At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

759 The identity of this old Qi is not ordinary! 【Subscription】

The strange scene made countless people stunned.

From an hour ago, the people of Blue Star noticed that the sky of Blue Star began to change.

At first, the sky darkened slightly, and it didn't attract anyone's attention at first, but as time went on, the sky seemed to be getting darker and darker. You know, it's noon now, so abnormal, it naturally attracted many people's strength. attention.

At first, many people thought that it might be a rainstorm, but when they looked up at the sky, they found that it was not the case at all, because the sun still existed in the sky, and there were no dark clouds in the sky, so the sky turned dark. , because outside the extremely high altitude, there is a huge and unimaginable shadow covering the entire Blue Star.

Such a strange scene immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

No matter where you are in the blue star, as long as you look into the sky from the ground of the blue star, you will see that there is a giant illusory celestial body in the sky that is more than a hundred times larger than the blue star. It blocked the sun and moonlight, and it seemed to be slowly approaching the blue star.

The most important thing is that on this huge illusory celestial body, there are still a lot of phantoms of beasts and angels, not only vivid, but also terrifying, it looks like another world.

Such a strange and terrifying phenomenon immediately aroused the attention and panic of all mankind, and countless people were immediately panicked.

"Oh my God, what did I see? I must be hallucinating!!"

"What is this? Damn it, crazy?"

"Fuck you uncle, is the labor and management crazy or the world is crazy? This is something unimaginable in a dream, right? 35

"Omg, God, this is not true, we don't want miracles, you go away, don't come down!!

"Nima's, what the hell is this, another world? Or another star?"

"What are those? Ferocious beasts? Angels? Or aliens?? Crazy, crazy, Blue Star is not going to be destroyed, right??"

Countless people were shocked by this scene, and even trembling with fear, all kinds of strange remarks appeared one after another in panic.

Some people speculate that this is another world, some people speculate that this is another planet approaching, and some people think that this is another world preparing to invade Blue Star.

(bbed) The last guess is almost accepted by most people, because from the perspective of the current huge illusory celestial body, this is definitely another world, and if this world is not close to the blue star, how can such a scene appear? ?

Obviously, this is likely to be the signal of the enemy invasion!!

After reaching such a conclusion, almost all the people of Blue Star began to panic.

Because whether it is the speculation about aliens or the scene presented in the huge illusory celestial body, it seems that Bluestar cannot compete. Once another world invades Bluestar, Bluestar will fall into terror. In the midst of war? It is even very likely that it will not be able to resist, and then fall or be destroyed?

Such a terrible and cruel result, no one can accept it at all!

The countries of the world on the Blue Star were also frightened, their scalps tingling, and various emergency meetings were held immediately to discuss various countermeasures and predict various possibilities.

But no matter which country it is, there is no way to start with this, because they don't have any relevant information to study, all possibilities and countermeasures belong to the category of speculation, and they don't know whether it is accurate or not!

The Kyushu Yanjing side was also frightened. Like other countries, the Yanjing side held a high-level emergency meeting immediately, and all the Kyushu high-level officials gathered in Yanjing immediately.

Because everyone understands the seriousness of this matter, they don't dare to be slighted at all. After all, this may be a major event related to the survival of the entire Blue Star, and Kyushu naturally cannot be immune to it!

The emergency meeting was held in a heavily guarded place in Yanjing. The participants were all high-level officials in Kyushu, such as generals in the army, as well as officials from major families. These people stomped their feet at random, and they could set off a huge storm in Kyushu. The waves came, but at this time they gathered together with a solemn expression.

In this huge conference room, apart from hundreds of participants, there are no irrelevant people.

Around the huge oval conference table, hundreds of senior Kyushu executives took their seats. These people either frowned, or looked solemn, or were preoccupied. In short, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was extremely depressed, as if a gloomy cloud. look.

As an old man took the throne, everyone's attention was concentrated.

A certain old man smiled and seemed not to be influenced by the outside world. He looked around and said with a smile: "Everyone is here? Since that's the case, let's start!


A middle-aged man with half-white hair next to him immediately responded respectfully, then picked up a miniature remote control in front of him and pressed it.

Above the conference table, a scene was immediately projected, which was the huge illusory celestial body.

"Everyone, please see, this is a scene that suddenly appeared in outer space two hours ago, and what we saw on the ground was such a scene, it was a huge illusory celestial body, and there were various scene patterns on it. ...

The middle-aged man with half-white hair projected the high-definition pictures taken by the satellite and the ground, and explained them for everyone in the room to watch.

After a while, an old man waved his hand slightly and said: "Okay, don't look at it any more, I believe you have already seen it and understand our current situation. I don't know what you think? Please speak freely, we should be earlier. Make a plan!!""

Don't look at an old man who is quite calm now, with a look that is not alarmed, the sky is falling before the sky and does not change color, but it is false to say that he is not worried, but an old man has always been in a high position, as if everything has been Not enough to make him lose his temper.

At this time, all the senior officials of Kyushu looked at each other silently, as if they all wanted to hear what others would say.

"Cough cough!!"

But not everyone thinks this way, a spirited old man coughed lightly, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, old and incompetent, let's grab the limelight first, and look forward to you all. Don't Blame!!35

When an old man heard the words, he immediately chuckled and said, "Old Qi's words are serious, you can take the lead, that's the best!

The rest of the high-level officials also nodded, obviously, the identity of this old Qi is very unusual.

Qi Lao nodded slightly, and said directly:

"The old man believes that this is not some space-time magnetic field, but the invasion of another world, otherwise such a scene would not appear at all!!

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