At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

716 Be tolerant and generous, ask for advice! 【Subscription】

In front of the disciples of the two sects, the two saints, Master Tongtian and Tianzun Yuanshi, were accusing and scolding each other without regard for their faces.

Yuanshi Tianzun was very annoyed at the sophistry of Tongtian Cult Master, and he said with a gloomy expression: "Junior Brother, today you dare to besiege my Chanjiao disciple when you cut off the teaching, then tomorrow, will you cut off the teaching and go to my Yuxu Palace?? "

In the face of Yuanshi Tianzun's so vicious questioning, Tongtian sect master was not to be outdone, and sneered directly: "Senior brother, you can't say that, this time it was your disciples who killed my disciples first, what do you say? If you Chan Jiao obediently handed over the murderer, can such a thing still happen??

"Hand over the murderer?? Joke!!!" Yuanshi Tianzun shouted fiercely: "Junior brother, I won't tell you more, you must give me an explanation for this matter, hand over the "liuba" who killed my two disciples Seven" murderer, and then release the lamp, otherwise this seat will not give up!!

Obviously, Yuanshi Tianzun gave an ultimatum to the Tongtian sect master.

However, Tongtian Sect Master shook his head and said categorically: "Only you are allowed to attack and kill my disciples, but I can't kill your disciples? It's a joke, where is the murderer, you must say that the murderer is also you. Hand in first!!""

"However, the lamp can be returned to you!!""

Tongtian sect master changed the wind, and it seemed that he didn't want to be too stiff with Yuanshi Tianzun, so he decisively waved his hand and summoned Yunxiao's Hunyuan Jindou, and then brushed his sleeves, and a figure was caught by Hunyuan The golden bucket spewed out and fell in front of Yuanshi Tianzun, and then the Tongtian sect master returned the Hunyuan golden bucket to Yunxiao.

As soon as the figure appeared, he stumbled while covering his heart, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, sluggish body, and his breath dropped a lot, obviously he had been severely injured.

This person is the Daoist Burning Lamp who was taken into the Hunyuan Golden Dou by Yunxiao.

Fortunately, he was released at this time. If it were a little longer at night, maybe Daoist Burning Lamp would not even be able to recover his life!

Although Daoist Burning Lamp had recovered a life, looking at his appearance, it was a bit miserable.

Just looking at it, Yuanshi Tianzun knew that Daoist Burning Lamp had been cut off from the top three flowers, and at the same time, he had also been wiped out of the way of the five qi in his chest, so that his mana was completely lost, and his cultivation had plummeted.

And this is the power of Hunyuan Jindou.

Seeing that Daoist Burning Deng, who had high hopes for him, turned into such a miserable appearance, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly became angry.

He waved his sleeve lightly, and Daoist Burning Lamp was taken to the rear, and was taken care of by Guangchengzi and others.

Afterwards, Tianzun Yuanshi looked at the Tongtian Sect Master with anger on his face, and said, "Junior brother, this is the so-called misunderstanding that you intercepted the sect? If you burn the lamp for a while at night, you can still survive? Junior brother, do you know what the consequences are?? 99

If even Daoist Burning Lamp was brutally murdered, then Yuanshi Tianzun would definitely go berserk in an instant.

Tongtian Sect Master also knew this, but he said indifferently: "Consequences? What are the consequences? The skills are not as good as others, it's not bad to let him out!! 39

Tongtian Sect Master's remarks seem to show his tolerance and generosity.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun laughed in a hurry: "Well, good, good skills are not as good as others, since this is the case, then I have to ask my junior brother for some advice!!

As soon as the words fell, Yuanshi Tianzun raised the Taiji dust in his hand and swept towards the Tongtian sect master.

The Tongtian Sect Master seemed to have expected this long ago, and saw him sneer: "Since the senior brother has such an elegant look, the junior brother will naturally accompany you!!"

He waved his sleeves violently and slammed into the Tai Chi Chen of Yuanshi Tianzun.


An extremely violent wave of air emanated from the center of the confrontation and swept across the surroundings, frightening the people who were intercepting the teaching and explaining the teaching, and immediately retreated quickly, not daring to approach the two saints who had already shot violently.

After a pair of blows, Yuanshi Tianzun still refused to give up. He held Taijichen in his left hand, and his right hand pinched a tactic, and a golden light shot directly towards Tongtian Cult Master.

At this moment, in the heart of Yuanshi Tianzun, there is no more friendship between the brothers and sisters, he just wants to get back the face of the teaching.

Since the Tongtian Sect Master refused to give him an explanation, then he would take it by himself, it was as simple as that.

However, in the face of Senior Brother Yuanshi Tianzun's shot, Tongtian Cult Master refused to give in at all.

Tongtian Sect Master also condensed his mana and blasted out a golden light, the two golden lights collided fiercely, and then dissipated each other.

Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were slightly condensed, and he became more and more dissatisfied with Tongtian sect master. He no longer restricted his actions, and directly sacrificed one of the treasures on his body, the Three Treasure Jade Ruyi.

With a golden light and a terrifying aura, Yu Ruyi hit the master of Tongtian Sect.

Seeing that his senior brother actually sacrificed the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi, anger flashed across the face of the Tongtian Cult Master, and without hesitation, he drew out the Immortal Killing Sword, one of the Four Immortal Execution Swords.

The Master Tongtian slammed the Slaying Immortal Sword and slammed it on the Three Treasures Jade Ruyi. The two terrifying magic weapons caused the heaven and earth to madly escape when they collided. Visions of heaven and earth appeared frequently at this moment. The sage's proud magic weapon is also madly facing each other, but there is no way to take the other side.

Up to now, the two saints have fought each other for a few tricks, but they know each other, unless they sacrifice the best treasure, it is impossible to take each other's way, because they are saints, and they are brothers and sisters, and they know each other's details. Very clear.

Therefore, after fighting each other for a few times, Yuanshi Tianzun's anger was slightly suppressed.

But at this time, Tianzun Yuanshi was already a little difficult to ride a tiger. Since he has already chosen to take action, but he can't find a venue to find his face, then he is even more shameless.

Without the steps, Yuanshi Tianzun's face was dark and difficult to see, and he was considering whether to continue to shoot.

And Tongtian Sect Master seems to have seen this situation, knowing that his senior brother is a little embarrassed, he also stopped in time.

However, at this moment, several 4.3 terrifying pressures suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, and even the sky seemed to have darkened, as if the protagonist between the heavens and the earth only had these terrifying auras left.

The masters of every breath that suddenly appeared were at the same level as Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi and Sect Master Tongtian. Obviously, after noticing the fight between Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi and Sect Master Tongtian, the other saints finally couldn't help showing up.

With the way of a saint, it is not too simple to perceive this matter.

And the reason why these saints appeared was because they were afraid that Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi and Tongtian Sect Master would have a real fire, which was not a good thing for Honghuang, so they had to come forward.

After feeling the aura of the other saints, Tianzun Yuanshi didn't change his expression, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Because he knows that the steps he needs are coming!!.

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