At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

713 It is difficult to escape, adding a chance to win! 【Subscription】

The war only started in a short time for a stick of incense!

But within this stick of incense, Chan Jiao lost two masters, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun and Puxian Zhenren, and the Twelve Golden Immortals were directly killed by two.

The other Daoist Cihang was also seriously injured and escaped. Even if he saved his life, it would be difficult to return to his original state in the future, which is nothing to be afraid of.

When they saw that Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and Puxian Zhenren had been completely destroyed, and the Daoist Cihang had also been severely injured and fled, the immortals of the teachings were immediately stimulated, and they all set off a monstrous anger, and everyone in the teachings was completely furious stand up.

"Intercept the dog thief, you can't wait to die!!

"Beasts, from the same lineage of Taoism, if you dare to commit poison, we will never die!! 35

"Zhao Gongming, Wu Yunxian, if this revenge is not repaid, the teaching will never give up!!""

"Ah!!!! Die for the poor!!!"

"Today's affairs will not turn around again, intercept the teaching, you wait for the poor road!!"

Hundreds of Changsheng Immortals roared furiously, their eyes almost bursting with anger, their hatred towards Zhao Gongming and the others reached a peak at this moment.

They began to fight back frantically, ignoring the casualties at all, and seemed to have been stimulated crazy.

Seeing the casualties, Guang Chengzi and Yu Ding Zhenren were also stunned for a moment, and then went completely crazy.


"Shameless villain, Pindao will never die with you today!!"

Guangchengzi's eyes burst into flames, and his whole body's mana burst out with all his strength.

He really didn't expect that it was just a situation of confrontation with each other, as long as he checked things out, even though he would not be able to communicate with others, he would try to find a way to explain it to Intercept, but who would have thought that it would develop into what it is now this situation.

Their teaching not only killed and injured several people, but they are also important figures among the twelve golden immortals. The most important thing is that they have been caught in a difficult situation. There will definitely be more casualties.

Moreover, Zhao Gongming and Wu Yunxian, the two top powers, have already freed their hands. If they are allowed to join forces to attack others again, then everyone present will be able to support them, and they will definitely be the same as Puxian. 's fate.

Therefore, as the manager who explained the reality of teaching, the head of the twelve golden immortals, at this time, Guangchengzi had to stand up.

He couldn't imagine how much the Chan Church would be weakened and how angry his master would be if the death and injury continued.

After Guangchengzi roared angrily, he was injured with all his might, resisting the bombardment of Daoist Duobao's two magic weapons, seized the opportunity to retreat a distance, and then took advantage of this time to sacrifice the magic weapon at the bottom of the pressure box, Fantian Seal.

Fortunately, Guang Chengzi's powerful mana, coupled with the Eight Diagrams Purple Ribbon Immortal Clothes on his body, was a good defense. Even if he resisted the Daoist Duobao's two blows, he was only slightly shaken.

How could Guangchengzi take care of this? His eyes were full of anger, and a small square seal appeared on top of his head. Then Guangchengzi pinched the magic formula, and the famous Fantian seal rose against the wind and changed. After becoming a giant of a hundred feet, Guangchengzi stretched out his hand, and the hundred-zhang-sized Fantian Seal pressed towards Zhao Gongming and Wu Yunxian Gai, as if he wanted to crush them severely.

Guangchengzi's attack was also to restrain Zhao Gongming and Wu Yunxian. If they were to be strangled together, the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, Zhao Gongming and Wu Yunxian are both characters who are not inferior to his Guangchengzi, so how can they be afraid of Guangchengzi's Pan Tianyin.

I saw Zhao Gongming sneered, stretched out his hand and waved, the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads flew out like chasing stars and the moon, and bombarded directly towards Fantianyin.

Despite the small size of the twenty-four Sea Ding Divine Pearls, each moment weighs as much as a thousand, and its power is no less than that of the Heavenly Seal.


The twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls bombarded the bottom of the Fantianyin, blocking the hundred-zhang-sized Fantianyin so that it could not fall down at all.

When Daoist Duobao saw that Guangchengzi turned to look for Zhao Gongming, he was also very happy, and turned around to deal with the other immortals.

Wu Yunxian was the same, he grinned and killed the other immortals.

Guangchengzi didn't expect that Fan Tianyin, who had always been unfavorable, had nothing to do with Zhao Gongming, and suddenly became anxious, mana poured out like he didn't want money, and all kinds of magic weapons were also sacrificed at the same time, and he had no intention of keeping his hands.

For a time, Guangchengzi and Zhao Gongming fought again.

On the other side, the real person Yu Ding also set off a monstrous anger, and his eyes were flushed with irritation.

Yu Ding Zhenren also did not expect that because of his disciple's affairs, he actually caused several casualties, and he was also one of the twelve golden immortals.

In the face of such a thing, in fact, the real person Yu Ding felt the most guilt and regret.

He regretted that he had involved his fellow apprentices. If he hadn't summoned all the immortals of Chanjiao to come together, maybe things wouldn't have happened like this, and it wouldn't have caused their casualties.

At the same time, the real Yuding hated even more to intercept the teaching and did not speak morality, so he actually made a sneak attack.

If the two sides negotiate well, there will be no such thing at all.

Therefore, under the influence of complex emotions such as guilt and regret, Master Yuding was completely angry and broke out.

The Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand swept out violently, and after the Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of Turtle Spirit were forced back, Master Yu Ding waved his hand, condensed a giant hand, and slammed towards Sanxiao.

Release me, Brother Burning Lamp!~々!"


Immortal Yu Ding roared at San Xiao, and the dashing and calm expression in the past had long since disappeared, leaving only a piece of ice cold.

Immortal Yuding was too lazy to pay attention to Madonna Wudang and Madonna of Turtle Spirit. As soon as he moved, he came to Sanxiao not far away, and swung the Immortal Slaying Sword at the same time, vowing to slash Sanxiao.

The people of Yu Dingzhen (Wang Zhao's) understood that if Daoist Ran Deng could be rescued, they might be able to recover some of their losses this time.

Therefore, under the frenzied outbreak, the real Yuding started to attack Sanxiao frantically.

Immortal Yu Ding stared at San Xiao, and with all his strength, one person blocked the three of San Xiao.

At this moment, the strength of the real person Yu Ding has been fully demonstrated, and the explosion is not inferior to Guang Chengzi, and even stronger. The three of them beat Sanxiao with a heavy face, and all the means are used to block the real person Yu Ding. break out.

The Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit were also a little surprised when they saw this, but they did not expect that the Jade Ding Zhenren, who had been invisible all the time, was the most powerful one among the twelve golden immortals.

For this reason, the Virgin of Wudang and the Virgin of Tortoise Spirit also joined them immediately, and together with Sanxiao, they completely restrained the real person of Yuding, making him extremely anxious but unable to escape!!.

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