At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

721 The fish died and the net broke, causing more trouble! 【Subscription】

Before the rise of Western religions, they were destined to act in a low-key manner and dormant in secret.

Even if it develops according to the historical trajectory, in the battle of conferring gods, Western religions can only choose to unite with Chanjiao to fight against the Intercepted Religion.

Seeing that Daoist Zhunti also agreed with his suggestion, Daoist Receiver couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the nerves that had been tense before also relaxed slightly.

There is no way, they are too worried about attracting Taoism's target, because their Western religion has been secretly hiding, or secretly doing too many things that are not visible, once exposed, it will definitely attract their Western religion. huge disaster.

The two were silent for a moment, and then the Daoist quasi asked: "Senior brother, since this is the case, what should we do next?"

Their Western "687" Fangjiao tried to suppress the Dragon Clan before, and then conquered the Dragon Clan to strengthen the strength of the Western Church, but the plan was shattered, and the losses were very heavy. Now that the Western Church has made up its mind to keep a low profile, it would have been a long time ago. The plan to be implemented is about to be put on hold, which also has a great impact on their Western religions.

Therefore, the Daoist Zhunti wanted to ask his senior brother, what should the Western religion do next!

But after the Taoist received and thought for a moment, he had an idea and a way to deal with it.

"Junior Brother, it is not yet time for our Western religion to emerge. The three Taoist religions are powerful and incomparable, so we should keep a low profile. I suggest that we continue to develop the Three Thousand Worlds in a low-key manner and secretly accumulate strength. Come, even if our Western religion is targeted in the flood, we will not lose all the way out, and we can use the three thousand worlds to feed back our Western religion!"

"In addition, at all costs, we will do our best to help Daoist Mo and Jin Chanzi recover from their injuries, and then order them to continue to collect more ancient beasts. We must develop multiple lines at the same time, otherwise it will be difficult to compete with the three Taoist religions!

"As long as we have accumulated enough strength, we must make a good calculation with Jiaojiao Chanjiao!!

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Taoist Receiver, obviously he was very dissatisfied with the interception and interpretation of the teaching.

However, due to the fact that the current strength of their Western sects cannot compete with the Intercepting sects and interpreting sects, the Taoists can only choose to secretly accumulate strength in order to seek greater development.

After listening to Daoist Zhunti, he thought about it for a while, and finally just nodded in agreement.

Because this is indeed the most suitable way to deal with the current Western religion, although it is a bit embarrassing, but the victory is safe, and it is also acceptable to the quasi-promoting Daoist and the communicator.

So far, Western religion has set the tone for future development!!

Dongshan City, in a small manor.

Just when the incalculable changes occurred due to Ji Han's reasons, in Ji Han's small manor, the four Ying Zheng came here again and started another gathering.

To be precise, it should be Ying Zheng and the four who came to Ji Han's small manor to eat and drink to satisfy their appetite.

Of course, this is the practice of Ji Han and Ying Zheng. It is not only a party to eat and drink, but Ying Zheng and others are also to report to Ji Han the recent development and achievements of the four immortal dynasties.

As soon as he sat down, Ying Zheng shouted unceremoniously: "Sir, hurry up, let's have some good wine and good food served, for a long time in the future, the bird will fade out of my mouth!!

"That's right, if you have any good food and wine, please bring it up quickly!! 35

"Haha, sir, I really can't wait!!"

"Yeah, don't blame me, sir, I haven't enjoyed Mr.'s food and wine for a long time, I'm really greedy!!

The three of Li Shimin also laughed and greeted Ji Han.

How could Ji Han care about this with them, and immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have enough food and wine, which time will I be missing you!!"

As soon as Ji Han waved his hand, Zhen Ji, Diao Chan and the others rushed out immediately. Everyone had delicious wine and food in their hands. Hundreds of fairies lined up in two long rows, filling the long table with various delicacies. And wine.

At the same time, some other fairies also began to dance or play softly to cheer Ji Han and others.

"Come, have a drink and celebrate for you!! 35

Ji Han raised his glass with a smile on his face.

"Haha, thank you sir, do it!!"

"It's done, it's done!!"

"Mr. King!! 35


Ying Zheng and the four had no reason to not obey, they immediately raised their glasses, laughed and touched them, then drank them all.

After putting down the wine glass, Ji Han gestured: "Come on, eat first, drink first, and then talk about other things when you are full!! 39

"Haha, then I'm welcome!!

"Come on, let's have a good drink first and then talk about it!!

"Sir is very true, haha!! 35

"Eat, eat, eat, and drink to your heart's content this time!! 35

Ying Zheng and the four were not polite to Ji Han. They raised their chopsticks with a big laugh and started to wind up in the clouds. They didn't have any image of an emperor at all.

There's no way, it's really because Ying Zheng's appetite has already been fed by Ji Han's delicious food and wine here, and the general food is simply not eye-catching. For a long time in the future, Ji Han's here will naturally be very greedy for the delicious food and wine here.

Ji Han didn't care at all, and started to feast on it.

They are all used to having a big meal before talking about things, so Ji Han and the others just focus on enjoying the food and singing and dancing first.

This kind of life is just a daily routine for Ji Han, and he lives in a small manor like this.

Of course, what is more important for Ji Han is that he is devouring the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm every day. Since this time, Ji Han's strength has been increasing every day, and the Heavenly Dao power of the Tianyu Realm has been absorbed by him all the time. , Under this situation, the power of the Heavenly Dao in Tianyu Realm is no longer Ji Han's opponent.

However, Ji Han was not in a hurry to devour all the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm, but chose 4.3 to play steadily.

After all, Ji Han is also worried that the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyu Realm will break the net. Although Ji Han is not afraid, he does not want to cause more trouble.

At this moment, Ji Han is like an ordinary person. He doesn't look abnormal, and he doesn't have any imposing manner.

Because Ji Han has deeply restrained his breath, unless his cultivation base is much higher than Ji Han, he will not be able to see the details of Ji Han at all.

However, the four Ying Zheng, who have been with Ji Han for a long time, can still vaguely feel that under Ji Han's seemingly ordinary body, what kind of terrifying power is hidden, as if once released, it will only destroy the country and destroy the world. between hands.

For this reason, even if Ying Zheng and the others have made rapid progress in their cultivation during this period, they only have deep awe for Ji Han, and have no other thoughts at all!!.

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