At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

789 Put away your little thoughts! 【Subscription】

On this day, Jizo came to a huge city with Di Heng.

This city is Nanzhou, and even the most famous Tiantian City in the entire Tianyu Realm.

Because Tatian City is not only the first city occupied by the four immortal dynasties after stepping into the Tianyu Realm, but also the headquarters of the four immortal dynasties in the Tianyu Realm. It can be said that the Tianyu City at this time has become the center of the Tianyu Realm. All the decrees of the world are issued from the city of stepping on the sky, and the high-level officials of the four immortal dynasties are basically stationed in the city of stepping on the sky.

Therefore, the appearance of Tiantian City at this time has already changed greatly. Not only has it become a super-large city with a length and width of 10,000 miles, but a million-strong army is stationed in Tiantian City all the year round, and there are two military camps outside Tiantian City. , together guarding the city of stepping on the sky.

And Stepping Sky City is also the most important destination of Jizo. After traveling more than half of the Southern Continent, Jizo finally came to this most important city in the Tianyu Realm.

Standing not far from the city gate, Jizo looked up at the tall city wall, and couldn't help but look shocked, perfectly assuming the role of a young man, as if he was a teenager who came out to see the world for the first time.

And the city wall of Tiantian City is indeed tall. After several expansions, the outermost city wall is now 750 meters tall and 50 feet thick. It can be said to be both magnificent and strong.

Many people will be shocked by such a scene when they first come to Stepping City. Therefore, Jizo's shocked expression at the right time is not an exaggeration, and the people who see it just smile with kindness.

"Come on, let's go to town!"

Jizo slowly put away the shocked expression on his face, and then whispered to Ji under his feet, and then lifted his feet and walked towards the city gate.

The city gate in front of them is only one of dozens of city gates, but it is also more than ten feet high, and the city gate is full of people who want to enter the city.

The four immortal dynasties seem to have no restrictions on those who enter the city. As long as they do not provoke or provoke troubles in the city, anyone can enter the city of stepping on the sky. In this way, Ksitigarbha will naturally enter the city without any difficulty.

Due to several expansions, the area of ​​Tatian City has become extremely huge, so the city is divided into three areas: the central city, the inner city and the outer city.

The central city was the earliest scale of Tiantian City, and it was also the place where the senior officials of the four immortal dynasties were stationed. According to the regulations of the four immortal dynasties, ordinary people were not allowed to step into the central city without special permission.

The inner (bbed) city is a place where some powerful or wealthy people live, and the outer city is the area that Jizo has just entered at this time.

After entering Tiantian City, Jizo saw more strange things, even more than he had seen in any place before.

"Tsk tsk... worthy of being the home of the Four Great Immortal Dynasties!

At this time, Jizo was no longer shocked at the beginning, instead he was amazed.

Along the way, he collected a lot of information one after another, and also found out some details about the destruction of the Western religion, but Jizo knew that the harvest here would far exceed any other place.

Because this is the old nest of the four immortal dynasties, and it is the place where the high-level leaders of the four immortal dynasties gather. If you want to get the most detailed and specific information, and want to get what Jizo wants, then this is the only place.

Therefore, as soon as he entered the city, Ksitigarbha immediately ordered secretly: "Listen carefully, give me a good inquiries, especially those with strong cultivation, report to me immediately what they say!

Listening to the truth just nodded slightly, did not speak, and then immediately exerted his supernatural powers, and began to listen to the various voices in the city.

On the other hand, Jizo went straight to the inner city. If he wanted to get closer to the center, he would see if he could get more harvests.

However, in less than an hour, Truth Listening brought a huge surprise to Ksitigarbha.

"What did you say? In the center of this city, there are four people with strong luck? Come on, give me all your strength to listen to the voices of those four people."

After receiving the news from Di Ting, Jizo immediately secretly delighted, and hurriedly told Di Ting to listen to the voices of the four targets with all his strength.

At this time, Ksitigarbha didn't know that the four people with strong fortune that I heard about were the four Ying Zheng, and I heard the voices of their chatting just in time.

Step on the city.

In a heavily guarded house in the central city, the four Ying Zheng were sitting in it, chatting casually.

The four Ying Zheng had just come to the Tianyu Realm a few days ago. This time, they were just making a routine inspection to see if there were any unresolved issues in the Tianyu Realm.

Of course, they will also take away a lot of cultivation resources and treasures, in order to feed back the four immortal dynasties and strive to improve the overall strength of the four immortal dynasties as soon as possible.

At this time, the four Ying Zheng did not know that there was someone who could hear their voices silently in Stepping Heaven City.

Ying Zheng put down the teacup and said with a chuckle, "How are you, three brothers, how are you doing recently?"

After unifying the Tianyu Realm, their four immortal dynasties have ushered in a wave of unprecedented growth, and their strength has skyrocketed several times. After receiving the feedback from the Tianyu Realm, the development of Ying Zheng's Great Qin Immortal Dynasty is also gratifying. Therefore, Ying Zheng also asked the other three by the way.

Cao Cao laughed loudly and said, "Haha, Brother Zhao, do you still need to ask? Our Great Wei Immortal Dynasty is no worse than your Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, and our development is basically the same!!

"That's not it, Brother Zhao, just put away your little thoughts!

"Haha, that's right, isn't this different?"

Li Shimin and Chongzhen also burst into laughter, and there was no taboo in speaking between the four, and all kinds of jokes were casually played.

"Haha, the three brothers misunderstood??" Ying Zheng smiled, and then sighed: "Speaking of which, thanks to Mr., otherwise how could we have the opportunity to unify the world? It's something you can't even think about!! 99

Thinking of the past, and thinking about the achievements and heights they have achieved now, Ying Zheng couldn't help feeling emotional.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the approval and echo of Cao Cao's three people.

"Yes, yes, without Mr., we would not be where we are now, there is no doubt! 35

"That's right, what we didn't dare to think about before, has not only achieved it, but also unified other worlds, and can even become immortals and live forever!!

"That's right, haha, but I don't think about it so much, I just know that it's right to follow in the footsteps of Mr., and follow Mr., we have infinite possibilities!!

The four Ying Zheng understood their own thoughts, and looked at each other tacitly, and then all burst into laughter, obviously satisfied with the current situation, and had already made up their minds to follow Ji Han to the death!!.

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