At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

876 Do you think I look like a fool? 【Subscription】

Ji Han and Lin Zixing naturally walked at the back, followed the students in front slowly into the hotel, and walked towards the reserved box.

However, as soon as he walked into the hotel, Ji Han's eyebrows twitched slightly, and then he immediately regained his calm.

Because Ji Han sensed the layout of the surrounding and interior of the hotel, he just kept quiet and let the relevant departments operate. After all, they were also kind, so Ji Han was too lazy to say anything.

However, Ji Wanting and others felt a different atmosphere, especially Ji Wanting, she walked into the hotel first, and immediately felt that the atmosphere of the hotel "797" seemed to be much more awe-inspiring, and there were fewer guests in the hotel lobby. Lots, just a few uniformed staff spread around and seem to be fairly evenly distributed.

"What's the matter? Why does it feel a little strange?"

Ji Wanting frowned secretly, just looked left and right, but found nothing unusual, so she had to suppress the feeling in her heart.

Except for Ji Wanting, the rest of the people didn't notice any difference at all. They took the elevator directly to the 28th floor, where they held the class reunion today.

Ji Wanting didn't know at this time, because of Ji Han's travel and arrival, the Donghai International Hotel has become an iron bucket.

Ji Han didn't seem to notice, and didn't bother to pay attention to it, chatting and laughing with Lin Zixing, while following him on the elevator.

Soon, they went up to the 28th floor and came to the reserved box.

In this huge box, there is a huge round table that can seat dozens of people at the same time. At this time, the round table is already covered with various tableware, snacks and drinks, and a stage is arranged in the innermost, and there is also a hanging above the stage. A banner with the words "Grade 18 Management Class 1 Alumni Association".

The whole box was set up with great care. After entering the box, Yang Hong immediately said loudly, "Sit down, all the classmates will do it, find your own place, today we can get together and celebrate Wanting. Haha, Wanting, go, let's sit inside!!

Saying that, Yang Hong stretched out his hand to signal Ji Wanting to let them go inside, and then sat on the main seat.

In this regard, Ji Wanting originally wanted to refuse, but the two girlfriends around her immediately dragged her to sit down, and they all looked extremely excited, as if it was a great honor to be able to sit on the main seat.

Naturally, Yang Hong and the three sat next to Ji Wanting. The rest of the classmates saw this and took their seats with their close classmates. They soon filled the huge round table with most of the seats.

Lin Zixing knew Ji Han's character, and also saw his low-key, so the two sat in the most corner place indifferently.

"Hey, Ahan, you don't know, this place was reserved by Yang Hong three days in advance, they, ah, they have tried their best for the goddess Ji Wanting!! 35

As soon as Lin Zixing sat down, he couldn't help telling Ji Han something he didn't know, and secretly pointed at Ji Wanting, raising his eyebrows quite funny.

Ji Han naturally understood what Lin Zixing meant, but he didn't look at Ji Wanting after hearing it, but smiled at Lin Zixing: "Why, don't you have any ideas? If this succeeds in taking down the goddess, you can You don't have to fight, maybe you also have the opportunity to enter the military!

For Ji Han's ridicule, Lin Zixing rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Do you think I look like a fool? Can I conquer the goddess who has already soared into the sky? Besides, I have to enter the military. Relying on my own efforts and relying on women is nothing!!"

Obviously, Lin Zixing's ambition is not small, and he is very principled, and he actually thinks that relying on a woman is a very shameful thing.

Because of this, he looked at Yang Hong and the three with disdain in his eyes, as if he looked down on Yang Hong and the three, and he couldn't stand their actions of licking Ji Wanting.

But he still agreed to come to this class reunion, and the most important reason was to meet Ji Han4.3.

But Ji Han couldn't help laughing softly after hearing Lin Zixing's answer, and even patted Lin Zixing on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Come on you!" Lin Zixing slapped Ji Han's hand away in a funny way, then winked and said, "I don't know your kid's urination? It must be the same as me, since you came here, Ji Wanting hasn't even looked at it. I've seen it, hehe, there is my style!! 99

Lin Zixing is still very clear about Ji Han's character, and he observed it very carefully, making Ji Han suddenly dumbfounded!

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