At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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"Lie Qing!!"

"Be careful!! 99

"Flick away!!

Seeing this scene, Lie Yun and the others glared angrily and couldn't help shouting anxiously.

And Lie Qing, who was at the end, had obviously felt the sound of the wind coming from behind him, as well as the fierceness that was approaching quickly. His face turned pale, and he didn't have time to dodge. He was about to be pierced by the liger. Heart up!

Lie Yan and Wu He, who were running in front, couldn't help but look back after hearing the screams. , They were also desperate, because they found that they couldn't save it at all.

However, just when Lie Qing thought he was going to be buried here and wanted to fight with all his might, a shocking roar suddenly sounded.


This huge roar is like a thunder that hits straight down from nine days, not only resounding in the ears of Lie Qing and others, but also seems to have a trace of imposing momentum and supernatural power that can't be concealed. There was a slight pause in the air, as if shocked by the huge roar.

In the next breath, just as the liger was shocked by the giant roar, an equally huge figure flashed directly behind Lie Qing as if teleporting, facing the liger.


The gigantic figure shouted loudly, raised its huge fist and slammed it down on the liger.

bang bang bang!!!

Because the liger swooped forward, it had not yet landed on the ground, and was shocked by the huge roar for a moment, so it was completely unable to dodge the fists that fell madly. For a time, the continuous sound of fists hitting the flesh came one after another.

"Guhuang brothers??"

It was only at this moment that Lie Yun and the others reacted. Looking at the huge figure facing the liger, they not only cried out in ecstasy.

That's right, that person was Ji Han. When he saw that Lie Qing was in danger, he didn't have time to think about it, and he didn't want to hide his strength.

At this moment, Lie Qing, who had escaped from the dead, was dumbly turning around and looking at Ji Han's extremely tyrannical figure, his eyes were full of blankness, he did not expect that he would actually survive.

Therefore, Lie Qing was full of disbelief at first, then ecstasy and fear flooded into his heart, and then, looking at Ji Han who rescued him, Lie Qing's eyes were full of admiration and gratitude, for a while. , he actually froze in place.

At this moment, Lie Yun, who had reacted, immediately shouted: "Quick, Lie Qing, come here!!"

Lie Yun's shouting woke up Lie Qing, Lie Qing hesitated for a moment, and then quickly joined with Lie Yun and the others.

At this time, the liger seemed to have been stunned by Ji Han's sudden attack. After more than ten punches from Ji Han, he didn't respond, but was hammered from mid-air to the ground by Ji Han.

"Roar!! 35

After a while, the liger woke up from its stupefied state, and felt the heavy punches falling from its body. The liger suddenly surged in anger, roared wildly, and was about to break free from Ji Han's control.

But how could Ji Han give it this chance, the next breath, before the liger flies up into the air again, Ji Han sneered, stretched out his palms, turned his hands into knives, and moved towards the two ligers in unison. He slashed the meat wings hard.


Hearing a puff, the liger's two pairs of more than ten feet long fleshy wings were directly slashed by Ji Han's two hand knives, and the liger's flying ability was instantly abolished.


Being severely injured, the liger roared even more mournfully under the pain, and its two sharp front claws grabbed Ji Han directly, obviously wanting Ji Han to experience the pain of being severely injured.

However, Ji 4.3 Han sneered and said, "Hmph, are you still trying to be aggressive?"

I saw that Ji Han was evasive, and he jumped forward to meet the two sharp claws of the liger, and the whole person slammed into the liger that could no longer fly.

And the two sharp claws of the liger naturally grabbed Ji Han without any hindrance.

The liger's painful eyes not only showed a hint of happiness, but it was as if he had seen the scene where Ji Han was torn in half by its sharp claws!

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