At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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There is no fluctuation, but with a deadly murderous intent!

Gu Huang didn't even know that the flying knife that appeared silently behind him was the most terrifying killer move!

At this time, all Gu Huang's attention was focused on the shrouded Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda and the Divine Light of World Destruction. Because of the reasons that could not be avoided, Gu Huang could only use the bottom of the box to resist.

"Damn, who is this person? Why are there so many treasures and such terrifying strength?"

At this time, Gu Huang’s heart is full of resentment and remorse. He has made up his mind. As long as he survives this wave of offensive, he will break through this world immediately, even if he pays a heavy price for this, it will be better than losing his life. Good stay!

Thinking of this, Gu Huang roared again, and the huge body of the whole person became as solid as a rock, as unbreakable as a copper wall and an iron wall, and more than ten defensive magic weapons flying all over the body were also fully motivated, forming a line in the outer layer. line of defense.

This is exactly the confidence of Gu Huang's determination to resist the world-destroying divine light and the Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda!

In the next moment, the Xuanhuang Nine-Story Pagoda and the World-Destroying Divine Light arrive successively!

The Xuanhuang Nine-Story Pagoda has turned into a huge pagoda that is more than a hundred feet high. When it flashed above Gu Huang's head, the bottom of the Xuanhuang Nine-Story Pagoda immediately shone brightly, and a sturdy black-yellow-colored piece shot straight down, completely shrouding Ancient Desolate in it. .

At this time, Gu Huang suddenly felt that his whole person, including the more than ten defensive magic weapons around him, as well as the mana in his body, were all stagnant, as if time had stopped.

This is precisely the great power of the time-honored Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda, which can immobilize the enemy and make the time and space within three feet of the target stop.

It has to be said that this Xuanhuang Nine-Story Pagoda is indeed an excellent treasure that integrates attack, defense and field control, especially in the hands of such a powerful person as Ji Han, it has exerted an unimaginable miraculous effect!

At this moment, Gu Huang knew that something was wrong, and he was completely panicked.


Gu Huang wanted to roar loudly again, and wanted to mobilize the mana of his entire body to break through the control of the Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda. He knew that if he could not get rid of the control, the fate would be absolutely unimaginable!

But how could the Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda controlled by Ji Han be so easy to break free?

Gu Huang's roar couldn't be released at all, he could only hold it in his throat, and the whole person couldn't even move a bit.

In the next breath, a dark beam of light with a lethal aura instantly bombarded Gu Huang.


The more than ten defensive magic weapons around Guhuang can't have any defensive effect at all, or their defenses are completely paper-like in front of the world-destroying divine light, which is like a lasing from the sky. The incoming laser pierced through the dozen or so defensive magic weapons with a puff, and the World Destruction Divine Light irradiated Gu Huang without the slightest stagnation.


As long as Gu Huang is given two more breaths, Gu Huang is confident that he can break free from the time control of the Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda, but when the World Destruction Divine Light bombarded him, Gu Huang's huge body instantly stiffened, and his throat was just now. The roar he wanted to make suddenly turned into an unconscious "ho ho" sound, as if he could not control himself, and even his eyes began to dim, mixed with panic and despair.

At this moment, Gu Huang really became completely desperate, because he found that not only could he no longer be able to break free from the control of the Xuanhuang Nine-story Pagoda, but he was even transforming in the direction of the magic puppet. The miraculous effect of light can transform the target into a world-destroying puppet. Once the transformation begins, it is completely irreversible!

At this moment, Gu Huang couldn't even do his best, Ji Han didn't give him this chance at all!

However, Ji Han's offensive has not really ended. The next moment, a blood-red flying knife more than one meter long pierced through the void slowly and quickly, like an electric light, straight across the ancient wasteland's neck!

This knife is the blood-turning divine knife!

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