At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

813 Endless expectations! 【Subscription】

Ji Han is very clear about the thoughts and ideas of Ying Zheng and others.

The Yanhuang Immortal Territory was the first world conquered by the four immortal dynasties. It was the starting point and foundation of their four immortal dynasties in the three thousand great worlds. For the four immortal dynasties, it was absolutely the top priority.

There is a huge gap between what is and what is not.

With Yanhuang Immortal Territory, the four immortal dynasties can use the Yanhuang Immortal Territory as the starting point for development, or even a foothold, not only to rapidly expand their local strength, but also to prepare for wars in other worlds.

And if there is no Yanhuang Immortal Domain, the efforts of the Four Great Immortal Dynasties for so many years will be wasted, and everything will return to the original point, which is absolutely unacceptable to the Four Great Immortal Dynasties.

Therefore, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Ying Zheng and the others will not give up the four immortal dynasties, and will do their best to resist.

However, in terms of the current strength of the four immortal dynasties, it is not enough to resist the invasion of Western religions.

At this time, there were seven Buddhist kingdoms in the great thousand worlds together to attack the Yanhuang Immortal Region. Faced with such a terrifying storm, the Yanhuang Immortal Region could no longer bear the terrifying pressure. The domain could have suffered an unimaginable disaster long ago.

In the final analysis, it was because the four immortal dynasties had insufficient background and was completely insufficient to resist the invasion of the seven Buddhist kingdoms of the Western religions.

If the four immortal dynasties have fully grown, even if they are not comparable to the strength of Western religions in the three thousand worlds, as long as they can withstand the formidable attacks of several Buddhist kingdoms, Ji Han will not be so helpless.

Faced with such a crisis, even Ji Han couldn't think of a solution right away, and he fell into deep contemplation for a while.

"How on earth can we resolve this crisis?"

Ji Han's mind was full of this question. His thoughts turned sharply, and various ideas came up one after another, but they were immediately rejected. There was no suitable method.

At present, the fundamental problem is that the foundation and strength of the four immortal dynasties are not enough, which cannot be changed in a short time. The four immortal dynasties have grown rapidly, but if they want to become stronger, they need more time. Therefore, the fundamental problem cannot be solved.

Since the internal fundamental problems cannot be solved, consider external objects or external factors. Ji Han's thinking has no limitations.

If you want to seek outside assistance, then only Zhao Gongming, Ao Lie and Yang Jian can truly meet the conditions for asking for help, but if it is just Zhao Gongming, it is not enough to affect the entire battle between Yanhuang Xianyu and Western religions. , unless the forces behind Zhao Gongming's three people can be involved.

However, this is simply impossible. You must know that the three people behind Zhao Gongming correspond to the Intercept Cult, the Dragon Clan, and the Clarification Cult respectively, and the three people Zhao Gongming cannot represent the three forces behind them. Therefore, this idea just came up. It was completely pressed down by Ji Han.

As for other methods, it is even more unreliable, and it is useless at all.

Ji Han thought about it, but couldn't think of any good solution.

For a time, even Ji Han really became a little helpless, as if this crisis had become a dead end, and there was absolutely no way to solve it, and he could only wait for the Yanhuang Immortal Domain to be broken by the Western Sect.

Thinking of this, Ji Han couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

Just remembered to walk around, but at this moment, the system that had not appeared for a long time suddenly became active.

The system proactively reminded Ji Han in his mind:

"Di, master, according to the difficulties you are encountering now, the system suggests that you can continue to make the four immortal dynasties stronger, and at the same time, you can use the power of the Blue Star human beings, and the two-pronged approach will surely solve the problem~々!"

As Ji Han became stronger, the system in his mind seemed to become more humanized. This time, when Ji Han encountered difficulties and was helpless, he actually took the initiative to give Ji Han a hint.

Hearing this, Ji Han's originally irritable mood suddenly dissipated, and he was instantly overjoyed, secretly sighing that he was really stupid, and actually forgot the existence of the system, there is really a treasure mountain and no entry, thinking about it, there will definitely be a good solution in the system. way.

Thinking of this, Ji Han hurriedly asked in his mind: "What are the specific measures for the system and the two-pronged approach? How can I continue to improve the strength of the four immortal dynasties? How can I use the power of the Blue Star human beings?"

Since the system has given a prompt, Ji Han believes that there must be a specific solution, so Ji Han will not pretend to be reserved at all, and immediately ask.

Ji Han really thought so much just now that he forgot about the existence of the system. If it hadn't been for the system to give a prompt, he wouldn't have thought of the big killer of the system!

The system knew that Ji Han would ask this question, and it immediately explained: "First, if you want to continue to improve the strength of the four immortal dynasties, you can achieve it through the sacrifice function, and then the system will upgrade the sacrifice function. The specific utility of the sacrifice function will be greatly improved, so that the four immortal dynasties can change their physique and heels when they kill the enemy and sacrifice, and also improve their overall strength and mana. In short, the more sacrifices they make. , the stronger the improvement is!

".. The sacrificial function has been upgraded? The more sacrifices, the stronger the improvement? Damn, why didn't you take out the system earlier? The sacrificial function should have been upgraded long ago. By the way, the sacrificial becomes stronger. Is there any limit? How high can it be raised? 99

Ji Han was overjoyed when he heard that the system still had such a method, and then couldn't help but complained about the system. Of course, he didn't forget to ask the crucial question.

However, the system ignored Ji Han's complaints, and replied: "There is no limit to the strength of sacrifices, as long as the sacrifices are enough and strong enough, it is possible to make one's own roots grow step by step, even It is not impossible to transform into the Hongmeng Demon God in the end!

Facing Ji Han's last question, the system was very human (Zhao Li's) and gave a specific explanation.

"What? Can you transform into a Hongmeng Demon God??"

Ji Han was completely shocked now. He didn't expect that after the system upgraded the sacrifice function, it could have such a terrifying effect, and at present, there are no restrictions. What a terrible thing it is!!

Just thinking about it for a while, Ji Han couldn't help being ecstatic, and even gave birth to endless expectations.

Because this is definitely the most suitable growth method for the four immortal dynasties, and even the sacrifices are ready-made, that is, the tens of billions of monks and soldiers of the Western religion.

Ji Han immediately came up with a series of actions in his mind. Next, as long as the four immortal dynasties act according to Ji Han's ideas, the strength of the four immortal dynasties will definitely soar, and in the true sense, the strength will definitely soar. It can't be compared any time!.

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