At the speed of Daoist Mosquito, as long as he escaped, the three of Zhao Gongming had no hope of intercepting him.

However, in the case of intentional calculations and unintentional, coupled with the fact that Daoist Mosquito and Jin Chanzi were in the Tianyu Realm, they were temporarily paralyzed, and they relaxed their vigilance. Zhao Gongming was surrounded and blocked by the three of them.

Right now, Jin Chanzi was entangled by Yang Jian and could not escape at all, and he was also surrounded by Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie.

But Daoist mosquito didn't seem to give up, watching Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie kill again, Daoist mosquito's eyes moved, the whole person suddenly seemed to have lost mana, fell straight down from the sky, and instantly approached the ground.

Seeing that he couldn't escape from the sky, Daoist mosquitoes actually made up their minds on the ground.


Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie let out a light snort. They did not expect that Daoist Mosquito would actually make such a choice.

But then the two of them sneered, immediately changed direction, and flew straight down toward the ground.

No matter what the means of Daoist Mosquito, Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie could not let him leave this place this time.

However, Daoist Mosquito fell to the ground first, and at the soles of his feet, which neither Zhao Gongming nor Ao Lie could see, a faint, blood-red light flashed, and it went underground and disappeared without a trace of breath.

Even Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie, who have been staring at Daoist Mosquito, never noticed this change!

After the blood-red light penetrated into the ground, Daoist mosquito galloped away in the direction of the battlefield.

Before, their speed was too fast, and they were instantly away from the battlefield for dozens of miles. At this time, Daoist mosquitoes did the opposite and wanted to get close to the battlefield.

When Zhao Gongming saw this, he immediately understood Daoist Mosquito's plan, and he directly scolded: "Bastard, want to hurt innocent people??"

Obviously, Daoist Mosquito intends to use the chaos of the battlefield to escape from Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie's containment, and there are four immortal dynasties there. As long as they suck the blood of some soldiers, Daoist Mosquito can recover some injuries. It is definitely the best choice for mosquitoes.

Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie naturally understood, they immediately changed direction, their speed increased sharply, and they chased towards Daoist Mosquito.

At the same time, Zhao Gongming also sacrificed 24 Dinghai Divine Beads again, and hit Daoist Mosquito behind them in a series of beads.

After sensing the situation behind him, Daoist Mosquito sighed slightly, and the despair in his heart increased by two points.

In the face of Zhao Gongming's offensive, Daoist Mosquito did not dare to ignore it, and he could not ignore it. In this way, he would naturally lose the opportunity to approach the war, and if he could not approach the battlefield, he would not be able to drink blood essence to recover from his injuries. Daoist Mosquito knew that this time it should be doomed.

Just thinking of the backhand who had just left behind, Daoist Mosquito regained a glimmer of hope.

Before the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads came to face, Daoist Mosquito turned sharply, and at the same time, he waved his hands violently, hitting the Dinghai Divine Bead with both hands, and with the help of thrust, he avoided the attack of the Dinghai Divine Bead again. .

However, Zhao Gongming was not disappointed at all, he just sneered, stretched out his hand, and hurried out the bound dragon rope, sweeping towards Daoist Mosquito.

Once trapped by the tying dragon rope, Daoist Mosquito can only be captured by his hands no matter how great his supernatural powers are.

At the same time, Zhao Gongming hurriedly recited a few spells, and a golden mirror appeared on the top of his head. Zhao Gongming hit the mirror with his mana, and the mirror suddenly lit up, and then a golden beam of light was sprayed towards Mosquito Daoist.

Although this mirror is not a congenital spiritual treasure, it is just a magical treasure refined by acquired, but its power is not small, otherwise it would not be carried by Zhao Gongming.

The golden light was as fast as lightning, and it seemed to have passed through the void directly.

Because Daoist Mosquito was severely injured and his strength was greatly reduced, his speed was also slowed down a lot, so he saw the golden light calling, and he reacted intentionally, but he still couldn't avoid it.



A golden light flashed, accompanied by the smell of burning, and Daoist Mosquito couldn't help but let out a scream. Upon closer inspection, his whole body seemed to be scorched by fire, with multiple burns on his body.

And at the moment Daoist Mosquito was hit by the golden light, Zhao Gongming's dragon-binding rope also followed, as if he had spirituality.

If Daoist mosquito hadn't been injured, it would have been impossible for him to be trapped by the dragon-binding rope at his speed, but he was severely injured and could not escape, and was hit by the golden light from the mirror, so he was unable to dodge the dragon-binding rope at all, and could only be trapped. Got a right.

With the power of tying the dragon rope, Daoist Mosquito can't do it in a short time if he wants to break free.

While Daoist Mosquito was trapped, killing intent flashed in Zhao Gongming's eyes, and the speed was not seen at all. At the same time, he raised the black whip in his hand and slammed it down at Daoist Mosquito's head.

Ao Lie was naturally unwilling to be left behind. With a flash of water in his hand, a trident appeared in Ao Lie's hand, and then stabbed towards Daoist Mosquito.

A look of despair appeared in Daoist Mosquito's eyes. He exerted force violently, but he was still unable to break free from the shackles of the tying dragon rope. Seeing that Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie's attacks were about to fall, Daoist Mosquito gritted his teeth and banged his body. .

For a time, a blood-red giant mosquito the size of a basket appeared in front of Zhao Gongming and the two. The blood-red giant mosquito exuded a disgusting bloody smell as soon as it appeared, and the sharp mouthparts that were three feet long appeared incomparable. Ferocious, the two blood-red wings as thin as cicada wings flapped constantly, trying to break free from the shackles of the dragon-binding rope.

However, the Dragon Binding Cable is a magic weapon that can change with the target. It has not been loosened at all because Daoist Mosquito has shown its original shape, but it has become tighter and tighter.

Until then, Daoist Mosquito really became desperate, because after being trapped by the tying dragon rope, there was no way to use it, and it was too late to use it.

The most important thing is that the attack of Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie (Zhao Liao's) has come.


Bang!! Judgment!

The black whip in Zhao Gongming's hand and Ao Lie's trident fell almost at the same time. Even if Daoist Mosquito showed his original body and greatly increased his defense, he still couldn't stop Zhao Gongming's black whip and Ao Lie's trident.

With a puff, Ao Lie's trident slammed into Daoist mosquito's body, instantly causing Daoist mosquito's blood to splatter out, but Daoist mosquito didn't have time to scream, and the black whip in Zhao Gongming's hand slammed into it. On the head of Daoist Mosquito.

With a loud bang, Daoist Mosquito's head was smashed directly like a watermelon, and the yellow-white brains and blood splashed all around.

These were completely two fatal attacks, which completely lost the vitality of Daoist Mosquito, and the entire body was directly shattered, turning into a blood clot and falling to the ground!!

So far, under the cooperation of Zhao Gongming and Ao Lie, the ancient top beast, Daoist Mosquito, has fallen!!.

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