At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

726 How could we not accept it? 【Subscription】

Ji Han didn't stop Ying Zheng's four polite actions, but accepted them calmly.

Then Ji Han waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't be polite, this is just a suggestion for you, how to implement it, or whether you adopt it or not, is up to you!!99

"Sir is joking, how could we not accept such a good suggestion?"

"Haha, that's right, with Mr.'s suggestion, our Four Great Immortal Dynasties will definitely be stronger in the future!

"Don't worry, sir, we will do as soon as we go back, as suggested by Mr.

"This is the strategy of strengthening the army and the country, and there is no reason why we should not follow it!!"

The four Ying Zheng agreed immediately, and there was no sign of not accepting it at all.

After all, the suggestions made by Ji Han are indeed very beneficial to the four immortal dynasties, so how could they not accept the victory of the "Six Eight Seven" government!

Moreover, once they completely conquered the Heavenly Feather Realm, then their four immortal dynasties will once again usher in a stage of soaring strength, which is definitely a great thing for the four immortal dynasties.

And Ji Han is very satisfied with the attitude of the four Ying Zheng. After all, the stronger the strength of the four immortal dynasties, the more useful it will be to him.

"Very good, you can arrange it after you go back, it's better to start the war as soon as possible, and don't give the enemy too much breathing room!!

Ji Han smiled lightly and made a plan for Ying Zheng and the others!

Ji Han believed that with the current strength of the four immortal dynasties and the information he provided, it should not be a problem to win Zhongzhou.

After all, Ji Han has provided them with a lot of time treasures, not to mention that the generals such as Lu Bu are also masters of the Jinxian level, and there are countless powerful soldiers under his command, so dealing with a Tianyu Realm is not a problem at all.

The four Ying Zheng also understood this, and immediately clasped their fists and said, "Yes, I will follow the teachings of Mr.

Obviously, the four Ying Zheng had already understood what Ji Han meant and made up their minds. After returning home, they immediately followed Ji Han's suggestion.

"Haha, come on, keep drinking!! 39

Ji Han nodded slightly, then stopped talking and raised his glass.

Ying Zheng and the four naturally laughed and raised their glasses to toast with Ji Han, and then continued to talk about various things.

After more than two hours, Ying Zheng and the others were satisfied and satisfied.

Great Qin Xian Dynasty, Qin Wang Palace.

Ying Zheng stepped out of the gate of light with a blushing face, obviously in a good mood.

This time, when I reported the news to Ji Han, not only did I get news from the major forces in the Tianyu world, including the Western religion, but also after Ji Han's reminder, I got a strategy to strengthen the army, how could Ying Zheng not be overjoyed?

And thinking of Ji Han's suggestion, Ying Zheng, who had just returned to Daqin Xianchao, couldn't wait.

As he walked out, he instructed: "Send my will, and immediately summon the civil and military officials to come to discuss the matter!!

"Yes, Your Majesty!!

The confidant eunuch who had been waiting next to him immediately took the order and left respectfully.

As the emperor of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, Ying Zheng, coupled with his high cultivation base and good luck, has already reached an unprecedented peak in his control over the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty. If it exists, then no one can threaten Ying Zheng's rule, and no one can challenge Ying Zheng's authority. It can be said that in the Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng is the only god who can kill anyone!

Therefore, after Ying Zheng's order was conveyed, at any time, no one of the civil and military officials of the Great Qin who received the order dared to be slighted, and they all gathered at the fastest speed in the Qin Palace, waiting for Ying Zheng.

Soon, just after the civil and military officials of the Great Qin Dynasty gathered, Ying Zheng Shi Shiran appeared in the Qin Palace.

When Ying Zheng sat down on the dragon chair and looked at the civil and military officials below with majestic eyes, the civil and military officials, who were divided into two columns, immediately knelt down and shouted at the same time: "I will meet your majesty my emperor. Long live my majesty, long live, long live!!

In the past, when it was an ordinary dynasty, the long live in the mouths of civil and military officials was only something that Ying Zheng dared to dream of, but now Ying Zheng has completely realized this dream.

Because Ying Zheng had already crossed the distinction between human beings and immortals and reached the realm of Yuanxian.

And once he becomes an immortal, his lifespan will last for tens of thousands of years. Therefore, when Ying Zheng heard the word "long live", he didn't react at all, instead he felt a little funny.

"All love, please be flat!! 35

Ying Zheng's face was full of dignity, and he said something lightly.

"Thank you Your Majesty!!

The civil and military officials shouted in unison at this time, and then stood up.

Seeing the civil and military officials standing with their hands tied, Ying Zheng nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then said directly: "To call all the Aiqings here today, there is an important thing to inform all the Aiqings!!

"Before, my dynasty's battle in the Tianyu Realm temporarily encountered some difficulties, but after the guidance of the immortal master, I have full confidence."

"Therefore, according to the instructions and suggestions of the Immortal Master, I have decided that from now on, our dynasty will start to attack the Tianyu Realm with all its strength, and all the legions in the Tianyu Realm must immediately enter a state of war!!

"I want to completely conquer the Heavenly Feather Realm for the Immortal Master!!

Although Ying Zheng's majestic and rich voice was not loud, it resounded in the ears of every civil and military official.

Obviously, Ying Zheng was an order, not discussing anything with them. He directly ordered the Great Qin Dynasty to enter a state of war, and let the civil and military officials come to let them know about it.

And the civil and military officials below, whether they are generals such as Wang Jian, or civil officials such as Li Si, have long been accustomed to this.

Therefore, after hearing Ying Zheng's order, the civil and military officials immediately bowed to the order and said, "Yes, the ministers will obey the decree of the king!

It's just an all-out attack on the Tianyu Realm, which is not a problem at all for the always belligerent Daqin Xianchao.

Situation 4.3 and the civil and military officials at the bottom have long wanted to completely take over the Tianyu Realm. Thinking of the massive resources that were continuously transported back from the Tianyu Realm, the hearts of the civil and military officials became completely hot.

They all understood that once they completely conquered the Heavenly Feather Realm, their Great Qin Immortal Dynasty would gain even greater benefits, and for their civil and military officials, they would be the first group of people to benefit.

Therefore, in public and private, they have no reason to refuse, let alone they dare not disobey.

When Ying Zheng saw this, he nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then ordered: "In this case, let's pass the order, the legions of the Mingtian Feather Realm are all ready, and three days later, they will start their full attack!!

As for tempering ordinary legions and building a strong army of iron and blood, Ying Zheng did not say much, but prepared to take practical actions to accomplish this goal!!.

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