At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Thinking of the terrifying power of the three great treasures in his hands, Ji Han couldn't help feeling very good for a while!

With these three treasures in hand, Ji Han's cards and confidence will be even stronger in the future!

When Lu Bu and the others in the distance saw Ji Han finally beheading Gu Huang, they were overjoyed and flew over immediately.

"Sir, what should I do with this person's corpse?"

After coming to Ji Han, Lu Bu asked respectfully.

At this time, although Gu Huang had been killed by Ji Han, his huge body and huge head had not fallen to the ground, but were suspended in the air strangely, and no blood had flowed out.

Looking at the dead body of Gu Huang, but it still looked oppressive, Lu Bu and the others subconsciously swallowed, and they couldn't help but sigh inwardly at Gu Huang's power and terror.

The aftermath of the battle between Gu Huang and Ji Han just now made Lu Bu and the others, who were far apart, feel their heart palpitations, and they didn't dare to approach at all.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Bu and the others did not dare to dispose of Gu Huang's corpse without authorization, but instead asked Ji Han's opinion.

Ji Han also focused his attention on Gu Huang's dead corpse at this time. He found that even though Gu Huang had already died, his terrifying aura had not dissipated much, and it was still astonishing. If it is an ordinary immortal cultivator approaching, they may be crushed and suffocated, and if their cultivation is not at the realm of Yuanxian, they cannot even approach!

Seeing that Gu Huang's corpse is so strange, except for the identity of the head, it is not much different from the ordinary body, as if Gu Huang had never died, it is very mysterious, and Ji Han is quite surprised!

After thinking about it, Ji Han didn't immediately answer Lu Bu and the others, but approached Gu Huang's corpse and began to examine it.

After the previous battle with Gu Huang, Ji Han has learned a lot about the ancient people, and Gu Huang's terrifying strength, as well as his extremely powerful body, have left a deep impression on Ji Han.

If it weren't for Ji Han's stronger strength and the treasure with three terrifying powers, he might not be able to suppress Gu Huang, let alone kill him.

Therefore, Ji Han still has some ideas about Gu Huang's extremely powerful body.

After all, Ji Han's body is actually not strong, and compared with the ancient wilderness, it is a world apart. If Ji Han can have a body as powerful as the ancient wilderness, then Ji Han's strength will usher in a skyrocket again.

It's just that the powerful body seems to be born by the ancient people, but Ji Han is very difficult to have.

Thinking of the ancient clan, Ji Han also thought of Guixu Divine Realm. Ji Han did not expect that outside the Great Desolation, there are not only three thousand big worlds and many small worlds, but also such a mysterious and strange place as Guixu Divine Realm. Moreover, there are actually various powerful races in the Returning Ruins God Realm.

・・For flowers...  

Now that I think about it, the place of Guixu God Territory is not only mysterious, but it also sounds like a very scary place, which should not be underestimated.

According to what Gu Huang said, in the God Realm of Returning Ruins, there are all kinds of powerful ancient gods, as well as the great powers of various tyrannical races. I don’t know how many are scarier than Gu Huang. Han naturally did not dare to have any contempt.


Just thinking about it, even if he knew about the place of Guixu God Territory, Ji Han would not have any thoughts on Guixu God Territory.

As a result, Ji Han's current strength is not enough to enter the God Realm of Returning Ruins to show off his power. In such a mysterious and terrifying place, it is unknown how many terrifying existences exist for hundreds of millions of years. Before Ji Han has absolute strength Who would have any idea about it!

Second, Ji Han has not completed the layout of the prehistoric wasteland, so naturally he will not ask for trouble, and distract his energy to explore the unknown and mysterious place of Guixu Divine Realm, so as to avoid unnecessary losses to himself.

Of course, for someone like Gu Huang who bumped into his hands, that's another story!

Thinking of this, Ji Han looked at Gu Huang's corpse, and after sensing the strength of that body, his eyes gradually lit up.

Because Ji Han has other plans, he has come up with a better solution for Gu Huang's powerful body! Beg.


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