! Super strong! !

A large number of people from the Long Kingdom followed the Ark fleet to Xuanwu Island.

Although I have seen the video of Xuanwu Island on the video data, when I actually saw it, everyone was shocked by the 10,000-meter sacred mountain in front of them.

This sacred mountain is equivalent to the formation of two plates close to each other, and there is even a strait similar to a line of sky in the middle.

This kind of mountain seems extremely majestic, but it is very dangerous.No one knows when it will fall.

But even so, the Dragon Kingdom still wants to build the Xuanwu Island that appears next to it.

If done well, Longguo's meat reserves can be greatly replenished.

From the Ark, many steel resources collected on the seabed were put on Xuanwu Island by the transport plane.

The workers of Longguo began to build a new steelmaking plant, and the people of the engineering group notified the multi-faceted construction of everyone's living area and dormitory area.

The most important thing is the conversion and treatment of fresh water.There is not even a single grass on Xuanwu Island, and of course there can be no fresh water.

This is something that the people of the engineering group need to solve immediately.

Su Jiu took Lin Guodong and others aboard the aircraft carrier that was dragged to the side of Xuanwu Island.

This aircraft carrier was a little damaged when it was underwater, and there were some problems with the nuclear power it carried, but the problem was not big.

Longguo is very experienced in the development and construction of aircraft carriers, but repairs should be completed soon, because the ships of the aircraft carrier level themselves are very strict in various protection tasks, and some key cabins are not damaged. Basically, there will be no water.

Fortunately, it doesn't need to be completely repaired, don't let that be a waste of time.

Su Jiu really intends to use this aircraft carrier as a transit platform for collecting seafood.

Mufeng's engineering unit installed a huge gantry crane on the tail of the aircraft carrier.

After careful inspection of the aircraft carrier, they figured it out.

Su Jiu pointed to the stern and said: "Put a set of very large trawl equipment on the stern of the aircraft carrier and transform it into a trawl aircraft carrier."

It is really new that an aircraft carrier has been transformed into a processing plant for processing seafood at sea.

August 3, 2.

The fastest transformation is...the aircraft carrier, because the aircraft carrier itself is well-equipped and just installed.

Shang Ke smiled and walked out of the aircraft carrier's cabin organized by the aircraft carrier. "Team leader, a large refrigeration cold storage has been modified inside, and a full set of trawl equipment has been installed."

Su Jiu laughed: "Okay, get this aircraft carrier out first.

Drive to the border between the West and the Great India."

Then he turned to Lin Guodong and said, "Let the people on Xuanwu Island get ready, let's try it first."

Su Jiu always likes to leave professional things to professional people.

There are many fishermen in Longguo, and as many as 500 people participated in fishing on the aircraft carrier this time.

All are professional fishermen and fishermen sailors.

Not to mention the millions of workers who build seafood processing plants on Xuanwu Island.

Lin Guodong went to the aircraft carrier's control room, these... fishermen don't know how to fly an aircraft carrier, the main operators are people from the Long Kingdom Navy.

Su Jiu, Shang Ke, and Lin Lan stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier, facing the sea breeze, and everyone was in a very good mood.

Shang Ke smiled: "Group leader, let's hide, the sun on the sea is too strong and it will sunburn the skin."

Su Jiu sneered: "Big man, thick skin, what does it matter?"

Shang Ke shook his head, and pointed at Lin Lan, who was standing upright in the sea breeze, "You don't care about yourself, but also care about the lady."

Su Jiu froze for a moment and showed an embarrassed expression.To tell you the truth, although Lin Lan has never officially started dating, but Su Jiu is a straight man, if it is not for Jiang Baiqiu to force one to come over, maybe He hasn't talked about a girlfriend until now.

Su Jiu is not low in EQ, just subconsciously ignore it.

Lin Lan wears a blue beret, although she said it doesn't matter.

But Su Jiu still moved his position and found an indoor observation tower to sit on.

When the high-power air conditioner is turned on, everyone is relieved a lot.

The current temperature of Blue Star is indeed too high.

Standing at the highest point of the aircraft carrier, he looked at the huge platform that had been polished again on the aircraft carrier, and he was quite satisfied.

The aircraft carrier drove until it stopped on the border of the two oceans, and there were three arks with him.

The dragon head ship, dragon scale ship and dragon tail ship, and the dragon body ship have other missions to the southern and northern hemispheres.

The other three arks approached the aircraft carrier from three directions.

In the control room of the aircraft carrier, a group of middle-aged men stood.

One of them, Liu Yang, was the deputy captain who had just been pulled up. He said to Lin Guodong: "Deputy Team Leader Lin, you can start putting the trawl net."

Lin Guodong laughed and called him and several other deputy captains over. Come here and do it yourself. We will stand by and teach you. We will be familiar with all aspects in the future, so we have to come out by ourselves."

Liu Yang rubbed his hands in excitement, "This, we are driving a trawler modified by an aircraft carrier. We really haven't tried it."

"Turn on the detection radar first."

After Lin Guodong personally demonstrated that he turned on the radar, he smiled and said: "There are hundreds of electronic detection fish, which can receive clear seabed images and display them in these positions. You will use this in the future. This requires more than two people to control these... ........Detecting fish."

Lin Guodong reached out and flipped a switch, and hundreds of probe fish under the aircraft carrier twisted their bodies and rushed out, very fast.

The three small display screens immediately showed the scene of the seabed.

If the display is switched, a total of hundreds of screens can be received.

at the same time.

At the forefront of the aircraft carrier, a large net of several kilometers was spread out in the sea water.As the sea water flows, this large net slowly opens.

This big net is specially made and is suitable for the ocean depth in many places of Blue Star now.

This is the aircraft carrier trawl.

