At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

707 The first collision is about to happen! 【Subscription】

Hundreds of immortals hurried to Jiuhua Mountain while secretly talking with their spiritual senses.

Soon, they caught up with Guangchengzi and Master Yuding, who had deliberately slowed down and waited for them.

"Big Brother!!"

"I have seen Senior Brother Guangchengzi! 55

"Brother, you're welcome!!

Seeing that Guangchengzi and Master Yuding were deliberately waiting for them, hundreds of immortals immediately greeted them.

However, Guangchengzi didn't have time to pay attention to the false ceremony here, he waved his sleeves, motioned everyone to follow, and then took the lead and galloped away in the direction of Jiuhua Mountain.

Immortal Yuding and the hundreds of immortals of immortality naturally followed immediately!!

Intercept to teach, Biyou Palace.

Just when Master Yuding received the message from Yang Jian, Daoist Duobao in Biyou Palace also received the message from Zhao Gongming.


Daoist Duobao was determined and immediately looked at the message.

At this moment, Daoist Duobao seemed to be unaware of the matter. After seeing the message from Zhao Gongming, his complexion changed slightly.

"So brave, do you really think that I am intercepting and teaching no one??"

Daoist Duobao was instantly furious after reading the message!

11 At this time, at the side of Daoist Duobao, there are also the Virgin of Turtle and the Virgin of Wudang, including the Seven Immortals of the Tongtian Cult Master, and several people are staying in the Biyou Palace at this moment, just like the Wuyunxian and the Piluxian. .

At this time, they could not help but be a little surprised when they saw Daoist Daoist Duobao, the elder brother, suddenly became furious.

The Lady of Turtle Spirit asked directly: "Senior brother, what happened? Made you so angry?"

"Yes, Senior Brother, but what bad news did you receive?" Madonna Wudang also asked.

As for Wuyunxian, Piluxian and others, they looked at each other a little bit. Seeing that the two of them had already asked questions, they immediately looked at Taoist Duobao, because they were also very curious about what happened, which made Taoist Duobao so angry .

Daoist Duobao snorted coldly, suppressed the anger in his heart, and explained to the crowd: "Junior Brother Gongming sent back a message saying that Yang Jian, who explained the teaching, killed Junior Brother Changer Dingguang. In order to teach all the immortals, I want to intimidate the junior brother Gongming, hmph, what a good Chan and a good Yang Jian, really bold!!

As soon as these words came out, the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit and the others exploded in an instant.

"What? Is there such a thing?"

"Then who is Yang Jian? He dares to be so arrogant, is he treating me as nothing?"

"It's so presumptuous, I still admit that I was wrong when I killed my junior brother Chang-Ear, yet you dare to assemble a group of senior brothers who may not be Gongming?

"Changjiao is so daring, this is bullying me and intercepting no one, this is absolutely unbearable!!"

"Blood and blood, Senior Brother, whoever kills me and intercepts everyone must pay the price!!

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit, Wu Yunxian and the others were instantly furious, and they could not wait to go to revenge immediately.

You must know that Chang-eared Dingguangxian is one of the Seven Immortals of the Tongtian Cult Master. He has a good relationship with Wu Yunxian and others, but now he has been beaten to death. The most important thing is that the murderer refuses to admit his fault. , and also brought in all the immortals of Chanjiao, trying to escape the guilt, how could Wu Yunxian and others endure it?

For a time, the Virgin of Turtles and other people were excited, and they all clamored to make Chan Jiao look good and the murderer to pay the price.

At this time, they wouldn't talk about morality and the like to Chanjiao, because it was Chanjiao's fault first, and they wouldn't allow Chanjiao to bully them and intercept it.

"Senior Brother!!" Wu Yunxian stared at Taoist Duobao, and said viciously: "Junior Brother Chang-Ear must not be beaten and killed in vain, and we must not be bullied by others without responding, otherwise In the future, our interception will be a joke in the wild, everyone will dare to step on it, and everyone who intercepts us will dare to kill at will.

"Is this the kind of situation you want to see? As one of the three Taoist sects, we have a great prestige in the wild, how can people be disgraced at will? So, how do you explain to the master?? "

Obviously, Wu Yunxian was already very excited and full of fighting spirit. For those who dared to insult and intercept the teaching, he wished to kill them all.

And the Lady of Turtle Spirit, Pilu Xian and others immediately echoed their voices, their words were full of violent riots, and they didn't mean to be afraid of explaining the teachings at all.

They cut off the teaching of thousands of immortals to come to court, and there are many disciples, who are they afraid of coming?

Even if they are both Taoist sects, they are absolutely not afraid.

Facing the anger of Wu Yunxian and the others, Daoist Duobao got up at the right time and said coldly: "I will never allow outsiders to bully the sect, and the disciples of my sect must never die, and no one can kill me at will. Teach disciples without paying the price, no one!!'

Daoist Duobao slowly glanced at Wu Yunxian and the others with anger on his face, and then decisively said: "Since Chan Jiao deceives me and intercepts no one, and kills my disciples at will, then I will let Chan Jiao stop teaching. Let's see, whether the interception is good or not!!

"Junior Sister Guiling, Wudang Junior Sister!!""


Our Lady of Turtle Spirit and Our Lady of Immortality stood up at the same time and handed over.

"We immediately summoned my disciples to intercept the teaching and rushed to Jiuhua Mountain with Pindao to strengthen my power to intercept the teaching, and then avenge the long-eared junior brother. Pindao wants to see it, and the teaching can dare to stop it!!

Daoist Duobao's cold and ruthless voice resounded in the Biyou Palace.

"Yes, Junior Sister, let's pass the order!! 35

Our Lady of Turtle Spirit and Our Lady of Immortality immediately took orders, and then immediately went to give orders in excitement.

As for Wu Yunxian and the other Immortal Seven Attendants, they had already clenched their fists tightly, with a murderous look on their faces, wishing they could immediately kill them in front of Chan Jiao.


A quarter of an hour later, outside the Biyou Palace, thousands of disciples of the Intercepting Sect gathered in the sky above the Biyou Palace.

This is also because many disciples of Intercept are widely distributed, and it takes time to gather them, otherwise they would have already set off.

Intercepting tens of thousands of disciples and gathering thousands of disciples in districts is not a problem at all!

Looking at the thousands of disciples in front of him, Daoist Duobao simply explained the cause and the process, but it still caused the anger of thousands of disciples.

They immediately clamored to make Chan Jiao look good, and to avenge the long-eared Dingguangxian!!

For a time, the group was excited, and the morale and emotions had been mobilized.

Seeing this, Daoist Duobao was secretly satisfied, so he waved his sleeves and said, "Let's go!!"

After speaking, Daoist Duobao took the lead and flew out, and the Virgin of Turtle and the thousands of disciples immediately followed closely and galloped towards Jiuhua Mountain.

The first collision between Intercept and Interpretation is about to happen!!

But in the depths of Biyou Palace, just after Daoist Duobao and the others left, the Tongtian Sect Master, who had been in a meditating posture, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes seemed to be able to look into the distance through the palace, which seemed deep and unpredictable.

"Let this seat see, what means are you waiting for!!".

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