At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

731 Such a doctrine is really disgusting! 【Subscription】

Looking at the broken door in front, Wang Ben sneered and walked in.

This place has become Wang Ben's trophy, and the stronghold of the Western religion has always been relatively mysterious, so Wang Ben naturally has to observe and observe carefully.

When Wang Ben stepped into the gate of the Western sect stronghold, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of him.


Wang Ben narrowed his eyes slightly, realizing that this was not an abnormal situation.

I saw that although this stronghold has been destroyed a lot, the space is extremely large and wide, and there are various pavilions and pavilions built inside. The most important thing is that every construction here, including some irrelevant things, are all built. It looks like a golden light, and it is obviously made of various precious materials, and at the same time, the appearance "703" is made into a golden color.

It is truly a glorious picture!!!

Wang Ben couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw it. He didn't expect the stronghold of the Western Church to look so splendid, as if it was extremely rich.

However, Wang Ben didn't think much about it. After all, he had seen many splendid buildings, so he wasn't very surprised, and then he continued to walk inside.

As soon as I entered a hall, I saw two huge golden Buddha statues standing in the center of the hall. On both sides of the two huge golden Buddha statues, there were also 108 smaller Arhats. Buddha statue.

No matter how big or small, these Buddha statues are all golden and radiant, exuding a faint golden light, and they look extremely luxurious.

Obviously, these Buddha statues are made of rare materials, and the appearance is also plated with golden light, as if all Western religions have a soft spot for gold.

Seeing this scene, Wang Ben didn't have to think too much to know that the two huge golden Buddha statues must be worshipped by two saints from the Western religion, while the 108 smaller Buddha statues next to them should be from the Western religion. One hundred and eight Arhats.

Wang Ben's face was gloomy, and after checking the hall, he walked back.

However, what Wang Ben saw after that was basically the same, whether it was the various buildings or the Buddha statues in them, they were all golden and splendid, looking resplendent and extravagant. It was built with financial and human resources, and it really turned this stronghold into a place of luxury.

After seeing this half-destroyed stronghold, Wang Ben's face was already gloomy.

Because Wang Ben has long understood that this is just an ordinary stronghold of Western religion, but it is such an ordinary stronghold, built so splendidly, as if Western religion has endless financial resources.

If all the strongholds of the Western Church in the Tianyu Realm were like this, Wang Ben couldn't imagine how much manpower and material resources it would take to build them.

But Wang Ben can already imagine that this must have been obtained by the Western religion scavenging countless people, otherwise, how could such a foreign power be able to have such financial resources.

At this time, Wang Ben thought again of the scene he saw outside, and his face was so gloomy that it was about to drip.

Because there are still a large number of local civilians around this Western religious stronghold, but after the Western Religion was wiped out, those local people all glared at Wang Ben and others, as if they had great hatred for them. .

At that time, Wang Ben was still puzzled, but he did not embarrass the people.

But now Wang Ben has come to understand it. Obviously, as a Buddhist sect, Western religion has extremely unique means to confuse all beings. Therefore, all the local people believe in Western religion, and they have reached the point where they can give their whole hearts to it. The level of Western religion is not worse than that of mad believers.

Therefore, with the development of Western religions, the local people are becoming more and more superstitious in Western religions. They have no intention of working in order to worship Buddha. .

Under such circumstances, the people who were not wealthy in the first place became even more impoverished.

Even under the bewitched by the monks of the Western religion, the local people continue to offer various sacrifices to the Western religion. This is the dedication in the mouth of the Western religion, and it is also the reason why every stronghold of the Western religion can be built so extravagantly and brilliantly.

This is equivalent to continuously drawing the blood of local people to worship Western religions.

This is exactly the teachings and styles of Western teachings!!

After thinking about these things, how can Wang Ben have a good face?

"Dog things are really not people, they don't care about the life and death of the people at all, a group of blood-sucking worms, it is you who are destroyed by labor and capital!!

Wang Ben cursed secretly with an ugly face!!

At this time, Wang Ben still didn't understand that the reason why those local people glared at them, as if they were extremely hated, was clearly because the Western religion was destroyed, and those people turned their anger on Wang Ben and the others. .

If it wasn't for those people who were powerless to resist, maybe they couldn't help but attack Wang Ben and the others!

It was the first time that Wang Ben had encountered such a strange thing. It really made him feel a little ridiculous, and at the same time, he was completely disgusted with the senses of Western religion.

This Western religion, which sucks the marrow and knocks the bones of its believers, is simply not worthy of being called Buddhism.

Wang Ben now completely understood what kind of sect the Western religion was.

Thinking of this, Wang Ben not only cursed again: "Damn Buddhism, a thing that deceives the world, labor and capital do not completely destroy you in the Tianyu Realm this time, labor and capital will not go back!!"

At this moment, Wang Ben's disgust for Western religion had reached its peak, and he could not wait to completely exterminate the Western religion monks in Tianyu Realm immediately.

Such a terrifying 4.3 sect, if it were allowed to continue to grow and develop, Wang Ben would never have imagined how terrifying the Western Church would become. No matter how much surplus there is, they must frantically plunder all the resources that can be plundered.

How could Wang Ben not be disgusted by this kind of teaching?

Fortunately, the days of the Western Sect in the Tianyu Realm are not long. I believe it will not be long before the four immortal dynasties will take over Central Continent, and then completely destroy the distribution of the Western Sect in the Heavenly Feather Realm, restraining the development of the Western Sect.

Thinking of this, Wang Ben stopped looking at it, walked out of the stronghold, and ordered loudly:

"Send the order, all the soldiers will meet immediately and set off for the next destination, no mistake!!

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