Wild land.

Hundreds of years have passed since the last rebellion of the Dragon Race!

However, this ancient and eternal prehistoric land has only been calm for a mere hundred years, but chaos has resumed, causing the entire prehistoric land to fall into chaos.

And the source of these turmoils originated from the demon clan.

The prehistoric land has only been calm for more than a hundred years, but the demon clan in various places seems to be unable to calm down, and many demon clan remnants are starting to become rampant. , and ignored the restrictions and constraints of the rules of heaven and earth, taking pleasure in cannibalism, bloodthirsty and slaughter, and at the same time began to hunt for some weak races.

Originally, these small-scale turmoil only occurred in some fringe areas of the wild land. At first, no one paid attention to it, or even if they noticed it, they didn't bother to pay attention. However, such turmoil has intensified. , In most areas of the entire prehistoric land, the remnants of the demon clan seem to have seen an opportunity

Because the turmoil in various places has not been suppressed and ignored, they seem to have seen the opportunity, so the remnants of the demon clan all over the world have appeared in the world, and then began to frantically and unscrupulously.

For a time, it was a group of monsters dancing wildly on the wild land, and various turmoil and bloody incidents continued to occur.

As a result, it is natural to suffer from the weaker human race and those same weak races, many human races have been buried under the claws and bloody mouths of the demon race.

Such chaos completely angered Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace.

The Haotian Jade Emperor was sitting high above the Lingxiao Palace at this time, looking gloomily at the hundreds of immortal officials below.

Since the development of Heavenly Court, because of the strategy that Ao Lie offered at the beginning, coupled with the initiative of Zhao Gongming and others, it can be said that the development speed has been greatly improved. So far, Heavenly Court has already absorbed and took the initiative to take refuge in a lot of immortals. , Now it is divided into two columns and there are hundreds of people standing below the proof.

At this time, the Jade Emperor, who was sitting high on the top, asked in a deep voice, "You can see that the demon clan is now rampant in the prehistoric land, and the beasts are rampant, so that the prehistoric land is full of disasters and chaos, which has greatly affected the When the rule of Heavenly Court comes, it also seriously damages the prestige that Heavenly Court has finally built up.

To be honest, the atrocities of the demon clan that I have heard during this period of time really made Yu Ding almost burst with anger, because the remnants of the demon clan are becoming more and more rampant, affecting not only the human race and some weak races, but also the heavenly court. How could the Jade Emperor endure it?

When the immortal officials below heard it, they suddenly began to discuss slightly, but at this time Taibaijinxing directly came out and said: "Report to Your Majesty, the old minister believes that such a rampant demon clan, chaos everywhere, this is definitely a problem for our heavenly court. This is something that cannot be tolerated, so the old minister believes that it is necessary to send troops to destroy it as soon as possible, in order to restore the tranquility and tranquility of the prehistoric land, and let the tribe and other tribes feel the blessing and majesty of the heaven!

"What Immortal Taibai said is very true, and Wei Shen also thinks so!"

"..yes, Your Majesty, you don't need to have any compassion for these monsters who are chaotic and disregard the laws of heaven, you just need to do your best to exterminate them!

"Dashan, Your Majesty, that's how it should be, for those evildoers, it is necessary to use thunder to destroy them!

"Your Majesty, Wei Shen agrees, and please decree that the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals will be dispatched to kill the chaotic evildoers as soon as possible, so as to return the prehistoric land to a bright future!"

After Taijinxing took the lead in speaking, the other immortal officials also appeared one after another, expressing their views one after another.

In this matter, as the immortal officials of the heavenly court, these people naturally have no tolerance for those rampant demon clan who are in chaos, and immediately unified their opinions.

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor at the top nodded slightly, and then said decisively: "Okay, then according to the wishes of the ministers, come and wear it!

"The end is here!"

A heavenly general immediately went out to worship and listened.

The Jade Emperor decreed with a solemn face: "Tell me my will, start immediately, and immediately order thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals to go down to earth to destroy demons, and there must be no mistake!"

"Yes, the commander-in-chief!!

After receiving the decree, the celestial general immediately bowed to the Jade Emperor, then turned around and left, preparing to order troops and horses and immediately descend to the earth to eliminate demons!

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