! !

Midong took the remaining officers of Australia and Asia away from the sea and returned to the depths of the Gobi Desert.

Later, it was discovered that the previous group of Australian and Asian nationals who had originally left were staying in place waiting for them.

It turned out that the previous batch of Australian and Asian nationals saw their situation through the international network.

At first, everyone wanted to come back and help, but the family was dragged along, so they chose to wait in place.

After everyone gathered together.

Midong regained his confidence, no matter what, he is now in Yazhou, and there are more things waiting for him to do.

"Chief Midong! It's Commander Midong here, oh, they are all fine."

"Huh, it's okay."

"Well, why didn't you see it."

"...Was killed."


Midong looked at the sky, and the huge moon shrouded the sky, illuminating the Gobi Desert with an excellent view.

"Let's take a rest. Let's spend the night here today. Let everyone take off their wet clothes and let them dry. It will be dry soon."

"In fact, we can wait until the tide ebbs tomorrow, and then go back. We should be able to find a lot of supplies and luggage."


"Hey, Australia, Australia, has lost all our supplies, and we don't know how to live again in the future."

Midong said in a deep voice: "We can organize people to go fishing in the sea to survive this period of food shortage. When we arrive in Muzbek, we will immediately build houses and reclaim the land."

"Midong, we trust you."

Everyone rested in place, and there were a lot of people in Australia and Asia, and slowly a large area of ​​the Gobi Desert was full of people.

At this time, rows of flashing bright lights appeared in the sky, followed by the roar of the propellers.

"Ah!! Look, what is that."

"It's a helicopter!! It's a lot of helicopters!!"

"There is something hanging under the helicopter, ah."

"God, that's armored vehicles, these... there are many armored vehicles hanging under the helicopter!"


Midong looked at a large swath of helicopters flying in the sky in shock.

By his side, all the officials of Australia and Asia were stunned.

All survivors in Australia were stunned.

The scene of countless transport helicopters hanging large pieces of armored vehicles and transport vehicles is really shocking.

Next to Midong, the chief in charge of national police affairs shouted in shock: "Ah, that is the transport helicopter of the Long Kingdom. The one hanging below, that is!!"

"Our resource cart!"

The special operations team headed by Jiang Zhe arrived first in a transport helicopter.They passed over the heads of the temporarily stationed in Australia and Asia, flew for a long distance on the Gobi ahead, and then slowly lowered their altitude.

After that, the rope dangling the resource cart snapped and disconnected.

One by one, resource vehicles were steadily placed on the Gobi Desert.

All the citizens of Australia and Asia looked at this scene in disbelief, these resource vehicles, Dragon Kingdom actually returned.

After Jiang Zhe hovered at a certain height in the helicopter, he turned on the huge loudspeaker on board.

He said lightly: "Australia and Asia's transport truck forgot to take away. Our Dragon Kingdom has never taken a small advantage. These items are not included in the items traded by our two parties. Now they are all returned to you."

"The transport vehicle includes temporary storage of weapons, daily supplies, medical supplies, food supplies, and some of your livestock except for cattle and herds. The Longguo transport military aircraft has all been returned, please come out, the Chief Executive Midong of Australia and Asia. acceptance."

"Chief Midong, please come over!"


On the Gobi Desert, Jiang Zhe's words echoed.

This sentence pierced the hearts of everyone in Australia, Long Guo, unexpectedly sent back all the materials that...Australia did not take away.

My god...Long Guo believes in his words, and he didn't leave anything else. What kind of country is this, and what kind of people is this.

Many people felt a sense of shame in their hearts, and many people cried as they watched the pieces of the material truck that were put down.

The chiefs of Australia and Asia turned to Midong one after another.

"We...we were wrong, and we were wrong. If we worked hard to do the work of the people in the first place, we would be able to enter Yazhou safely."

"Yes, the country of Dragon Kingdom is so different. This country is powerful and self-disciplined, but rigorous but still optimistic. In this kind of global catastrophe environment, it can maintain basic civilization."

"All countries are in chaos. I am afraid that only the Dragon Kingdom still maintains the humanity of mankind."


Midong raised his head towards the sky, and slowly walked towards the helicopter hovering in mid-air under everyone's eyes.

The huge wind pressure of the propeller made Midon unable to lift his head, but his body was still straight.

Walking to the side of the helicopter, Midong was stunned.

Because, besides... the helicopter pilot, there is actually one person inside!! Su Jiu!! The young man at the pinnacle of power in the Dragon Kingdom.

The leader of the special task force.

Su Jiu beckoned to Midong, and immediately two fighters reached out and pulled him into the helicopter.

Sitting in the cabin of the transport helicopter, Midong looked at the handsome young man on the opposite side, and logically should hate him, but he knew the cause of the matter, but he couldn't hate it.