There are many huge wheels on the part of this kind of trawl that sinks on the bottom of the sea.

The aircraft carrier trawl is very sturdy, and a large amount of superalloy steel wire is mixed when weaving it, and it is no problem to drag thousands of tons of fish at a time.

The aircraft carrier moved slowly under the command of these fish bosses.

Now the seabed creatures are flooding.

The seawaters of several oceans are completely mixed together, and there is no longer the previous water quality distinction.

It has caused the scope of marine life to expand countless times while also adapting to a variety of different water qualities.

In just a few months, marine life has flooded to an exaggerated level.

The aircraft carrier only walked a few hundred nautical miles.

Liu Yang said, "Tsk, Deputy Team Leader Lin, you can pull up the trawl net, it seems to be full."

Lin Guodong was shocked: "So fast"

Liu Yang laughed: "Indeed, we didn't expect that just chasing a school of fish can achieve such a big harvest. If this is before the disaster, then it will not be able to return to the sea every time."

Liu Yang's words caused the other ship bosses to laugh kindly.

The aircraft carrier maintained the attitude of continuing to move forward, but the underground trawl began to be slowly pulled up.

With the sound of mechanical pulling, the super-large trawl slowly pulled out of the sea.

A row of large gantry cranes installed on the aircraft carrier is responsible for the force, and it is no longer a problem to lift this net of hundreds of tons of marine fish.

As the huge trawl goes out to sea, countless sea areas in the full net bag are struggling.

These...The sea fish are different from the past, they are all very big.

Moreover, there are many varieties, and the large silk fish schools that have just been chasing account for the majority, but the aircraft carrier drags all the way, and there are too many marine fish species into the net.

The huge trawl net has been hoisted to the middle of the aircraft carrier, and the connecting line at the bottom of the trawl net is pulled apart by the sailors on the deck: together, the big net burst in an instant.

Sailors: I will always be here before: cooling the deck with ice water, and countless marine fish are dumped directly on the deck that has always been kept warm and humid.

"The Internet broke!"

"It's nearly a thousand tons at a time, haha, it's all big fish, it's great."

"Now that all blue stars are oceans, fishing feels much easier than before."

"It's so cool, it covers the deck of the aircraft carrier."


The hundreds of captains on the aircraft carrier quickly began to command the crowd to sort the catch.

They wore the special rubber clothes made by sailors and shuttled among the fish, and the aircraft carrier opened several hatches directly connected to the middle water tank of the aircraft carrier.

They just use tools to push these...Marine fish directly.

The sorting work belongs to those...If you see poisonous or inedible corals, all the reefs have to be cleaned up.

This kind of work is fast, otherwise the sea fish will be scorched a lot, and the temperature now is not as good as before.

"F*ck, brother, brother, come on, there is a dolphin here!"

"I also have one here."

"Captain sailor, what do you do with this dolphin here?"

The sailor is an old sailor for many years. He looked at the dolphins fluttering on the deck and said with a smile: "If it was before the disaster, we would definitely put it back into the sea. Now I don’t know. You continue to humidify, don’t cut off the water, I’ll ask. Ask."

Soon, this question was conveyed to the tower where Su Jiu was.

I still remember the scenes of dolphins and blue whales helping animals migrate.These little guys with high IQ in the ocean are definitely big enough now, which is much larger than some small performance-type killer whales.

Su Jiu sat behind the tower meter and directly said to the radio: "Push them back into the sea, our Dragon Kingdom does not have the habit of eating whale meat."

Marine creatures are used to the water pressure on the bottom of the sea.These...Dolphins must be sent back to the sea as soon as possible.

After dealing with the dolphins, the first net of marine fish ended, and the second net soon began again.

The Trawl Aircraft Carrier transformed by Longguo officially announced its success.

Su Jiu sat in the tower, smiled and tapped the headset in his ears.

"Switch to full frequency communication."

Soon, Su Jiu directly ordered the captains of the other three Ark ships of the Ark Fleet: "Dragon Scale Ship, Dragon Tail Ship, start now, go to those countries...that once had aircraft carriers, Those.........find out the aircraft carrier and bring it back!!!"

In the Ark Channel, immediately.

I remembered the voices of Song Chen and Cui Jie.

"Haha, well, we will set off now."

Qin Beiding asked, "Team leader, we also have several aircraft carriers in Longguo. They are all sunk in Longguobo Bay. Do you want to get them out?"

The Dragon Kingdom had made preparations in advance for withdrawing from the navy.Those...Although the warships must have been severely destroyed by the tsunami now, there may be many that can continue to serve.

Especially those aircraft carriers are being taken care of.

Su Jiu hadn't spoken yet, but Li Su Qingfeng's voice was remembered in the full-range communication.

"Dragonscale ships will go and see. If we can find them, we will find a way to get them back to the sea."

Su Jiu smiled when he heard his father's voice.It seemed that his father still couldn't let go of the ships...

"Let’s go to the waters of Longguo last, and wait for the trawl carrier to return to Xuanwu Island, and bring the first batch of catches back to supplement some fresh food."

Others can't help but nod their heads. Su Jiu is still very careful.

As a food reserve, it must be processed, but these... But raw seafood, naturally the fresher the better.

They set off in the morning and must rush back before night. When the aircraft carrier encounters huge waves of several hundred meters in the ocean, it will actually capsize, so it is best not to try. It does not matter if the aircraft carrier is lost, but there are many on board people.

When they first returned to Xuanwu Island, they were notified.

The dragon body ship that went to the northern and southern hemispheres to collect nuclear fuel from the United States returned two days ago.

The Dragon Ship brought back a lot of their nuclear fuel.

Su Jiu and the engineers of the task force will immediately start the research and development of new energy sources.Fortunately, this is not a new start.The destroyed American nuclear energy has already started for them.

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