After World War II, the United States became stronger and stronger, and before Kyushu rose completely because of Ji Han, the United States was one of the two most powerful countries in the world.

Therefore, as the most important naval and air base of the United States in the Pacific Ocean, Pearl Bay not only has a large number of military forces stationed all year round, but other countries also dare not pay attention to Pearl Bay.

It is precisely because of this that the tranquility and tranquility of the past decades, coupled with the strong military strength of the United States, has made all the "August 13" garrisoned in Pearl Bay to slack off a lot. They believe that it is impossible at all. If someone dares to come to Pearl Bay to die, the tranquility of Pearl Bay will surely last as the United States grows stronger.

Therefore, at this time, there were no guards on the observation plank road on both sides of the entry channel, and only some American soldiers were routinely trained in places closer to the port.

The ten Kyushu soldiers rushed up without a sound, and they didn't even make much noise when they left the water. After reaching the plank road, the ten Kyushu soldiers immediately dispersed their vigilance and slowly drew out their weapons.

For this operation, Mo Huawei ordered all the soldiers to coat their weapons with black paint, so as to prevent those weapons from reflecting light in the dark night, thus exposing them in advance.

In these details, the Kyushu army can be said to have achieved the ultimate.

Afterwards, seeing that nothing happened, one of the soldiers tapped twice on the plank road, and then they immediately moved forward, preparing to clear a safe area for the comrades behind.

After Mo Huawei heard the sound from above, he immediately waved his hand, and all the soldiers behind him immediately began to land in an orderly manner.

The same is true for the soldiers on the other side, and the two sides operate almost simultaneously.

At this time, the ten soldiers who moved towards the front quickly met the enemy. It was a team of five training guards. They were holding guns, looking around at random, and yawning from time to time. There was no vigilance on his face, instead he looked very loose.

Obviously, if it wasn't for a mandatory mission, these American soldiers might not have come out to patrol in this ghost weather at all. Now they just want to patrol quickly, and then go back and have a good drink and warm up.

Seeing this scene, the leading soldier from Kyushu immediately raised his palm, and the soldiers behind him stopped immediately, and then quickly hid on both sides.

After observing for a few seconds, the soldier in front immediately stretched out his palm and wiped his neck.

The rest of the soldiers nodded, and then waited for the group of American soldiers to approach.

Everyone in that group of American soldiers was separated by a distance of almost two meters, and the muzzles of the guns were all pointing downwards, without the slightest bit of vigilance.

At this time, they were slowly approaching the soldiers of Kyushu, not knowing that the god of death was already waiting for them.

After the training soldiers approached, the soldiers from Kyushu who were hiding on both sides immediately cooperated in pairs, and they rushed out. Voice, and then another person directly stabbed the army thorn in his hand into the heart of the American soldier.

Chi Chi Chi!!

After a few small sounds, the five U.S. soldiers fell silently to the ground.

A few heartbeats were sprayed on the ground, and the ten Kyushu soldiers immediately supported the paralyzed American soldiers, and then dragged them aside to hide.

The whole process was silent and extremely fast, as simple as crushing a few cockroaches.

After doing this, the ten 4.3 soldiers immediately moved forward and continued to touch, preparing to clean up all the way.

Behind them, many soldiers followed one after another, and they began to spread out, sweeping towards the harbor. No matter whether they encountered patrol soldiers or those who were huddled in the room, they all carried out assassination operations, killing them one by one. Assassination dealt with.

The Kyushu soldiers on both sides of the entry channel were acting synchronously, and in less than ten minutes, hundreds of American soldiers were cleared away!

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