At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

757 Devour the source and expand wildly! 【Subscription】

The Heavenly Feather Realm was the first big world Ji Han discovered!

And winning the Tianyu Realm not only indicates that the four immortal dynasties have taken the most important first step in the battle of the three thousand worlds, but also represents a solid step for Ji Han.

After devouring the source of the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyu Realm, Ji Han's strength has skyrocketed a lot, and with the Blue Star and the Tianyujie as the foundation, Ji Han will be able to soar his strength to a In an unimaginable state, at that time, even a saint, Ji Han will not be afraid at all!

Even now, with Ji Han's cultivation, and the help of the 12th-grade World Destruction Black Lotus and the Blood-turning Divine Sword, Ji Han is no longer afraid of opponents below the sage.

Therefore, this step is extremely important both for the four immortal dynasties and for Ji Han. It will be an important cornerstone for their future development. With the Tianyu Realm as a springboard, Ji Han will be more capable of swallowing the next world. With the Tianyu Realm continuously providing various resources for the four immortal dynasties, the four immortal dynasties can also rapidly increase their overall strength11, and then prepare for the next world.

So now that he can truly win the Tianyu Realm and bring the Tianyu Realm into his control, Ji Han is relieved, and his heart is full of joy.

At the moment when Ji Han completely refined the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded over the Tianyu Realm. The sound was so loud that it rang through the entire Tianyu Realm. Extreme thunder.

As the thunder sounded, a wave that was difficult for ordinary people to detect also swept across, cleaning the entire Tianyu Realm.

This is the proof that Ji Han has become the heaven in this world, which means that Ji Han has completely controlled this world. The landforms have left his unique brand. In the future, Ji Han will be able to decide the life and death of any creature and change any terrain in an instant.

This is the right of being a world of heaven, but as a world of heaven, you generally don't care about any living beings, and you will not deliberately change the situation of a world. Generally, it will only develop silently.

Thinking of this, Ji Han's belief moved, and he subconsciously said: "So, this world will be called Yanhuang Xianyu in the future!!"

Since the Tianyu Realm no longer has the Tianyu clan, and this realm is also controlled by Ji Han, it is naturally impossible to use the previous name, so Ji Han decisively changed it to the Power Yanhuang Immortal Realm.

The reason why it is called Yanhuang Xianyu is because the two characters Yanhuang are in line with Ji Han's identity, Yanhuang also represents the inheritance of Kyushu Huaxia, and the second is because the prosperity of practice in this world, whether it is high or all aspects, is far away. Victory over Blue Star, to Blue Star, this is like a fairyland, so Ji Han decisively named it Yanhuang Xianyu.

And just after Ji Han decided, the entire Yanhuang Immortal Territory was slightly shocked, and seemed to be happy with his new name.

"Haha, well, hahaha!!! 35

Ji Han's thoughts were instantly grasped, and he not only laughed out loud!!

From today, Lan Xing and Yanhuang Immortal Domain will be completely under Ji Han's control.

At the same time, just when Ji Han had just become the Heavenly Dao of Yanhuang Immortal Domain, Blue Star also began to undergo great changes.

If someone is in outer space, they will find that the volume of the entire Blue Star suddenly began to increase dramatically in the last moment, and the speed of increase is not slow at all. , the volume of the entire Blue Star has more than doubled, and although the growth rate has slowed down, it has not stopped, just like before, it is still slowly increasing.

Obviously, as long as there is enough time, it is not difficult to double the size of the Blue Star.

And the Blue Star has more than doubled its volume, and the entire planet's territory has also more than doubled, causing the Blue Star to skyrocket both in terms of land area and ocean area.

This is a scene that can only be seen in outer space, but on the inner land of Blue Star, what all the people of Blue Star see is an even more shocking scene.

At the beginning of the change, the entire Blue Star seemed to start to vibrate. Although the vibration was not strong, it was felt by the entire Blue Star people.

At first, almost everyone thought it was an earthquake, and in a panic, they ran out of the room in a hurry, and at the same time took various shelters.

But it was soon discovered that it was not an earthquake at all, because the tremor was very slight, not strong, and had no impact or damage on all buildings.

However, the shocking thing is still behind. As the blue star vibrated slightly, the land under people's feet began to expand and extend, and then all the land area was expanding frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, this expansion is not like a split, but appears out of thin air. Therefore, in the eyes of countless people, it is so shocking and unbelievable.

Similarly, as long as the lakes and oceans on the Blue Star have more than doubled their size in just half an hour, all the people of Blue Star who saw this scene felt unbelievable.

"Oh my God, what did I see? The land area is expanding, growing??

"Hmm... am I dazzled? I... crap, what's the situation?"

"I'm just buying it, Emperor 720, what happened to Blue Star? Even the lake has doubled in size?"

"No, it's impossible, the land area and ocean area of ​​Blue Star are growing like crazy? How is this possible? How could such a thing happen? 95

"Fuck, mad, this is, isn't this an illusion? Could it be that something in the myth is really coming?"

Countless people couldn't believe what they saw at all, they were shocked and lost their voices, and their eyes were full of unbelievable shock.

No one expected that such a change would take place in Blue Star.

When the size of the Blue Star began to slowly increase, countless people were shocked, and the growth of various animals and plants was unbelievable to them. An unbelievable scene that makes people feel like being in a fantasy world.

The change this time came so suddenly and so violently that everyone was caught off guard and was completely unprepared.

However, facts are facts, and no matter how unbelievable they are, facts cannot be changed.

Countless Blue Star people found out that this is not an illusion, nor is it that they are dazzled, the area of ​​Blue Star is really increasing wildly!!

For a time, the entire Blue Star fell into a sea of ​​crazy discussions!!.

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