In order to win over Yang Jian, the Jade Emperor was generous with the reward this time!

Not only has he rewarded many exotic treasures, but he has also been directly appointed as the War Demon General, which is simply beyond the expectations of the civil and military immortal officials.

Except for Taibaijinxing and Ao Lie, the other immortal officials all looked envious, but they did not dare to be jealous.

After all, Yang Jian is the top expert of Daluo Jinxian. It is indeed a rare talent for Heavenly Court. Although the Jade Emperor can give him such an official position, although it is a little surprising, it is also reasonable, and Yang Jian can fully bear it. Therefore, Naturally, other immortal officials will not be jealous.

As for Ao Lie, he had been awarded the position of the Great Demon Suppressing General long before Yang Jian ascended to heaven. It can be said that Ao Lie and Yang Jian have equal status, and both were placed in high hopes by the Jade Emperor, hoping that they would be able to pacify the Demon Demon!

Yang Jian immediately thanked him and said, "My minister, Yang Jian, will obey the decree, and thank your majesty for your grace-!!"

From this moment on, Yang Jian is no longer a white body, but a military general with an important official position in the heavenly court.

It was also at this moment that Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. All hesitation and entanglement disappeared. Once it came, he was at ease. At this time, he had already boarded the chariot of Heaven, and it was impossible to think about it any more, so Yang Jian only Be able to strengthen your confidence and follow in the footsteps of the Jade Emperor.


The Jade Emperor smiled in satisfaction, and then directly ordered: "If this is the case, then I will order the two generals, Zhanmo General and Dangmo General, to be solely responsible for the operation of destroying demons. You two will lead the troops to fight, and you must give me a satisfaction. Result! 55

At the end, the Jade Emperor's tone became solemn and serious again, obviously attaching great importance to the final result.

Yang Jian and Ao Lie naturally heard this, and they were also full of confidence in leading their troops to fight together, and immediately came out to lead the order again: "Yes, the minister obeys the order!

The two of them didn't say anything that would definitely lead to a triumphant return or some sworn words, but their short and firm tone made the Jade Emperor feel confident.

Ao Lie and Yang Jian immediately took their orders and took over the command of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

As soon as Ao Lie and Yang Jian had a brief discussion, they immediately ordered troops to fight, and took the lead in leading tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers to descend to earth again.

This time, Ao Lie and Yang Jian went straight to Xiniu Hezhou. Because Xiniu Hezhou is the most turbulent place, they plan to completely pacify this place where the remnants of the demon clan gather, and then deal with the turmoil in the other three continents. Slowly suppress, then the unrest can be calmed down!

Soon, Yang Jian and Ao Lie each took the lead in leading millions of heavenly soldiers to descend directly on Hezhou of Xiniu.

"Brother Ao, according to your wishes, what should you do now?"

Looking at the vast land of Xiniu Hezhou that had been ravaged by the demon clan, Yang Jian asked Ao Lie directly.

・・Ask for flowers・・・

Ao Lie did not refuse, and since he had already made a draft, he said decisively: "Of course, we have gathered our troops to suppress it strongly. Now that you and I have been dispatched, we will not give those monsters any chance. Just push it horizontally, what does Brother Yang think?

"Great goodness!!"

Yang Jian smiled, nodded and praised immediately, and also expressed his approval!

It can be said that the two of them not only have the same cultivation base and conduct, but also have similar strategies. After two cooperations, they have already formed some tacit understanding, and this action has also directly reached a unified opinion.

Ao Lie also smiled and said: "If that's the case, let's start, the majesty of the heavenly court cannot be desecrated, and the laws of the heavenly court cannot be trampled on, today we will smash this Western Niu Hezhou!!

Having said that, Ao Lie pointed his spear sharply forward, and the tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals immediately received the order, immediately refreshed, and then flew towards the front and went straight to the place where the demon clan gathered.

Since Xiniu Hezhou is the place where most of the demon clan's remnants gather, it is naturally extremely simple to find those demon clans. Moreover, the tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in the heavenly court do not hide their whereabouts at all, so they are naturally caught by the demons immediately. The clan noticed.

Therefore, without any accident, after the two sides discovered each other's whereabouts, the war resumed! Beg.


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