At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

710 big fights, showing tacit understanding! 【Subscription】

For some reason, after arriving here, Guangchengzi felt a little uneasy in his heart.

At this time, facing the aggressive interception of teaching, Guangchengzi said that it is impossible to have fear, but as the actual manager of teaching interpretation, he has to consider the serious consequences of the stalemate between the two teachings.

In addition, thousands of disciples came to the sect. Although they were uneven, the number was more than ten times that of their sect. If there was a real fight, it would be difficult for their sect to take advantage of it, and maybe there would be more. some casualties.

If this is the case, then the loss of the teaching will be great, which also goes against the purpose of Guangchengzi at the beginning.

After hearing about this at first, Guangchengzi just wanted to protect Yang Jian.

However, if the conflict between the two sects caused more casualties to Chan sect, Guang Chengzi would not want to see it anyway, and the consequences were too serious.

Therefore, Guangchengzi can only focus on the overall situation, prepare to understand the truth to the people of Duobao, and see if he can make sense.

"It's weird? What else is weird? Junior Brother Chang'er has already been killed by Yang Jian, where is the weirdness? Pindao asked, Yang Jian, are you going to teach or not? 35

Daoist Duobao didn't want to reason with Guangchengzi, so he forced him directly.

As Daoist Duobao asked these words, the atmosphere in the scene suddenly became tense, and both sides were a little bit tense.

Zhao Gongming glanced at San Xiao quietly, and secretly sent a signal of divine consciousness to Wu Yunxian, Piluxian and others, which was so secret that even Guangchengzi had not discovered it.

Wu Yunxian and the others didn't change their expressions, but their hearts moved slightly, knowing that this was a signal to start, so they could not help but secretly prepare.

In the face of being so aggressive and forcing them to hand over Yang Jian, the immortals of Chanjiao couldn't help it.

"I haven't figured it out yet, so who?"

"There must be something strange about this matter, you should not falsely accuse us of teaching disciples!!"

"It is impossible to make friends, no one can let us explain how to make friends!!"

"Don't deceive people too much when you intercept the teaching, who dares to let the teaching communicate with others?? 35

"Joke, why do you want to make friends? No one can touch my nephew Yang Jian today!!

Hundreds of Cultists were furious and had no intention of compromising at all.

It is absolutely impossible for them to teach and communicate with people!

Guangchengzi also categorically refused: "Brother Duobao, it is absolutely impossible to make friends, we'd better clarify things first!! 35

Although Guangchengzi didn't want to really make things bigger, and he didn't want to have a conflict, it was even more impossible for them to explain the teaching and compromise, or even hand over Yang Jian. Therefore, Guangchengzi's attitude was extremely tough.

"Okay, what an explanation, haha, you can kill Junior Brother Chang-Er today, can you kill Pindao tomorrow?"

"You are really reckless and daring in your teachings!!""

Dao Dao Duobao laughed anxiously, but his eyes were icy cold, looking at the immortals of Chanjiao was like looking at a group of dead people!!

However, before the words of Daoist Duobao fell, just when all the immortals in Chanjiao quoted Daoist Duobao's words and felt a slight change in his face, Daoist Duobao made a bold move.

A golden bowl and a black ring turned into two streams of light, hitting Guangchengzi head-on.

Another Jade Ruyi and a small red fan followed closely behind, quickly rising against the wind and hitting the chanting immortals.

It can be said that although Daoist Duobao's action this time is not a secret, it seems extremely sudden, which is something that the immortals of Chanjiao did not expect at all.

Who would have thought that Daoist Duobao would suddenly take action when the two sides were facing each other?

Although they were furious, they did not expect to take the lead.

Because once the shot is taken, it means that things have reached an uncontrollable time, and the two sides can only use force to solve the problem.

It is precisely because of this idea that the immortals of the Chan Sect have no time to react.

At the moment when Daoist Duobao made his move, Zhao Gongming and others who had been secretly preparing for a long time also followed suit.

I saw a black long whip in Zhao Gongming's hand, and the long whip immediately hit Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun directly, and the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls at the bottom of the box were all used, just like chasing the stars and chasing the moon. Guangfa Tianzun.

Zhao Gongming went with the aim of one-hit kill.

As the saying goes, it is better to cut off his arm if his tone hurts his five fingers, and Zhao Gongxian clearly understands this.

Moreover, Zhao Gongming's twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls are congenital spiritual treasures, each of which is as heavy as a thousand pounds, and emits five colors of light at the same time, which can dazzle the five senses of the enemy's spiritual consciousness. pole.

··For flowers......

The most terrifying thing is that these twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls can also evolve into twenty-four heavens, and can take people into the invisible.

Obviously, Zhao Gongming sacrificed 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls, which is to take the opportunity to kill Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun.

The speed of Sanxiao's shot is not weaker than that of Zhao Gongming. The three of them have already set their sights on Daoist Burning Lamp according to Zhao Gongming's instructions.

Ran Deng's cultivation base is also very good, even among the many teachings of immortals, he can still rank among the best, and is actually stronger than the twelve golden immortals.

However, Ran Deng has a despicable temperament and likes to repeat. Later, he also took refuge in Western religion and became a famous ancient Buddha of Ran Deng in Western religion.

Therefore, Ran Deng was also on the kill list to intercept the teaching and became one of the goals of this plan.


At the moment when Zhao Gongming shot, San Xiao also shot in unison.

Yunxiao sacrificed Hunyuan Jindou, turned into a golden light and went straight to the lamp.

Qiong Xiao used the Golden Flood Dragon Scissors, and immediately transformed into two golden Flood Dragons, which cut them into the shape of scissors and slashed towards Taoist Ran Deng.

Bi Xiao's speed was even faster, and he silently used the Dragon Binding Cable, ready to tie Daoist Burning Lamp to death.

For a time, Sanxiao showed a tacit understanding, and the three people's offensive was also a combination of trapping the enemy, hurting the enemy, and it was extremely terrifying.

As for Wu Yunxian and other Immortal Seven Servants, they were a little bit slower. After all, although they received the signal to act in advance, their response was still a little slow.

However, Wu Yunxian, as the head of the seven servants of the Immortals, is also appalling in his Taoism. He is not under Zhao Gongming at all. He only sees the Hunyuan hammer in his hand and goes straight to the real Puxian, his speed is only a moment slower than Zhao Gongming. .

On the other hand, Pilu Xian and the other seven immortal attendants slowed down a little bit, but they did not hesitate. According to Zhao Gongming's previous instructions, they set their sights on the Taoist Cihang and several other Anjiao Twelve. Jinxian.

As for the Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of Tortoise Spirit, they went straight to the real person of Yuding!

Because Zhao Gongming has already learned that although the real Yuding is a low-key person, among the twelve golden immortals of the teaching, he is only a master under Guangchengzi. Notre Dame is also considered to attach great importance to the real person Yuding.

For a time, the situation changed suddenly, and all the masters of the Intercept Cult attacked the immortals of the Chan Cult at the same time!! Beg.

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