The three Arhats of Fayuan are very clear that at this moment they fell into the trap set by the enemy because of their carelessness, and it is impossible to escape. .

After all, since the enemy dares to set traps, it proves that the enemy is very sure to keep them completely. Therefore, in such a situation, the three Arhats of Fayuan had no choice but to take action.

Fortunately, they had ordered someone to send out a message for help a moment ago. I believe that it will not take long for the other Buddhist troops to react and come to support. They only need to persist for a while.

However, before these thoughts could finish in the hearts of the Fayuan Arhats, the three Lu Bu had already slammed into them.

Lu Bu was holding the ferocious Fang Tianhua halberd. He laughed savagely, Fang Tianhua halberd held high, and then slashed down towards the Fayuan Arhat. Before Fang Tianhua halberd could come, a mighty force and a terrifying aura appeared. Shrouded in the body of Fayuan Luohan, his complexion changed, and he hurriedly took out a pestle, which rose against the wind and blocked it fiercely towards Fang Tianhuaji.

11 Wang Ben was holding a sharp sword. Under the infusion of spiritual power, the sharp sword exuded an extremely terrifying aura and stabbed straight towards Kong.

As for Zhang Fei, he naturally still used the zhangba spear he was most used to, but this was not an ordinary spear before, but a carefully crafted magic weapon, which seemed extremely domineering in Zhang Fei's hands, Zhang Fei laughed wildly , Holding the 8-zhang spear, he stabbed Yuan Moe straight at him, as if he wanted to stab him to the core.

The three of Fayuan Luohan did not expect that the enemy would dare to take the lead, and the aura of the three opposite them was much stronger than theirs. This made the three Fayuan Luohan's faces change slightly, and their hearts sank slightly, but Lu Busan People's offensive has already made them too late to think about it, and Liankong and Yuanye also shot at the same time, and they did not dare to neglect at all.

With a wave of his sleeves, a string of black buddha beads flew out from the cuffs, facing Wang Ben and covering him, as if he wanted to encircle Wang Ben.

On the other hand, Yuan Zie has the appearance of an angry vajra, with a magic weapon in his left hand, a magic circle in his right, and a golden light on his body. Obviously, he has cultivated his physical body to a very strong level. , no fear at all.

bang bang bang!!

Zhang Fei's eight-foot spear and Yuanxing's trump card and the magic circle kept colliding. Both of them had strong killing intent in their eyes, and they showed no mercy in their hands. They kept colliding with each other madly. It doesn't mean to go back half a point.

Before he could get close to the black Buddha beads, Wang Ben opened it with a sword, and then Wang Ben slashed towards Kong with a sword energy of a hundred meters.

Because Wang Ben's sword qi made Kong feel very dangerous, and if he resisted hard, he might be seriously injured, so he flashed aside without any hesitation.

You must know that among the secret techniques of the Three Thousand Great Dao, Wang Ben chose the way of swordsmanship, so Wang Ben's most powerful supernatural powers were all related to the sword.

"Hey, it's flashing really fast!

Wang Ben smiled coldly, but didn't take it seriously, holding the sword flashed, quickly approached Kong's side, and then slashed down like a big sword with the sharp sword in his hand.

Lei Kong had no time to fight back, so he had to pour his spiritual energy into the cassock he was wearing, causing the cassock to swell up instantly and become indestructible.

This cassock is an exotic treasure that Kong Kong has always carried on his body. Despite the thin layer, it is extremely strong. At this time, it really played a huge role.


Wang Ben's sharp sword was unable to directly smash the seemingly weak cassock, and even made a crisp sound when it slashed on it.

However, Liaokong's cassock was not damaged at all. Under Wang Ben's sword, there was still a gap.

After blocking Wang Ben's sword, Kong Ben was already furious, and with a roar, a thunderstorm descended from above the nine heavens and hit Wang Ben's head directly.

"Hey, is it really supposed to be a demon? The labor and capital will chop you bald ass alive today!!

When Wang Ben saw the thunder rushing towards him, not only was he not afraid, but he was furious as if he had been scratched by a tiger's whiskers. He didn't see any countermeasures. chop up.

Ding Ding Ding!!

For a time, under Wang Ben's mad attack, Lu Kong was forced to resist, and the cassock on his body made a crisp sound under countless blows.

And the thunder that Liaokong led down was also split apart by Wang Ben's sword and could not be lowered at all.

Ka... Kacha!

After Wang Ben slashed wildly for more than ten breaths, he finally remembered a different sound.

"not good!!"

When Lu Kong Luohan heard this voice, his expression suddenly changed, and he knew that his cassock would not be able to support it anymore.

However, before he could make any emergency action, Wang Ben laughed wildly, and his left hand that had been motionless had already been quietly choking. At the moment when the empty cassock shattered, a golden light just flashed out, but at least it flashed past. It disappeared in the air without causing any vision, which made Kong couldn't help but startled.

The next moment, Le Kong suddenly widened his eyes, his face was full of horror and inconceivable, and his body suddenly stiffened.

Because in front of his chest, the tip of the sword was protruding through his chest, which was the sharp sword in Wang Ben's hand.

Lakukong bowed his head with unbelievable difficulty, looked at the tip of the sword that was dripping blood on his chest, and couldn't help but want to roar, but the next moment all expressions were frozen on his face, Wang Ben stirred hard, and at the same time a flame Rising up, the Kong Luohan was completely burned to ashes, and it was completely wiped out, even the soul did not escape.

In this way, the battle was suddenly ended, and the empty Luohan was completely beheaded. Not only the empty Luohan could not believe it until he died, but even the Dharma karma and the annihilation not far away were taken aback, completely unaware that it happened. What, but Kong Kong's breath disappeared completely at once, and could no longer be sensed.

The reason for such a strange and sudden result was not only because Wang Ben's strength was superior to Kong's, but more importantly, at the moment when the robe was broken, Wang Ben finally used the hidden treasure that he had been hiding. The trump card time magic weapon.

That's right, the golden light that made Kong feel puzzled came from the time magic weapon that Wang Ben had never used. Using the acceleration characteristics of the time magic weapon, Kong had no time to react and was directly attacked.

The reason why it is called the magic weapon of time is that it can naturally control time, which is also one of the characteristics of the magic weapon of time.

It's just that Wang Ben chose to accelerate the flow of time slightly forward for a breath, so that Kong had no time to react. Only then did he successfully kill Kong at the moment when the cassock was broken, and at the same time, he did not give Kong's soul a chance to escape. , smashed together with the flesh, and burned to ashes,

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