At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

740 Can't laugh or cry! 【Subscribe】

Dongshan City, in a small manor.

The four Ying Zheng gathered at Ji Han's small manor again. After reaching a consensus, the four of them immediately returned from the Tianyu Realm and came directly to Ji Han's small manor.

It's just that the four Ying Zheng came here with some business, and they were going to come to Ji Han for help. Therefore, they didn't eat and drink like they did last time, but just tasted and drank at will. After two glasses of wine, he put down his chopsticks full of thoughts.

Seeing that the four of Ying Zheng were clearly preoccupied, even the food and wine they had been thinking about in the past seemed to have no taste, Ji Han knew that the four of them obviously had something to talk about.

As for what was going on, Ji Han actually knew very well that he had now swallowed most of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm, and he knew exactly what happened in the Tianyu Realm.

But Ji Han didn't explain it directly, but asked with a smile, "What? If you have something? Just say something, don't be so rude, you almost have to write your thoughts on your face!!"

Ji Han's teasing made Ying Zheng four people a little embarrassed.

Ying Zheng smiled embarrassedly: "Hehe, as expected, we can't hide anything from Mr., we are here this time, and we really want to ask for help from Mr. !!

"Oh? What's the matter?"

A smile flashed in Ji Han's eyes, and asked lightly.

Many things have to be experienced before they can know. Ying Zheng and the others have never encountered a superpower of the level of Da Luo Jinxian. They suffered a lot of failure at the first encounter. This is not a bad thing, after all, it is too much. It's not good to have a smooth ride, so even if Ji Han knows what it is, he still has to wait for Ying Zheng and the others to say it himself, and then he will help them compliantly, rather than directly helping them solve everything.

The four Ying Zheng naturally didn't know what Ji Han was thinking, they looked at each other and Ying Zheng replied, "That's right, sir, we met a strong enemy in the Tianyu Realm. We were defeated in the last war, and the casualties were not small. , and the enemy is too terrifying, far from being able to compete with us, it should be the strong aid from the Western sect, so we would like to ask Mr.

Mr. Ying Zheng briefly introduced Ji Han to the difficulties they encountered, and then told Ji Han the detailed process of the last war.

Ji Han's face was indifferent, and while listening, he nodded slightly.

After a while, he slowly asked: "So, you can already be sure that those two terrifying powerhouses are the reinforcements from the Western sect? And they are Daoist mosquitoes who escaped from the East China Sea Dragon Palace before. Golden cicada??39

"Not bad!!" Ying Zheng nodded affirmatively, "Judging from the tricks and supernatural powers they used, it should be Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi!!

"Hehe, the blood mosquito, the silver light with extremely fast speed, and hundreds of strange-looking, obviously the subordinates of the last fierce beast, so it seems that there are nine out of ten people who escaped from the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Golden cicadas!!"

Ji Han thought for a while, then nodded and affirmed Ying Zheng's guess.

Seeing that Ji Han said so, Ying Zheng and the others can completely confirm their identities.

However, when he thought that Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi are both the terrifying cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, far from being able to compete with them, Chongzhen smiled bitterly: "Sir, without your help, we can't do anything about Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, I can't resist it, so please don't hesitate to do it sir!!

After speaking, Chongzhen suddenly stood up and clasped his fists and saluted Ji Han, looking extremely sincere.

"Hey, sir, we really have no choice!!"

"Yeah, otherwise, I won't bother Mr. The enemy is too strong, and we can't compete!"

"Yes, please do it again, sir!!

The three of Ying Zheng also immediately got up and clasped their fists to Ji Han, a look of congratulations.

Ji Han didn't expect Ying Zheng and the four of them to be so polite, and suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

He immediately pressed his right hand and said with a chuckle: "It's alright, just sit down and talk!! 35

Ying Zheng and the others were no longer polite, and sat down again after laughing.

Obviously, based on what Ying Zheng and others knew about Ji Han, since Ji Han didn't reject the matter right away, it meant that he had already agreed, so a big stone in Ying Zheng's heart fell instantly, and they felt much more relaxed.

After sitting down, Cao Cao suddenly asked suspiciously: "Sir, since the Western sect has come to provide strong support, doesn't it mean that the sages of the Western sect have already paid attention to the affairs of the Tianyu Realm? Besides, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi didn't just do it not long ago. Have you escaped from a serious injury in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea? Why did you recover from your injury so quickly and still appear in the Tianyu Realm?"5

··For flowers......

Such doubts actually existed in the hearts of Ying Zheng and the three of them. Seeing that Cao Cao asked the question first, they turned to Ji Han and wanted to hear Ji Han's analysis.

In this regard, Ji Han smiled lightly: "After the previous losses, the Western Church has obviously changed its development strategy. It seems that it wants to focus on the secret development of the 3,000 Great Worlds, so as to gather strength. It's not big, but there are also branches of Western Religion, which are also related to the future development of Western Religion. Therefore, it is not surprising that the saints of Western Religion pay attention to things in the Tianyu Realm.


"As for why Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi can quickly recover from their injuries, this may not be possible for us, but it is not difficult for saints. You are not at that level, so thinking about it is useless!! 55

"Moreover, Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi can appear in the Tianyu Realm so quickly, and they secretly continue to collect a lot of ancient beasts, they must have come from the Chaos Sea, and you don't need to care about that!!

Ji Han explained the doubts of the four Chongzhen people in a few words.

After listening to this, Ying Zheng and the four suddenly became stunned, and at the same time they forgot about those problems, because as Ji Han said, they haven't reached that level yet, so it's useless to think too much, and they don't need to care about it, what's important now is Think about how to deal with Dao Ren and Jin Chanzi.

"I don't know how sir is going to deal with those two?" Ying Zheng couldn't help asking.

Of course they knew that although Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi were both great golden immortals, it would not be difficult for Ji Han to deal with them personally. Ying Zheng and others were even more confident than Ji Han.

Ji Han thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Actually, it is not difficult to solve Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi, and I don't need to do it myself!!

Apparently, Ji Han has a plan!!

"Oh? How??"

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and they were immediately filled with anticipation.

Ji Han smiled lightly and replied:

"It's very simple, just find the right person to do it!!" begged.

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