Daoist Duobao and San Xiao also nodded in agreement, they all knew that this was the most correct choice.


"If that's the case, then go to Biyou Palace!!""

Daoist Duobao has made a decision!

Zhao Gongming and San Xiao naturally had no objection, and the five of them immediately left Luofu Cave and rushed to Biyou Palace.

Soon, they came to the Biyou Palace.

"Master is above, we ask to see Master!!"

After entering the Biyou Palace, Taoist Duobao and Zhao Gongming went straight to the outside of the place where the Master Tongtian was cultivating, and wanted to ask to see the Master Tongtian.


After a while, a thick voice came from inside.

"Yes!! 35

Duobao and others respectfully stood up and walked in. After seeing the figure of the Master Tongtian meditating, they immediately went back to worship respectfully.

"The disciple has seen the master!!

"Get up!"

Sect Master Tongtian slightly opened his eyes.

Duobao and others got up and stood in front of Tongtian Sect Master.

Seeing Duobao and the others coming together, there must be something to look for him, so the Tongtian Sect Master directly asked: "Why are you waiting here?

A strange look flashed in Tongtian Sect Master's eyes, as if he had already guessed their intentions.

Daoist Duobao, as the chief disciple, naturally replied as a representative.

I saw him take a slight step forward, hand over his hand, and said, "Go back to Master, this disciple is here to report something to Master!!"

Of course, it's not just a report, there are follow-up requests, it depends on whether the Tongtian sect master answers or not! Beg.

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