! Full disaster! !

June 8.

The sky of the Dragon Kingdom was shrouded in a cloud of darkness.

The cumulonimbus clouds in the sky continue to thicken and expand, and it has been drizzling for several days.

But there is still no feeling of turning the clouds and seeing the sun.

Until now, everyone has realized something, the entire territory of the Dragon Kingdom is enveloped in bleak moisture.

Pieces of yurts occupying the entire grassland are surrounded by thick wooden piles, and some of them are even directly inserted with thick-thigh logs.The yurts are tightly enclosed, and the windows are sealed.

Everyone stays at home and can view the domestic scene through satellites, and the Internet.

It was shocking.

This extreme weather was created by humans, and the Dragon Kingdom already has this ability to control natural weather.

too strong.

"Oh my God!!, thinking carefully, I am terrified. Recently, fighters are flying in the sky every day. It turns out that we are creating a huge cumulonimbus cloud!"

"Too great, I feel that this kind of ability has stood proudly above nature..."

"Ah, it's not so exaggerated. If we stand proudly above nature, we won't be forced to this point by the ocean."

"Haha, that feels so awesome, I haven't seen the sun for two days now, this will have to be a huge rainstorm."

"That's the case. Fortunately, the snow on the holy mountain has already melted, otherwise there may be flash floods."

"Don't worry, we have made preparations. Now we are very close to the coastline. These... rainwater will flow into the sea quickly. You don't have to worry about floods, it's just rain."

"I finally know what the large-scale plan of our Dragon Kingdom is. This is to directly confront the interstellar dust."

"Yes, interstellar dust is just a special kind of dust, as long as you don't let them drift freely, but our Dragon Kingdom is really too violent, and we actually intend to stop this dust storm directly."


Northern Bear Kingdom looked at the large cumulonimbus clouds that hung over Long Kingdom in shock.

"My God, what the Dragon Kingdom is doing, they actually plan to directly fight the interstellar dust."

The Northern Bear Kingdom looked at the Dragon Kingdom shrouded in darkness in shock.

"No wonder they didn't choose to rebuild their living environment. They didn't worry about the impact of the sandstorm on the yurt. Who came up with this idea? It's so shocking."

"It must be a special task force. I think the Longguo special task force has been in this period of time: mobilizing the people to consolidate their homes."

"Yes, they have already harvested all the crops on the land of the Dragon Kingdom, and the grain reserves of the Dragon Kingdom have increased."

"Look at Long Country's methods, and then at ours, we are like a group of clowns!!"

"Why didn't we use artificial rainfall to cover the whole territory? We only need to cover the area of ​​the new city."

"Is it too late now?"

"It's too late. Ordinary artificial rainfall can be good for one hour."

"Long Country is too smart. The earth has been roasted by a high temperature of 50 degrees for so long and it has hardly rained. The blue star is enveloped by the ocean, and the humidity in the sky is absolutely high. They directly use the weather to fight the weather! Too smart. "

The Northern Bear Country pointed his finger on the desk and said in a deep voice, "Is it possible that the dust storm will blow the cumulonimbus to our Northern Bear Country, can we get the cumulonimbus here?"

The scientists at the scene looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "Although the dust storm is called a storm, it is not entirely wind, and there is almost no possibility of blowing the cumulonimbus cloud."

"Yes, you can think of a dust storm as a locust that covers the sky and the sun. A huge number of them rushes down, and repeated wear and tear can tear a lot of things, but the weakness is that its mass is small and it is easy to be blocked."

"The storm will definitely appear, but it's not as violent as expected."

"Therefore, it is unlikely that the cumulonimbus cloud of Long Country will be blown to Northern Bear Country by natural wind."

Everyone sighed after hearing the words: "Unfortunately, I didn't realize Long Guo's plan, otherwise we could do it by copying and studying."

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of Northern Bear Country.

Long Guo has this method, but he does not choose to inform the humans around the world.Is this wanting to sit and watch the jokes of other regions. If Su Jiu is here, he will definitely laugh.

Nature must obey the law of conservation of energy.

The large area of ​​cumulonimbus in Longguo almost emptied all the water vapor in the air.

All the water vapor gathered on the head of the Dragon Kingdom.

Make it public and let the countries compete for these...Do you want to accumulate, let alone the continuous rainfall, it will be good if it can be rained for two or three days.

Besides, this huge rainstorm area with Long Country is here, and other areas may be less affected by dust storms.

Although it is actually a pitfall of various countries, it is not too much.

...June 9th.

The morning light on this day did not arrive as scheduled, and the entire Yazhou was dim, and the light was almost blocked.

