Ji Han can naturally see the thoughts of these foreign agents!

For Ji Han, these agents from various countries are now like rats, their minds and behaviors are all controlled by Ji Han, and there is no possibility of breaking free.

The reason why Ji Han didn't immediately kill these foreign agents was to hear if they would say something unexpected to him.

Unfortunately, Ji Han is still disappointed!

These foreign agents have no new ideas at all, and they are all old-fashioned, and even the things they seek are the same as Ji Han's expectations.

Facing the request of Cadiz and others, Ji Han did not answer them immediately, but looked at them lightly.

For a time, a strange atmosphere enveloped everyone present, and Cadiz and the others looked at Ji Han eagerly, but looking at Ji Han's indifferent eyes as if looking at a dead man, Cadiz and others Qi Qi shuddered, and the expression on his face became tight.

Seemingly aware of something, a black agent behind Cadiz immediately wanted to raise the muzzle, but he suddenly found that he couldn't move at all.

"Walter? Why can't I move? What's going on?" the black agent immediately panicked.

As soon as they were reminded by the black agent, all the agents next to him immediately reacted subconsciously and wanted to make various movements, but they found that they could not move, let alone move, they could not even feel their own body. exists.

In an instant, the expressions of all the foreign agents present changed dramatically.

"Sheet? What's going on? Why is this happening~々?"

"I can't even move, what about you guys?

"Fake, I can't even feel my body, what's the situation? How could it be like this?"

"It's over, I can't move, so why can we still talk?"

"It's him, it's that Kyushu man, it must be him, Fake, what have you done to us? Let us go!!

All the foreign agents immediately screamed with horrified expressions on their faces, and their expressions were full of panic. Obviously, there was no way they could not be afraid of such unknown means, no matter how calm they were, no matter how good their psychological quality was, but when these When the top agents could only speak, but could not move their bodies, or even felt the presence of their bodies, they panicked completely.

Some agents even questioned Ji Han loudly when they were distracted, because they all knew that this must be Ji Han's shot.

For a time, all the foreign agents looked at Ji Han as if they were looking at the devil.

Because it was possible to let all of them be recruited silently, and also imprisoned all of them, such a method is simply unheard of, never seen before, like a devil's trick, it is so scary.

However, Ji Han said lightly: "Don't be nervous, I've talked to you so much, it's already cheap for you, and since you sneaked into Kyushu, you must have prepared yourself to be buried in Kyushu? Haha, soon , there won't be any pain, don't worry!""

Ji Han's words were very plain, but when Cadiz and the others heard it, they were full of unimaginable killing intent, making them instantly chilled.

And being able to imprison everyone silently is naturally Ji Han's method. In fact, this is just a matter of Ji Han's thoughts, but for Cadiz and others, it seems terrifying. pole.

At this moment, the hearts of all foreign agents were filled with remorse. They regretted coming to Kyushu, and they hated that they were so confident. They also already understood that Ji Han was not only an immortal, but also an unfathomable terrifying figure like an abyss. , possesses unimaginable power.

".. Mr. Ji (Zhao Nuozhao), please don't be angry, Mr. Ji, we were wrong, we were wrong, I'm sorry!

"Yes, yes, please let us go? We are not malicious!

"Don't kill us, please don't kill us, we'll quit Kyushu immediately, really!"

"Yes, yes, we will never step into Kyushu again in the future, please let Mr. Ji let us go!

After feeling Ji Han's murderous intent, Cadiz and the others were instantly scared to pee, and they all started begging for mercy without any image. .

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