At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

780 Non-Kyushu blood cannot enter! 【Subscription】





This is all the senses that the giant hand of billions of feet has brought to the people of Blue Star!

Even though they had seen miracles such as cultivators and angels before, they were still shocked to the point of being unable to control themselves!

Compared with this scene, the various miracles in the past are really like the difference between a child and an adult. It is simply unreasonable!

This is probably the most shocking scene that countless Blue Star people have ever seen in their lives!

Even Lin Mushan and the others, who were already mentally prepared, were extremely shocked at this moment, and they all stood up.

"This... what is this East-West?"

"Hi... Could this be the reason why Mr. Ji doesn't let us touch that world? 99

"My God, what level of power is this? In front of such a giant hand, what is Blue Star worth?

"Fortunately, fortunately, we obeyed Mr. Ji, and Mr. Ji didn't lie to us!!""

"It's a miracle? No, it's supposed to be the power of God, it's shocking!!

All the senior officials of Kyushu were shocked by this scene, and even took a breath of air in fright.

It was precisely because they knew the information of that world in advance that they were even more shocked.

They also didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying existence in that world, to be able to stretch out such a terrifying giant hand. This simply refreshed the three views of Lin Mushan and others.

Of course, after the shock, all of them felt fortunate at the same time, fortunate that they had Ji Han, fortunate that Ji Han gave them advice, and they also obeyed Ji Han's advice, otherwise if they really couldn't help but want to go If you come into contact with that world, you will suffer heavy losses just like the Western countries!!

All of this is a long story, but it just happened between lightning and flint.

In the blink of an eye, a new change appeared on the live broadcast screen!!

I saw that the giant hand that was hundreds of millions of feet in the sky was not only very wide, but also extremely fast. It grabbed the rocket and completely wrapped it in the blink of an eye, and then the giant hand. The hand clenched hard.





The two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, only screamed in horror, and before they could say help, the rocket was instantly destroyed under the witness of countless Blue Star people and the screams of countless people in panic. Squeeze.


It's like a watermelon being crushed!

Compared with the giant hand, the size of the rocket is completely negligible. When the giant hand grabbed the sky with a slight force, it completely burst open, a flash of fire flashed, and countless fragments fell from the fingers of the giant hand. , and then quietly floated in space, completely staying in this eternal silent starry sky!

At this point, the rockets used by Western countries to explore alien civilizations have completely dissipated, leaving no traces except for those fragments, and the two astronauts, Steve and Anthony, have completely disappeared!

In the face of the terrifying giant, the so-called rockets and human lives are so fragile that they cannot withstand the slightest destruction!

And this is also a little lesson Ji Han taught Western countries!

Such a sudden and terrifying scene instantly attracted countless screams and unbelievable shouts from the Blue Star people.

"No...why is this?"


"Dead?? They just died like this??

"Damn, what's the situation? Rocket and people just disappeared?"

"It's over... it's over..."

All kinds of panic-stricken shouts were constantly resounding in every corner of the world, especially the people of Western countries. They were all stunned and couldn't believe what they saw.

Who would have thought that not only did the plan not succeed this time, but it also attracted a giant hand and directly crushed the rocket. This kind of thing is something that I would not dare to think about in ordinary times, even a novel. I dared not write this, but it became a reality.

Such a terrifying scene naturally made countless people fall into a dream!

The bosses such as Wilson and Elizabeth turned pale with fright, and the panic in their eyes could not be restrained.

They also did not expect that a simple exploration plan would turn into such a result. If they knew, they would not implement it if they were killed.

··For flowers...

Besides, they think more deeply than the general public, because they are the leaders, and now it seems that their actions should have angered the masters of the alien world. If the alien world blows a rocket, it will not be enough If they are willing to give up and still take action against Blue Star, doesn't that mean they have to take full responsibility?

Because this matter was caused by them, all the Blue Star people were watching, and even if they wanted to push it, they couldn't push it away.

Once aliens are invaded because of this plan, those countries that have not participated in this plan will definitely unite, let them take full responsibility, and maybe let them be at the forefront, so As a result, it is hard to imagine what kind of losses these countries will suffer!

Therefore, at this moment, Wilson and Elizabeth and other bigwigs were so frightened that they panicked, fearing that their fears would become reality.

Obviously, in the face of such a change, these bigwigs from Western countries thought a lot and thought deeply, but they did not express their condolences for the two dead astronauts in the first place, but worried about whether it would lead to more terror. scene.

It has to be said that these bigwigs in Western countries are indeed politicians, with only interests in their hearts and no humanity!

Even those ordinary people in Western countries, there are countless people crying secretly at this time, mourning for the two dead astronauts.

After all, Steve and Anthony are also heroes who died for their country!

Of course, Wilson and Elizabeth and other bigwigs are also top figures, and they reacted immediately after a while, and then their faces showed sadness, a look of extreme pain, and they acted very realistically. .

However, the person next to him immediately screamed again.

"Oh my God, look, look, what is that? Is it words? That giant hand is gone, it's just a line of words!!

An entourage next to him who had been watching the live broadcast was very sharp-eyed, and immediately observed the changes in the live broadcast, and immediately screamed to remind him.

Countless people seemed to have noticed this change and immediately looked at the live broadcast screen.

I saw that the giant hand that squeezed the rocket started to fade away slowly, and then left a huge line of text at the position where the rocket was squeezed!!

"Yanhuang Immortal Territory, non-Kyushu blood is not allowed to enter!!" begging

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