At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The first step taken by 755! 【Subscription】

Dongshan City, a small manor.

At this moment, Ji Han was sitting quietly in the room, his eyes were closed, but his whole body exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

Because the four immortal dynasties and Ji Han have long been bound together, the four immortal dynasties and Ji Han share weal and woe, and the profit and loss are one!

Therefore, just when the four immortal dynasties achieved great gains due to the unification of the Tianyu Realm, and their strength soared, Ji Han's strength also soared a lot because of this.

After the four immortal dynasties completely wiped out all the resisting forces and won the Tianyu Realm, this also means that the Tiandao of the Tianyu Realm will no longer be able to resist Ji Han's devouring. Therefore, since half a year ago, Ji Han began to frantically devour the Tianyu Realm. The power of the Heavenly Dao forced the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm to shrink the control range, but it was still useless. Because of this, Ji Han became more and more terrifying, and his strength became more and more terrifying. Tiandao was getting weaker and weaker, and in the end, it was completely swallowed up by Ji Han without any resistance.

When Ji Han completely devoured the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm, a smile appeared on his awe-inspiring face, as if he was very satisfied with the result.

Moreover, after swallowing up all the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Feather Realm, Ji Han's strength and aura have already become as vast as the sea, as deep as a prison, which is simply terrifying.

"Very good, the power of the Heavenly Dao has been absorbed and swallowed up, and the next is the most important source of the Heavenly Dao!!

Ji Han's eyes are still slightly closed, but he knows his own changes very well. He secretly said a word in his heart, and he began to devour the origin of the heavenly way of the Tianyujie with all his strength.

The power of the heavenly way and the origin of the heavenly way may sound the same, but in fact there is an essential difference, because the power of the heavenly way is the power contained in the rule body of the heavenly feather world, and the power of the heavenly way can be thought of as the whole body mana of a monk , and the origin of the Dao of Heaven is the most important thing such as the Primordial Spirit or the Soul Essence of a monk.

Previously, what Ji Han devoured was always the power of heaven, but now that the power of heaven has been swallowed, it is natural to start with the most important source of heaven.

You must know that the power of the source of a world is definitely a rare treasure, comparable to the treasure of the innate spiritual treasure. The most important thing is that the longer a world exists, the more precious the power of the source, and the energy contained in it. Not to mention, it is enough to take Ji Han's strength to a higher level, and the power of the source also includes the evolution and development experience of the original heaven of the feather world to the world, which is also very important to Ji Han.

Therefore, Ji Han can't help but look forward to it.

Soon, Ji Han held his breath in a state of concentration, and then manipulated the power of the Heavenly Dao devoured from the Heavenly Feather Realm, wrapping it directly towards the most central area of ​​the Heavenly Feather Realm.

In the deepest part of the earth's core of Tianyu Realm, there is a group of five-color light clusters in the size of zhangxu. That five-color cluster of light is the origin of the Heavenly Dao of Tianyu Realm. Once Ji Han completely swallows it up, it also means that Tianyu Realm is truly destroyed. Ji Han is in control.

That ball of five-colored light exudes five kinds of rays of red, orange, yellow, white and purple, and each ray of light expands and contracts indefinitely, and from time to time it floats around in the air, which is very intoxicating, as if it has its own spirituality.

And when Ji Han manipulated the endless power of the Heavenly Dao to wrap around the source of the Dao of Heaven, the source of the Dao of Heaven also seemed to realize the threat, and suddenly all the rays of light were withdrawn into the body, and then the sphere of about a zhang size directly shrunk. After more than half of it, it turned into a one-meter-sized ball of five-color light.

The five-color light is no longer released, but sticks tightly to the surface of the light ball like a pattern, as if a layer of armor is formed for the light ball, making the entire five-color light ball look very solid.

However, Ji Han, who saw this scene with the power of divine sense, just sneered and didn't care at all. He manipulated the huge power of the heavenly way to directly attack it, and completely wrapped the source of the heavenly way.

Then Ji Han's mind moved, and the power of the Heavenly Dao wrapped around the source of the Heavenly Dao slowly began to rotate. The speed was slow at first, but the speed gradually accelerated later, and it also rotated together with the source of the Heavenly Dao.

That's not all, a layer of pale silver flames appeared out of thin air on the periphery of the source of the Heavenly Dao.

But if someone can carefully observe the internal situation, they will find that with the power of the heavenly way wrapping around the heavenly way source piece every time it rotates, the group of heavenly way origin will shrink a little bit, and that thread of heavenly way origin will be refined by the surrounding pale silver flame. After that, it is directly added to the surrounding Heavenly Dao Power.

・・For flowers.......

Therefore, with the passage of time, the speed of the sphere's rotation is getting faster and faster, the source of the five-colored Heavenly Dao has become smaller and smaller, and the surrounding Heavenly Dao's power has become more and more terrifying.

Obviously, although this group of Heavenly Dao origin also gave birth to a trace of wisdom, but in front of Ji Han, there is not much resistance at all. Replenish energy.

Seeing this, Ji Han completely let go of his heart, and then concentrated on refining the source of the Tao of Heaven.

A day later, the original one-meter-sized source of the Dao of Heaven had turned into a basketball-sized sphere, and the volume had shrunk by more than half, and the five-colored light attached to the outer layer of the sphere had also flickered, and the brightness had also weakened a lot.


Obviously, under Ji Han's full strength refining, this group of Heavenly Dao origin has begun to gradually lose its support. I believe that it will be completely refined by Ji Han and then absorbed.

As the source of the Heavenly Dao was continuously absorbed by Ji Han, Ji Han's aura also skyrocketed again, becoming more and more terrifying. If someone stayed within 30 feet of Ji Han at this time, it would feel as if the space was about to collapse. Down, the monks below the Mahayana period will even be directly torn to pieces.

This is just a trace of Ji Han's unintentional aura when he refines the source of the Heavenly Dao. One can imagine how terrifying it would be if Ji Han really showed his full strength.

This is also the reason why Ji Han spared no effort to support the four immortal dynasties to conquer the Tianyu Realm.

Because devouring the source power of one world is definitely the best way for Ji Han to increase his strength, there is no one.

At the level of Ji Han, it is not impossible to go a step further, but it is absolutely difficult for ordinary Da Luo Jinxian, and it will take a very long time.

However, Ji Han is different. He has already incarnated into the Blue Star Heavenly Dao. Next, as long as he continuously devours the power of various sources of Heavenly Dao, he can continue to increase his strength, thus reaching a very terrifying realm, and even becoming a saint.

Devouring the Heavenly Feather Realm is just the first step taken by Ji Han!! Beg.

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