At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

939 caused unnecessary misunderstandings! 【Subscription】

Sensing that no danger seemed to come, the man's tense body slowly relaxed.

But the vigilance in his eyes did not dissipate, and he still looked around with doubt and confusion.

The buildings and decorations here are completely different from what he has seen before, and although the spiritual energy here is good, it is completely incomparable with the Great Wilderness. It seems to be a relatively barren land.

This person frowned secretly, subconsciously wanting to find out where he was, but he was completely unable to sense the existence of Honghuang, as if he had crossed billions of distances in an instant and came to an unfamiliar place.

" is this possible? Even the saints don't have such means?"

After the person couldn't sense the flood, he was instantly shocked, and only then did he feel a sense of panic.

Therefore, 11 this person subconsciously wanted to completely disperse his spiritual consciousness, and wanted to use this to explore the details of the place.

The reason why he hadn't unfolded his consciousness just now was because he suddenly came to this unfamiliar place. He didn't know the details and was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

However, at this moment, a slight sound of footsteps came from behind the person. After hearing this, the person immediately turned around nervously, staring at the direction of the person who was coming, and his body was tense again, as if he was doing something wrong. Well prepared for everything.

It was just beyond the person's expectations that the footsteps came from a person who looked very young and kind, and this person looked quite dignified. As soon as the person appeared, he immediately greeted with a smile: "Haha, yes A new Taoist friend, right? But he came from Honghuang? Don't know the friend's name? Come here, please, Mr. is already waiting for a Taoist friend!

Having said that, Chongzhen stood at a distance of two feet in front of the man with a smile on his face and stopped approaching, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings!

After standing still, Chongzhen began to carefully look at the appearance of the person in front of him, and then he was slightly surprised.

I saw this person wearing black clothes, tall and thin, as if there were no two or two flesh on his body, he looked extremely thin, as if the wind could blow it down, and he looked a little uncoordinated!

Moreover, this person's face is also very strange, just like his body shape, he looks extremely thin, his cheeks are slightly sunken, his chin is pointed and long, his eyes are slender and slightly upward, and his lips are thin and long. At the bottom, he looked sly and had a hint of evil, and above his lips, he also had two slender mustaches. Not showing any discoloration.

"This person has a strange appearance, and his cultivation is not weak, but he seems to have a hint of wildness on his body. I don't know if he is a human or a monster?"

Chongzhen looked at the person in front of him, and secretly commented in his heart, but he couldn't see the roots of this person!

At this time, Chongzhen did not know that the person in front of him was Shen Gongbao, a very special character in Fengshen Romance!

Shen Gongbao was originally full of vigilance, but after hearing what Chongzhen said, he became stunned.

"How do you know that I came from Honghuang? Also, who is Mr.? Why are you waiting for me, you know I'm coming? You made this door of light? 35

Shen Gongbao's face was full of surprise, and in surprise, he asked Chongzhen again and again.

It's just that he saw that Chongzhen was not malicious, and his heart was slightly relieved. Since it was not an enemy who appeared, it was naturally a good thing. Now Shen Gongbao just wanted to figure out everything here right away.

Of course, if he hadn't sensed that Chongzhen's cultivation base seemed to be much stronger than his own, he might have to pre-empt and restrain Chongzhen!

And Chongzhen seemed to understand Shen Gongbao's thoughts and concerns, he chuckled lightly: "Haha, fellow Daoist don't be in a hurry, don't be nervous, the reason why you know that you came from Honghuang is because the gate of light only leads to Honghuang, and You are not the first person to come from Honghuang, so there is no need to be too nervous. We have no malicious intentions, and Mr. is the master of this place. I know that fellow Daoists have many questions in their hearts. Why don't you come with me to meet Mr. Questions will be answered by Mr.

After that, Chongzhen made an inviting gesture!

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