At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

723 Thinking, can not be ignored! 【Subscription】

The Four Immortal Dynasties have begun to rise!

After the realization of national cultivation, the higher the strength of the hundreds of millions of people in the four immortal dynasties, the higher the overall strength of the four immortal dynasties, and according to a series of plans previously formulated by Ji Han, not only can the outstanding talents be selected, but also Enriching the armies of the four immortal dynasties, one link is linked to the other, is enough to make the strength of the four immortal dynasties skyrocket.

Ji Han is also well aware of this, he nodded immediately after hearing this: "Yes, yes, I finally lived up to my high hopes, you have done a good job!!

Using the resources of the Heavenly Feather Realm to feed back the four immortal dynasties, this was originally instructed by Ji Han. Now Ying Zheng and the others have done a very good job, which has also greatly developed the interior of the four immortal dynasties. Ji Han is naturally very satisfied.

"Go on!!" Ji Han ordered.

At this time, it was Chongzhen's turn, and he immediately said: "Sir, this is more than that, in order to conquer the Tianyu Realm, the number of core legions under our four immortal dynasties has already exceeded 10 million, and the number of ordinary legions has reached more than 30 million. ."

"Let's not talk about the core legion, all of them are our top combat power, and the soldiers of the ordinary legion are men and horses from various countries and forces in the Tianyu Realm, and almost all the experts from the East Continent and the Southern Territory of the Tianyu Realm have been collected. , and after a period of training, those soldiers have already gained a lot of combat power, and they have made a lot of credit for our four immortal dynasties to fight the Tianyu Realm, which is very useful, haha!!"

After the four immortal dynasties laid down a lot of territory in the Tianyu Realm, they decisively began to recruit troops in the Tianyu Realm to form ordinary legions and let them contribute to the four immortal dynasties.

And the four immortal dynasties never treated those soldiers badly, and the treatment they gave was much better than before, so that the soldiers of the ordinary legion were willing to fight for the four immortal dynasties.

In the face of such terrifying strength, the so-called top forces in the Tianyu Realm are nothing but chickens.

Often, the core legion is not needed, and the ordinary legion is enough to sweep most of the sects in the Tianyu world.

Therefore, the territory of the four immortal dynasties in the Tianyu Realm has become wider and wider, and they have completely won the Dongzhou and Nanzhou in the Tianyu Realm.

In this regard, Ying Zheng and several people will naturally not be satisfied, so after they won Dongzhou and Nanzhou, they decisively extended their giant hand to the Tianyu Realm, the most extensive area, the most concentrated sect, and the most powerful The strongest Middle-earth.

In the Tianyu Realm, Central Continent is synonymous with power, and those who can take root and develop in Central Continent are all top forces.

It can be said that the Central Continent of the Tianyu Realm has gathered the most powerful forces in the entire Tianyu Realm because of its superior geographical location. At the same time, all the top experts in the Tianyu Realm have all taken root in the Central Continent, all kinds of precious and cherished cultivation resources. Most of them also went to Middle-earth.

Therefore, this is a huge, plump and delicious cake, how could Ying Zheng and others let it go?

As long as the Central Continent is taken, the remaining two continents will not be a problem at all, and after taking the Central Continent, the four immortal dynasties will usher in a stage of soaring strength again. The four immortal dynasties have been digested for a long time.

Under such circumstances, the army of the four immortal dynasties in the Tianyu Realm decisively stretched out their tentacles towards Zhongzhou.

Chongzhen did not pause, and after talking about Zhongzhou, he continued: "Sir, our four immortal dynasties started to attack Zhongzhou three months ago, but we encountered a lot of problems~々."

Speaking of problems, even Ying Zheng and the three became awe-inspiring.

Obviously, this is definitely not a simple problem for the four Ying Zheng, otherwise they would not have told Ji Han at all, and Ji Han immediately understood that this should be a problem that they could not solve.

Ji Han's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately asked with a smile, "Oh? What's the problem that can make you all helpless??"

Ji Han was obviously a little curious. It was hard for him to imagine that with the terrifying strength of the four immortal dynasties in the Tianyu Realm, he could still encounter difficulties.

At this time, Ying Zheng, who was the first to speak, said again: "Sir, it's like this. When attacking Central Continent, we encountered strong resistance. Central Continent and the sects of the other two continents all united, and the remaining two continents of Tianyu Realm were united. All the sects and forces began to converge on Middle-Continent.39

"Because our four immortal dynasties have won the East Continent and the South Continent, all the local forces in the Tianyu Realm are deeply jealous of us, and they are extremely hostile to us, so it is naturally impossible for them to let us continue to wreak havoc in the Tianyu Realm. The fact that the sects of the other two continents have converged on Central Continent is a proof.39

"The sects of the remaining three continents in the Tianyu Realm have all united to form a powerful resistance alliance, the purpose is to expel our four immortal dynasties.

"The most important thing is ...... 35

Having said this, Ying Zheng's face was already extremely serious, he glanced at Ji Han, and then continued: "..The most important thing is, in this resistance alliance, we seem to have discovered the shadow of Western religion!!

After speaking, the four Ying Zheng carefully observed Ji Han's face.

Sure enough, Ji Han's face turned cold in vain after hearing the words "Western Teaching", and an extremely cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Oh? Western religion??"

Ji Han quickly regained his composure and asked with a frown.

The reason why Ying Zheng and the others knew about Western religion was also what Ji Han told them.

In order to increase the knowledge of Ying Zheng and others, and to let them know some of the situation in the flood, Ji Han told them a lot of things in the flood, including Western religions.

Otherwise, how could Ying Zheng and the others know about the Western Sect, a sect in the wild!

And this time, Ying Zheng and the others actually found traces of Western religion in the Tianyu Realm. This (Wang Qianzhao) was beyond Ji Han's expectations, and it also brought him some surprises.

Ying Zheng immediately nodded his head: "Yes, it is the Western religion, and when we attacked Central Continent, our many attacks were also repelled by the rebel alliance of the Tianyu Realm. Obviously, this is a very hard bone that is difficult to chew."

Ying Zheng also did not forget to tell Ji Han that the resistance alliance formed by Zhongzhou was still very strong, and this was also the problem they encountered.

After getting the affirmative answer, Ji Han nodded thoughtfully.

Obviously, according to this information, Western religion should have been developing in Tianyu Realm for many years, not only taking root in Central Continent and developing for a long time, but it seems that it should have developed into a force that cannot be ignored.

It's just that the major sects in the Tianyu Realm are not aware of it, which is a little curious.

And at this moment, those who stand in front of the four immortal dynasties include Western religions!!

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