At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

898 soars into the sky! 【Subscription】

It was precisely because of the casualties from the very beginning and the fact that Ji Han was disappointed by the speed of Ye Tiannan and others, so Ji Han was slightly dissatisfied with Ye Tiannan.

It's just that Ji Han is just a little disappointed. He doesn't have too high demands on Ye Tiannan and others, and he won't impose any punishment on them. All he wants is to let them deal with the terrorists themselves.

As for the people behind the terrorists, Ji Han naturally came forward, which is why Ji Han said that Ye Tiannan and the others were not involved in the next thing.

At this moment, in the place where Ji Han's eyes can see, that is, in the building hundreds of meters away, there are several waves of people doing various conductors there!

Others don't know, but Ji Han can see it clearly. In that building, the people who are in command are all top ace agents from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. They have different skin colors and different clothes. At the same time, they carry all kinds of advanced communication equipment and weapons. The most strange thing is that they can get along very harmoniously at this time.

This is because they have common goals, common interests, and enemies.

Those three waves of ruthless and powerful international mercenaries were recruited by these top agents from various countries and endorsed by the countries behind them, which persuaded those international mercenaries who put their interests first, and made them risk their lives to come here. Operation in Kyushu.

Otherwise, those international mercenaries like loaches would not have accepted the task so easily. Without the endorsement of the great powers in Europe and the United States, even the top secret agents would not be able to persuade them to fight against Kyushu.

At this time, Ji Han was hundreds of meters away from the building, but Ji Han was not only able to see all the top agents clearly, but also listened to their conversations.

Before, those top ace agents had been directing the three waves of terrorists to carry out their actions behind the scenes, but they did not expect that the Kyushu side would deploy so many troops in the East China Sea International Hotel, and the response was not slow, and the vigilance was also very strong. At the beginning, more than a dozen casualties were paid, and the three waves of terrorists were successfully besieged.

The plan to let them rush into the hotel was a direct failure.

After that, the top secret agents who were hiding behind the scenes were naturally unwilling, and kept directing those terrorists to break through or attack, trying to tear open a hole.

However, the Kyushu side is really tenacious and its firepower is also very fierce. It has been involving three waves of terrorists, making the two sides fall into a stalemate.

In addition, from the conversations of the top agents from various countries, Ji Han knew that the real purpose of these top agents was to meet Ji Han.

It turns out that major countries such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea have already judged from the previous signs and various news that Ji Han is the longevity person in Dongshan City, and everything that happened in Kyushu or internationally , and even all kinds of miracles are actually related to Ji Han, the immortal, and they also know that Ji Han single-handedly controlled the transformation of Kyushu, lifted Kyushu directly to the height it is today, and made Kyushu soar into the sky and become a It is the only country on Blue Star that has achieved ancient recovery and comprehensive cultivation, and its research on supernatural power is far beyond that of other countries, making it impossible for other countries to catch up.

All this is because of Ji Han!

Therefore, after judging this fact and knowing these results, Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea couldn't help but start to unite. They wanted to find Ji Han, want to meet Ji Han, and then hope (Zhao Nuo Zhao) ) to start a secret conversation with Ji Han.

So, there is this terrorist attack.

The leaders of this incident are the high-level executives of European and American countries, the intermediaries are the top ace secret agents of each country, and the real executors are those international mercenaries who have been carried away by their interests.

Originally, according to the expectations of high-level officials in Europe and the United States, although Ji Han is an immortal, he is not necessarily strong. They may be able to take Ji Han away or threaten Ji Han with lightning speed. This is what they did this time. original intention.

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