After a while, a sentence popped out: "Thank you!"

Su Jiu smiled: "Don't thank me, I don't deserve your thanks, Midong, I have discussed the issue of human nature with you. I believe that human nature is divided into good and evil, and the people of Long Country can distinguish between good and evil. "

Midong sighed. He lost on the issue of human nature. Originally, he thought Australia and Asia had basically perfect reserves, except for... what is needed for a strong military strength, but he didn't expect it to be wrong. .

"In fact, the people of Australia and Asia just want to pursue a better life..."

"Ha ha!!"

Su Jiu waved his hand to interrupt him, and still chuckled: "Aside from this, these resources are yours, and the Dragon Kingdom has no intention of occupying them. Our people in the Dragon Kingdom will not agree with us to be a robber. You take these resources back. Let the people of Australia live and cherish every hard-won day."

Midong nodded moved: "Thank you, Dragon Kingdom has performed so well in the face of the disaster. You did a really good job. We are ashamed."

Midong didn't talk for long. After getting off the helicopter, Su Jiu said one last word to him.

"Midong! As I said, you are very suitable for the Supreme Chief of Australia, haha, let them live hard, a better life should be created by yourself!"


All of Longguo's helicopters flew away, leaving behind a patch of military armored vehicles and a large number of transport vehicles on the Gobi Desert.

There is also an uproar on the international network.

"Oh, God, look at what Long Kingdom has done. They kept their promise and sent the Australians to Yazhou, and then sent back...Australia's supplies ."

"Long Guo is really commendable for doing this. They set a good example for all the survivors of Blue Star."

"Oh my God, is this nation still so ethical? Look at what all countries have become, and see what we have become."

"Kazakh has become the city of chaos, and bloodshed is happening every day because of competition for food."

"How could it be so good, bastard, our Sakura country just entered the central part of Yazhou but we were robbed of all the supplies by the Northern Bear country. We almost entered Kazakh bare butt."


The Dragon Kingdom network is also full of jubilation.

"Hey, no thanks, our Dragon Kingdom is... so excellent!"

"Xiu'er, our Dragon Kingdom won't be greedy for this little bargain. We can't have less of what should belong to us, and don't need more of what doesn't belong to us."

"We will accept the cattle, sheep and shepherds!!"

"Hey, the motherland handles international affairs too well, the wind of a big country!! What is the wind of a big country, please look at Dragon Country!"

"Look at your grateful look. As Long Country people, we can only be proud of our motherland."


Su Jiu followed the transport helicopters back to Qinghe Mansion one by one.

At this time, Qinghe Mansion had gathered no less than hundreds of thousands.

Although it was still night, many people came to greet them when they heard the news that the Dragon Head Ship had returned to China.

The sea water on the grassland of Qinghe Mansion spread over the waist, and the waves on the sea were bigger than one, and people couldn't stand on the waves at all.

So these people can only stand on the high posts of Qinghe Mansion.

Seeing the helicopter group returning, everyone applauded loudly, cheers all over the mountains.

Dragon Kingdom did a great job this time.As for bringing the people of Australia and Asia into the deep sea, there is always a reason to drink and peck, and Dragon Kingdom cannot be kind.

Don't be merciful when you should show cruelty.

But the people of the Long Kingdom are upright and upright, and they cannot abandon their principles.

No amount of disaster can crush the backbone of the people of the Dragon Kingdom! The helicopter returns to the inside of the four arks.

It was not until 8 o'clock in the morning that the sea water on the grassland of Qinghe Mansion gradually receded.

Su Jiu ordered the hatch of the 9th-storey State Garden to be put down, and a cow and a flock of fluffy sheep appeared beside the hatch of the Ark.


A large shepherd dog rushed out first, they ran wildly on the hatch extending downward, and then roared at the...slightly timid cattle and sheep!! After the group waited for thousands of shepherd dogs to go out, they dared to come out, and groups followed the shepherd dogs to the grassland of Qinghe Mansion.

The sea hasn't completely receded, and some smaller shepherds even have to swim in the sea with a dog planer to float.

The cattle and sheep are just right, and the sea water that flows over the calves will not hinder them from moving forward.

"Wow!! That's the Australian Shepherd Dogs, they are so handsome, they are a bit strong."

"A few thousand shepherd dogs can manage these...the cattle and herds are too exaggerated."

"I like the big black and white dog, and the brown and white dog. What kind of dog is that."

"That's a Springer Spaniel! Big ears, that's handsome."

"This shepherd dog, there are many people who are good at raising shepherd dogs in our plateau government, so we can take care of them."

"Are you all focused on the shepherd dog? Although it is very handsome, don't you see so many cows? Hahaha, my God..., our children in Long Country can drink milk again !"


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