At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

008 Xu Fu, Do You Know Who I Saw Just Now? 【35, Please Collect】

"Your Majesty, forgive your sins, the servants are loyal and loyal, but they have never done anything wrong to you!"

"This minister has devoted himself to the great Qin Chen and never dared to slack off in the slightest. Why is your majesty doing this?"

Zhao Gaolisi groaned in terror.

They are unwilling, unconvinced, and do not understand why they were taken down?

"Go!" Ying Zheng was too lazy to explain too much, so he directly ordered the soldier beside him: "Bring one of my reindeer here."


Several soldiers clasped their fists and agreed, and quickly went down to do so!

After a while, a handsome deer was brought over.

Everyone looked at this little deer, and they all didn't know what Ying Zheng meant.

Only Wang Ben sneered and glanced at Zhao Gao jokingly.

It seems that Ying Zheng is trying to play a trick!

As the lord of the Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng has always been very lenient to the royal family.

No matter how many crimes Zhao Gao committed in the past, he tolerated and even tolerated them one by one.

However, when Ji Han told the allusions about referring to a deer as a horse, the murderous intention in Ying Zheng's heart had already exploded. He never expected Zhao Gao, whom he trusted most, to be so arrogant.

How dare a eunuch dare to bully Qin Huangquan!

How dare a bitch get carried away!

This is simply unforgivable, and it has also violated Ying Zheng's inverse scale, and anyone who dares to touch the imperial power will have to die.

Even if there is no evidence, Zhao Gao cannot live today!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" Zhao Gao immediately noticed something was wrong. He crawled over with sincerity and fear, and pleaded, "I don't know what went wrong, and I ask Your Majesty to punish you. The servants are loyal to you!"

"Loyalty? Haha, what a loyal one!" Ying Zheng pointed at the deer angrily and growled, "Tell me, is this a deer or a horse!"


Everyone was stunned, everyone was dumbfounded!

Zhao Gaolisi and others were also stunned for a while.

Is Ying Zheng taking the wrong medicine? Why ask such a question?

This fool can see that it is a deer and not a horse!

"Speak!" Ying Zheng roared again: "Is this a deer or a horse? There is only one chance, if you say the wrong thing, I will burn you to death!"

"His Majesty!"

Zhao Gao was so frightened that he was paralyzed.

What is this question, he dare not answer it!

"Wang Qing, tell him why I asked this question." Ying Zheng sneered.

"Wei!" Wang Ben agreed, and said coldly, "Immortal Master Fangcai and His Majesty had a conversation in the night. They talked about the changes in the world for thousands of years in the future, and they also talked about Zhao Gaolisi's joint rebellion!"

"The two of you are really amazing. Not only did you pass the imperial edict to force the son Fusu to death, but you also supported Hu Hai's superior to control the government!"

"Zhao Gao, the eunuch, dares to call a deer a horse, and the officials dare not fight against him. Is this how I, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, have been bullied by you?"

The more Wang Ben spoke, the more angry he became, and he wanted to draw a knife and slash people on the spot!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Zhao Gaolisi was even more stunned.

"How is this possible? Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

"The slaves are so loyal, how could they do such a thing?"

"Slandering, this is definitely slandering, this minister would never dare to commit such a treasonous thing even if he died!"

Zhao Gaolisi was so frightened that he tried desperately to argue, and at the same time, they were extremely aggrieved in their hearts.

Why did the Immortal Master decide that they dared to rebel? Are they really going to do this in the future?

No, no, no, I can't admit it!

Once admitted, this is going to kill people.

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Gao begged desperately: "This Immortal Master is definitely transformed by a demon, and he came to confuse the emperor to frame Zhongliang."

"Presumptuous!" Ying Zheng was so angry that he kicked him and said angrily, "Is the immortal master you can slander? Drag him down to me and lock him up with Tiger Leopard!"

"Order someone to check the evidence of his Zhao Gao's relatives, and if they find any treasonous acts, they will immediately execute the three clans!"

"As for Li Si, lock it up first, and I will deal with it later!"

Ying Zheng's series of orders made Li Si Zhao's hands and feet go cold!

Li Si is better, but he is only temporarily detained, Zhao Gao is going to be out of luck!

Not to mention whether his relatives will be exterminated, just if he is locked up with Tiger Leopard, the end will be miserable.

"Your Majesty, spare your life, spare your life!"

"The slaves have been with you for many years!"

"You can't listen to the words of the evildoer!"

Zhao Gao was so frightened that he desperately pleaded and screamed, but he was still dragged away quickly!

"Wang Qing!" Ying Zheng continued to instruct: "We will send more people here, and guard this place all the year round. No one is allowed to approach!"

"Although I don't know when the Light Gate will appear next time, I have a hunch that we will see the Immortal Master again!"

"As for these immortal grains, they will be strictly guarded immediately, and then ordered to choose a good place to secretly plant them. They are the hope of my Daqin, and there is absolutely no room for mistakes!"

Wang Ben's expression turned positive upon hearing this!

Kneeling directly on one knee, he roared, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, you will guarantee your life at the end of the day, and there will never be any problem with the immortal food!"

"Okay!" Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and after a moment of contemplation, he waved his hand and said, "I will order someone to take ten Jindan pills, use the gray rabbit to test the medicine, and then pass Xu Fu over, I would like to see what these warlocks have presented What is it!"


Wang Ben agreed again and quickly went down to get busy!

After a while, ten eunuchs came over with rabbits in their hands, and Xu Fu was urgently summoned.

When he saw that the surrounding area was heavily guarded, and Ying Zheng was staring at him badly, Xu Fu groaned in his heart, and immediately thought that something was wrong.

"My minister Xu Fu, I bow to your Majesty!" Xu Fu bowed his head respectfully.

Ying Zheng sneered: "Hehe, Xu Fu, do you know who I met just now?"

"I don't know!"

Xu Fucheng was frightened, and his heart was even more nervous.

"Just now, there was a vision in the harem, and a gate of light emerged. I and Wang Ben stepped through the gate of light and entered the fairyland, and we even saw the immortal with our own eyes!"

"I didn't expect it, Xu Fu, you have already told all your details, I want to see how you can quibble today!"

Ying Zheng roared angrily, and Xu Fu was stunned on the spot.

Fairy? how can that be?


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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