A pale yellow dusty air was pressed down from the air, and after passing through the atmosphere, the speed of this abruptly colored airflow gradually increased.

In the upper stratosphere and stratosphere of the atmosphere, huge whirlwinds formed into the blue star.

The interstellar dust is shunted, and this shunt will completely cover the sky above the blue star within a few days, which is enough to turn the blue star's blue sky into a pale yellow.

All humans in all parts of Yazhou are almost shrouded in an atmosphere of panic.

Everyone closed their homes and hid in their respective residences.

Everyone has nothing to do, and after shutting themselves up at home, this kind of panic is... alleviated a lot.

After all, it is now rare to have a shelter from the wind and rain.

Through the satellites and network channels of various countries, everyone can see the situation in all parts of Yazhou.

"Ou Mika, look at it, it's windy! It's windy, and the wind is blowing the...yellow dust over."

"Oh my God, the whole sky is covered, and the sky is getting darker."

"God, these...what the hell are these ghosts?"

"Like a sandstorm!! That's a sandstorm coming."

"Fak, why do I feel that our house can't stop these...Dust, everyone quickly check the gaps in the house, you will die if you suck this kind of dust."

"!! Don't panic anymore, everyone is already very scared, inhaling a small amount of dust will not die, just pay attention to cover your mouth and nose at home."


The survivors in Yazhou did panic.The panic spread quickly on the Internet, and everyone began to lose confidence in their simple houses that sheltered from the wind and rain.

If you were still in a modern city at this time, probably everyone would not be so scared.

Almost when everyone is upset.

In everyone's houses, dense ``cracking'' sounds began to appear on the windows of the windows, but there was hardly anything to see.

All you can see is that the color on the transparent glass is gradually turning yellow.

The crackling sound gradually increased.

The entire city, the entire resettlement area, and the entire Yazhou sounded similar to the impact of wind and sand.

The sound of people living in wooden houses is more intuitive, and the whole house is making a dull crashing sound.

In the sky of Yazhou, a yellow whirlwind is forming.

All human gathering areas are shrouded in a cloud of gray.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger.In just one hour, everyone living in a modern city looked at the windows completely covered by yellow dust, and could hardly see the outside situation.

The glass made an amazing and terrifying sound of "Kaka".

"Oh, Fuck, why do I feel this...The glass can't stop this sandstorm."

"Damn it, everyone is about to stick a softer thing against the glass, the dust covered is getting thicker and thicker."


Uzbek region.

Nearly a million people in the United States are hiding in the open mountain bunker of the space shuttle.

They have actually become the safest group of people.

They are enclosed by huge steel gates built along the mountain.

There are power generation equipment in the mountain.

Millions of people gathered inside, except for... it was crowded, there seemed to be almost nothing wrong.

"Haha, look at it, the dust storm outside can't get in, we are safe, haha, the whole Yazhou is probably the safest here."

"It's very nice here, maybe we can continue to widen the mountain in the future, so that everyone can live in it in the future."

"Fak, I'm not going to live in the mouse hole, it's too depressing here."

"As for the food, aren't there still a lot of supplies in the warehouse that can't be taken away? Get them out quickly."

"Go and get it yourself, there are too many people, and they have already been robbed."

"Fak, there is a lot of food, no need to grab it."

"Whoever listens to you, don't rush to grab it, it will be gone late, I grabbed a box of canned beef."

"Oh, you lunatics, can't you keep order?"


The Americans who advocate so-called freedom can only understand how free they are now.No one cares about everything and no one restricts it.

They are a group of people who have truly gained freedom.

The Australians, who are also in Vuzbek, have weapons and equipment.Because they are relocating across the country, they have perfect talents in all aspects, and they have cleaned up this barren city in a short period of time.

Midong stood in the dim meeting room, while...the huge floor-to-ceiling windows were covered with yellow dust, and there was still a crackling sound on the glass.

Hardly need to think about it, the wind and sand are already everywhere outside.

This kind of dust storm doesn't know how long it will last.Now if there are people outside, it is absolutely impossible to breathe.

Take a breath, and immediately a large amount of dust will rush into the respiratory tract. There is no need to wait for the radiation of this dust to take effect, and people will be suffocated alive! Midon looked solemnly at the huge satellite in front of him, in the video, The yellowish squally wind formed countless small tornadoes in the city, raging in the city.

The city that had just been cleaned out immediately became: covered with layers of yellow powder.

Midong asked in a deep voice, "Turn the screen to the Dragon Kingdom and see how it is doing in the Dragon Kingdom."

The expressions of all the officials present became weird, because, judging from the current reactions of various countries on the Internet.

The people of the Long Kingdom now seem to be...very happy———————————— To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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