At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

071 The power of Daqin, the times have changed! [Additional, please order first]

the next morning

The army moves quickly!

Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin, and Tu Sui each led an army of 50,000 and more than 100,000 soldiers, and divided their troops to attack from Yulin, Xiaoguan, Jiuyuan and other places!

Meng Tian has been stationed in the north for more than ten years, and has already figured out the nearby Xiongnu tribes.

Wherever the army passed, the people were killed!

Once encountering the Huns, men and women, young and old, were beheaded by force, slaughtered and slaughtered, and bloodshed thousands of miles.

"Make a formation, make a formation!""

"Where's the ballista? Hit me!

"Throw the grenade, hurry up!

In the southern part of the Hetao, Li Xin was the first to encounter a hard stubble!

This is a large tribe with a population of more than 10,000 people. The tent of the tribe alone covers an area of ​​more than ten kilometers. With all the people in the army, tens of thousands of Huns roared on horseback and started to fight with Li Xin's army.

Li Xin is also a very talented person!

He ordered the infantry to form a defensive formation, and the ballista grenade 11 greeted them first.


After an earth-shattering explosion, a large number of Xiongnu were killed by grenades, and the ballista bombed the Xiongnu army hundreds of paces away.

"Damn, what is this?"

"God, this is God's wrath!"

"Go back, go back!

The Huns were so frightened that their faces were terrified, and their hearts were terrified!

When the war horses were frightened, they ran wild, and the scene was a mess.

Some people wanted to retreat, some wanted to rush, some were killed on the spot, and some were trampled to death on the spot by war horses.

"Don't retreat, don't retreat! The Xiongnu leader roared angrily: "This is a magic trick, not the anger of the gods, we have the protection of the gods, what are we afraid of, let me rush! 35



The Huns barely mustered up the courage to charge over!

But what awaited them were thousands of wooden-handled grenades whistling.


There was another earth-shattering explosion. Thousands of grenades exploded in the crowd, and a large number of war horses and Huns were killed on the spot, and their flesh and blood flew!

The shrapnel and iron filings are swept out, and they are dead by touch!

The shock wave swept out, and the Xiongnu ten meters around the explosion point had to vomit blood!

A wave of grenades smashed down, killing at least two or three thousand Huns, and most of the Huns were injured.

"Hahaha! Li Xin laughed wildly with excitement: "The cavalry is dispatched, brothers, kill me!



"Kill! 35

The Daqin iron cavalry roared out, and waves of crossbow arrows swept across the mountains and seas, and the Huns were brutally tortured again.

A charge comes forward!

The Daqin iron cavalry, already equipped with three sets of cavalry, pushed forward like a wall, crushed it all the way, and trampled and hacked to death thousands of Huns.

The chaotic Xiongnu army could not resist this terrible offensive.

After a wave of impact, tens of thousands of Huns were killed and wounded, and only hundreds of cavalry fled in panic, but they were chased by Daqin cavalry and hacked all the way.

The power of the Great Qin suddenly made the Huns so desperate that they vomited blood!

It also allowed the soldiers of the Six Nations to see the terribleness of Da Qin, so that no one could raise the slightest resistance, only surrender.

"Report to the general! 33 A lieutenant general clasped his fists and roared: "The enemy has been wiped out, and there is no survivor. We have gathered more than 3,000 horses, and our army has suffered less than ten casualties. "

"Okay! Hahaha! Li Xin laughed in satisfaction: "Encircle the entire tribe and clear up the remaining Huns, no matter whether they are young or old, they will all be killed!


The lieutenant agreed and immediately led his troops to surround the past!

The only 2,000 or 3,000 old, weak, sick, and disabled members of the Huns were panic-stricken, but all that awaited them was their demise.

Some people may find this cruel!

But when they saw the Han people imprisoned in the Xiongnu sheepfold, all the soldiers present became furious.

The Huns have been looting and looting for a long time, not only robbing food and gold and silver, but also like to bring a lot of Han men and women back to the tribe!

These people are the wealth of the Huns!

Men are slaves to herd sheep, women are sex slaves to give birth to babies!

Their life is not as good as death, and they are beaten, scolded and killed at every turn. Not only are they naked, but their expressions are numb, like livestock!

"Damn, these damn Huns, how could they do this!"

"Beasts, these beasts!"

"Kill them all, you must kill all the Huns!"

All the soldiers in the army were burning with rage!

Even the descendants of the Six Nations were gnashing their teeth in anger.

Li Xin even took the opportunity to roar: "These women include Zhao Di's daughter and Wei Di's daughter, they are all my subjects of Qin now, seeing the Huns oppressing our sisters so much, do you think they should kill them! "

"Should kill!"

"Should kill! 95

The soldiers of the six kingdoms roared vigorously, and everyone was murderous!

At this moment, everyone's heart has completely eliminated the 187 obsessions of the previous six kingdoms, and they only feel that everyone is from the Central Plains, and they are all from Daqin!

The Huns oppressed the people of Kyushu so much, and everyone should agree to the outside world!

"Kill me!

With Li Xin's order, all the old and weak women and children in this tribe were killed. The blood of the Xiongnu was also promoting the integration of the Six Kingdoms and Daqin.

All this is what Li Xin would like to see!

It was also specially ordered by Ying Zheng.

Daqin needed this battle to absorb the soldiers of the six kingdoms and let them completely return to their hearts.

After beheading this tribe, Li Xin rescued more than 3,000 Han men and women on the spot, and captured countless gold and silver jewelry, more than 200,000 cattle and sheep, and more than 30,000 war horses!

This huge wealth makes everyone can't help smacking their tongues secretly!

The Huns are rich, and if they continue to kill, they must make a fortune.

"Leave 5,000 people to transport the cattle and sheep back to Shang County, and the others, keep going!

Li Xin gave an order, and the army continued to advance!

The other two armies were also dispatched frantically, crushing one after another Xiongnu tribe, beheading and plundering all the way, and the killing of the Huns was frightened and retreated!

The entire Hetao area is caught in the flames of war!

Tens of thousands of Huns were slaughtered.

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