At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

925 The pressure of terror! 【Subscription】

"You guys, do you really want to completely anger Kyushu?"

The words of Mr. Wilson, which seemed to be both admonishing and persuading, finally made all the high-level officials of the country on the big screen suddenly change their color.

An invisible terrifying pressure instantly fell on every high-level country's body, causing their complexions to change and change, and finally they all fell silent with unwillingness and helplessness, including the Gaul chicken boss who was especially unwilling to give up just now.

Because the power of Wilson's words was too great, it was like a nuclear bomb was thrown into their midst, making them instantly feel the terrifying pressure contained in it.

Once they completely anger Kyushu, what consequences will they face? And is the current Kyushu together that they can compete against? Can they bear such a terrible price?

You must know that Kyushu has only dispatched a small number of troops. This may be the tip of the iceberg of Kyushu's strength, but it has already caused heavy losses to these countries. Once Kyushu is completely angered and Kyushu uses all its strength, then they can still Are you as calm as you are now?

One question after another keeps popping up in the minds of the senior leaders of the country. When thinking about these questions, each one is enough to make them shudder and make them dare not think about it any further.

Until this time, after the merciless reminder from Mr. Wilson, the senior leaders of these countries completely woke up. Kyushu is no longer that Kyushu, nor can they compete with them, even their leading big brother The United States also has to avoid its edge, or even bow its head to admit its mistakes, so what qualifications do they have to continue to clamor?

Now that I think about it, the strength of Kyushu has already far surpassed their countries, and has achieved comprehensive immortality cultivation, which is no different from the comprehensive military. Once the country needs it, all citizens of Kyushu can immediately participate in the war, and it is rude to say that these The country's elite soldiers may no longer be the opponents of those old people and children in Kyushu.

Not to mention the other powerful soldiers. 3

Not to mention that these countries are united, with the current strength gap between them and Kyushu, no country can compete with Kyushu even if it uses nuclear weapons, unless all countries in the world fight against Kyushu together, but this is not at all. Reality.

The atmosphere of silence and solemnity enveloped the entire conference room, which made the senior leaders of these countries feel heavier and heavier.

After a while, Wilson looked at the senior national leaders who were gradually beginning to accept the reality, and continued: "You must understand that now Kyushu is only a small-scale revenge, we still have room for recovery, not yet. As for the complete tearing of the face, the relationship between the two sides can still be eased back. This is the shock and deterrence of Kyushu to us. We must understand this and not be blinded by anger and past face issues. As a high-level country, we must fully Consider the issue of orientation, not just your own thoughts. Anyway, that's all, our country has decided to bow to Kyushu. Although this is a bit shameful, it is not as good as others. There is nothing to say, and there will be no more casualties and losses. It's already good~々!"

As a big boss in the United States, Wilson really lowered his arrogant and tough head this time, and he actually persuaded the high-level officials of various countries earnestly. This is extremely rare.

In fact, if the United States had not been one of the leaders of the previous actions, and Wilson was unwilling to let the United States bear the wrath of Kyushu on its own, Wilson would never have said so much to them.

(Good money) After listening to Wilson's remarks, Queen Elizabeth and other senior officials of the country suddenly sighed, apparently completely accepting this cruel reality.

After all, Wilson is right. Right now, Kyushu is just a little punitive, and has implemented a small-scale revenge action. It has not really torn its face. The two sides still have room for relaxation. If you have to continue to die, then you really don't know how to live or die.

Therefore, after continuing to remain silent for a while, the high-level officials of these countries chose to bow their heads one after another!

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