At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Dongshan City, a small manor.

At this time, in Ji Han's small manor like a fairyland, as Ji Han's mood changes, the little fairies like Diao Chan and Zhen Ji no longer play and play like they used to, but quiet down and do their own thing. Don't dare to make a loud noise.

Ji Han also stayed in the room and never showed up, which made Diaochan and others gradually start to worry.

As night fell, four of the five gates of light in the small manor suddenly lit up. Under the flow of bright light, four figures stepped out of the four gates of light, and came to the small manor. .

It was Ying Zheng, Cao Cao, Li Shimin and Chongzhen!

It's just that compared to the past, after the four Ying Zheng came to the small manor, they did not have the bright smiles and joys they used to, but instead looked sad and heavy, with a preoccupied look. big problem.

"Come on, sir should be waiting for us!"

Ying Zheng took the lead in breaking the peace, and took a step forward, walking towards the depths of the manor.

The three of Cao Cao nodded slightly and immediately followed.

After arriving at Ji Han's small manor, Ying Zheng and the four were still worried, but subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief, as if they had found a backer, they could solve any problem.

This is because they have always had more than all levels of admiration and confidence in Ji Han, and Ji Han has never let them down, even this time the problem is no exception. Ji Han should have a solution for this.

And Ji Han was obviously already prepared for the arrival of Ying Zheng and the four. He also came out of the room a quarter of an hour ago and sat down at the place where he and Ying Zheng and four of them drank and tasted food in the past.

Diao Chan, Zhen Ji and other little fairies didn't play music or dance under Ji Han's orders. They just served a large table of food and wine for Ji Han and others, and then they went down one after another, daring not to disturb Ji Han and Ying Zheng's discussions.

"Have seen Mr.!!99

After the four Ying Zheng arrived, they immediately gave Ji Han a salute.

Ji Han waved his hands indifferently and said, "Okay, don't be too polite, just sit down!!

After that, Ji Han did it himself and poured himself a glass of wine.

The four Ying Zheng looked at each other and took their seats beside Ji Han.

Just sitting down, the youngest Chongzhen couldn't help but want to say: "Sir...""

Then Ji Han reached out his hand to interrupt what he wanted to say, Ji Han smiled and said, "Come on, try the food and wine first, and I'll talk about it later!!

Seeing this, Chongzhen did not dare to insist, so he had to fill the glass.

"Haha, what Mr. said is that nothing is more important than tasting food and wine. Come, come, three brothers, let's toast Mr. together!!"

Ying Zheng also saw what Ji Han meant, and immediately woke up with a smile on his face, and raised his glass to Ji Han.

"Haha, yes yes yes, Brother Zhao is right! 35

"That's right, sir, we respect you!

"Come on, let's have a drink together!"

Naturally, the three of Cao Cao would not do anything unpleasant, and immediately laughed and toasted Ji Han together.

Ji Han must know their purpose this time. Since Ji Han is not willing to say more, then they don't need to ask more. They still have a tacit understanding and understanding.

Ji Han nodded slightly, picked up the wine glass and touched the four of them with Ying Zheng, then drank them all.

Next, just like before, the four Ying Zheng should eat and drink, their expressions no longer heavy and sad, and they all resumed their laughter.

After more than half an hour passed, Ji Han and the others slowly stopped their chopsticks and put down the wine glasses.

Obviously, Ji Han is in this way to relieve the pressure on the four Ying Zheng, so that they don't have to worry too much.

Now that they've all calmed down, it's naturally time for a discussion!

Ji Han took the initiative to ask, "Let's talk about it, what are your thoughts?"

As for the situation in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, Ji Han actually knew better than the four Ying Zheng, so he didn't waste time asking more questions, but directly asked the four Ying Zheng's thoughts.

The four Ying Zheng looked at each other, and Ying Zheng took the lead in saying: "Sir, this time the Western religion is aggressive, and it must be revenge with great determination and purpose, you can see it just by looking at their lineup, and The strength of the enemy is too terrifying, beyond what we can resist! 99

Cao Cao also immediately replied: "Yes, the Western Sect must be unwilling to take Yanhuang Immortal Territory away from us, this is also a shameless thing for them, so it is not surprising that the Western Religion wants to retake Yanhuang Immortal Territory! "

"The background of Western religion is really terrifying. Tens of billions of troops are casually dispatched, and the individual strength of those monk soldiers is not weak. If it wasn't for the master who blocked most of them out, the Yanhuang Immortal Territory might have suffered Doomsday!"

Li Shimin can't help but sigh, obviously he has a little understanding of the background and strength of Western religion.

The Western Religion only exposed the tip of the iceberg's strength, and it has far surpassed their four immortal dynasties, and it is not at all that their four immortal dynasties can compete now. This makes the four Ying Zheng feel very helpless and desperate.

Now, they can only pin their hopes on Ji Han.

At this time, Chongzhen asked Ji Han: "Sir, do you know the details of the enemy? Where did they gather so many troops, and will there be reinforcements in the future?"

Ying Zheng and others are very concerned about these issues, after all, this is also related to the survival of their Yanhuang Immortal Territory, it would be best if they could figure it out.

However, Ji Han shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know yet, but according to my guess, these tens of billions of monk soldiers should have gathered from several nearby worlds, because the penetration of Western religion into the three thousand worlds has reached one At a very deep level, we don’t know how many big worlds it controls, but for Western religions, it is not difficult to persuade several worlds to send troops together.”

"As for the details, I don't know about 4.3 for the time being. I only know the details of one person. 99

"Oh? Who?

The four Ying Zheng came to be interested.

They did not expect that Ji Han really knew the details of the enemy, so they were all curious.

And Ji Han slowly spit out two words: "Ksitigarbha!!

"Ksitigarbha? Which Ksitigarbha?" Ying Zheng looked blank.

The same is true for Cao Cao, who has never heard the name Jizo at all.

However, when Li Shimin and Chongzhen heard the name, they immediately stood up in shock.

"What? Earth Store? Is Earth Store Bodhisattva?"

"Isn't it? Is it really Earth Store Bodhisattva? How did he appear?

Obviously, compared to Ying Zheng and Cao Cao, Li Shimin and Chongzhen were naturally more familiar with the name Ksitigarbha, which is why their reaction was so strong.

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